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CHAPTER-2 Dr. Jabran and Robot Sunny


It’s three o’ clock in the morning. Dr. Jabran is sleeping in his bed room. The moment clock strikes three, a computer is switched on automatically. This is a talking robot computer named Sunny, and its digital voice says Bismillah (In the name Allah name) and calls Jabran;

“Mr. Jabran Mr. Jabran, please get up, a lot to be done by your shoulders. Get up, enlighten insight of yours and also your nation and bring your nation out from dreams and deep slumber”.

The computer digital voice repeats it many times until Jabran gets up hurriedly and talks to computer in anger;

“Oh my friend! Don’t talk too much; don’t disturb me useless, I had been awake. I can’t straight away get to work. If you teased me any further, I would switch you off; understand...”

“Rather than thanking me you have started complaints. The humans are always rude to the machines they made.” Computer digital voice complained.

This mini robot computer is an amazing invention of Dr. Jabran which has been developed and programmed in such a unique way that it counsels him in difficult times like a human and remains busy in talking with him continuously but when its talking becomes over, Jabran gets rid of him by switching it off. Its size is of a CD Rom drive and this robot is a testimony of Jabran’s skill and creativity. He is a software, hardware and electrical engineer, who had done his PhD in physics.

This 45 year genius had been assistant director in the Atomic Energy Commission of Zulimistan, well paid and settled but the anti- Islam activities and also cruel policies of Zulimistan forced him to leave Zulimistan with secrecy with many other Scientists and many of them came and now working in Pastan. No one knows about his whereabouts and about his colleagues.

After coming to Pastan he founded an organization which comprises the people who mostly fled from Zulimistan and they include the best scientists, industrialists and educationists. The name of this organization is Men For Peace. (MFP)

This organization had been working secretly and not openly. It is in its infancy. Because its members had been living in Zulimistan for many years so they were well aware of Zulimistan’s conspiracies and evil designed plans and policies about Muslims. They know well that, on one side, it poses to be a friend of Muslim countries and on the other hand, it secretly destroys these countries and the whole Jewish lobby fully supports always Zulimistan in its policies especially those against Islam. This is the dual Hippocratic mode of policies of Zulimistan that diverts Muslims more towards hatred behavior. This had been a double standard of its friendship that is different and negative for Muslims and positive for non-Muslim countries to whom it can do, give and cares for their interests with its all resources. This is total in justice and a solid base of non-stability and fragility of peace in the world.

Sunny inquires Jabran; “MFP, MFP, MFP, Mr. Jabran, what is the main aim of MFP and why did you make it..?”

Jabran replies;

“Look Sunny, The real aim of MFP is to tell the world and to unveil the Zulimistan atrocities which it keeps committing. Because of Zulimistan anti-Muslim aggressive policies, the world is dividing clearly in two groups and this is not good for world’s peace. So the world is divided into Islamic block on one side and Zulimistan and its allies on other side. This is the main reason that is destroying world’s peace and world long lasted unity, that is now over. Because of these, the terrorism is increasing day by day, moment by moment and the environments polluted with terrorist activities being flourished everywhere in the world and no one is safe. Business atmosphere is being destroyed because Asian countries don’t want to work with Zulimistan and its allies.”

Jabran takes a deep breath and becomes quiet for a while, looks worried and again speaks to Sunny.

“You see Sunny, in Christian countries the Muslims and in Muslim countries Christians find it difficult to safeguard their lives in spite of the fact that these are living there since many centuries. And this is all because of Zulimistan’s policies through which she wants to become a supreme power of world to rule the world or even to rule the universe.

The only obstacles in its way are those few Islamic countries which are self determined, always care for their self-integrity, which are afraid of Allah alone and not anyone else whosoever he is, and are egotistic. This situation is completely inacceptable for Zulimistan. In its might, it wants to destroy anything which stands before it.” Jabran completes his explanation about MFP.

Sunny added;

“And this is why MFP wants peace to prevail. People should live peacefully by putting aside their religious, linguistic ant geographical boundaries.”

“You are right sunny.” Jabran agreed with Sunny.

“And what about TTL, what it is..?” Sunny again inquires him.

“Yes, sunny, where so many wings of MFP are working there is a wing named TTL wing; in short that means teach the lesson by force who do not learn with words.” Jabran added more details about TTL.

This wing is especially headed by Dr. Jabran himself. Its’ motto rod is to teach a lesson to Zulimistan and that is the forgotten lesson of peace that has to be taught again to it.

TTL keeps on doing different experiments. They have set up latest laboratories with modern equipment in different parts of the world which are working with top security. A scientific experiment is carried out in different laboratories at the same time simultaneously so that in case the laboratory is destroyed or targeted by Zulimistan or its allies, other Labs continue with its work. In these days, TTL is working on a sensitive experiment and for this Dr. Jabran has to work round the clock. Jabran asks his mini robot Sunny computer:

“O’ sunny, what happened, why you are quiet…?” Dr. Jabran again repeats but the sunny is again quiet.

Jabran again tries to make him happy while saying impatiently and going to bath room:

“O’ friend why are you angry with me, you are going ahead of humans in becoming angry. This is not good; you are a machine, and a machine always follows humans.” He enters the bath room.

The sunny repeats his words two times;

“O’ friend, why are you angry with me, you are going ahead of humans in becoming angry. This is not good; you are a machine, and a machine always follows humans……O’ friend why you angry with me, you are going ahead of humans in becoming angry. This is not good; you are a machine, and a machine always follows humans.” The robot sunny echoes and laughs at Jabran.

In the meantime Jabran comes out of bathroom and while laughing at sunny, throws his towel on him and says; “OK, sleep down for a while, you had a lot.”

Sunny speaks while it is under towel;

“For God sake please pick the towel from me I am suffocated. I am feeling trouble. It seems that the whole sky has fallen on me.”

Jabran laughs loudly and says;

“Now it’s my turn to laugh at you, why were you mimicking me…? Laugh at me again.

“Sorry Sir, I will not do this again. After all you are super brain and also creator of me and if I make you angry then you might change my programming in my software that will trouble me.” Sunny retorted and scared a bit.

Jabran picks towel from him and yelled;

“Oh Shut up, Sunny, no creator wants to destroy his invention rather wants it to improve it all the time, do you understand Mr. Crazy man what I mean.”

Sunny mutters;

“Oh, oh, s..s..sir, I am understanding that you will stop this my talkative habit in my programming, will you..?”

“Good boy understands in time what I mean.” Jabran appreciates his intelligence. Now he holds sunny in his hands and goes to next room and says;

“Let’s work, we have had enough gossip.” Then sees at the clock and says;

“It 3.30am and I have to have very important phone meeting from Fugonton city with Mr. Imran.”

He opens the door of a computer lab and enters it. There many programmers are sitting in their computer tables and doing their computer work. One of his computer assistant Mr. Saeed lifts his head up, sees at Jabran coming while holding Sunny in his hand, and gets up and goes to him and tells him that Imran is on line just now and calling him for very special information to tell.

“Yes I know as Sunny told me when I awoke.” Jabran replied Mr. Saeed while sitting in his chair.

“You go to your work; I will talk to him now by my computer.” Jabran added.

Jabran holds keyboard, sees at monitor, presses some keyboard buttons and starts his computer work. Imran is online on the other side of net meeting and soon they start net meeting.

Imran says from net meeting;

“Dear Jabran, here is some bad news from my side in Zulimistan and it’s dangerous too.”

“Oh my friend! Why are you imposing emergencies on my nerves, please elaborate what you want to say...” Jabran inquires him while putting headphones in his ears.

Then Imran tells him about Zulimistan’s ‘Operation Get Universe’. As soon as Imran adds more details about this operation, the facial expressions of Jabran becoming in anger and he is looking upset. He is bemused and quiet.

Sunny utters;

‘‘What happened Mr. Jabran, why are you quiet…?”

Jabran feeling disturbance, moves forward his hand and switches off sunny robot and tries to focus himself towards the net meeting with great concentration. He becomes much worried, not want to listen Imran wordings thus switches off his computer. He remains quiet for some moments and then switches on his computer again.

“Why did you off the computer, and also the net meeting. Mr. Jabran ..?” Imran asked him through net meeting as they are now again online through net.

“I was worried for a while when I heard about their new cruel and satanic operation ‘get universe’ but now I am ok.” Jabran takes a deep breath and tries to satisfy Imran.

“Ok, but what about your new latest invention of Black Helmet..?” Imran inquires him.

“I have achieved enough success by the blessings of God in the creation of my amazing and wonderful invention Black Helmet, and it is near to complete to a greater extent. Only some adjustments are to be made like the matter of re charging and some other little problems but I will overcome all these hurdles and it will be completed very soon. Then I will tell to these white satanic international forces that our operation is more dangerous than their stupid operation ‘get universe’ and I will not let them to run.” Jabran gives him details and also reflects his determination and commitment about his plans.

“Best of luck Mr. Jabran, we have many expectations from your potentials and MFP is relying greatly on you. After Almighty God, you are our only hope otherwise this Muslim Ummah is ready to accept the slavery of Zulimistan and its allies for centuries. MFP will allow Zulimistan to neither make us their slaves nor let the Muslim Ummah to accept their slavery.”

Imran showed his worries and hopes simultaneously.

“No, no, that time will never come, Inshallah (God Willing), we will never let down our self integrities to any others. We will make stand our Muslim nations ahead of all other nations.” Jabran again declares his self determination to Imran.

“TTL wing of MFP will play Hell with these Satanic Zulimistanees which are playing killing games with innocent aggrieved humanities everywhere in the world in the name of so called war against terrorism. We will teach them the lesson for every single drop of blood which they have bled from innocent human bodies mostly of Muslims on every part of earth to fulfill their desire of ruling this world.” Imran yelled to support Jabran.

Then both close the net meeting.

The Rise Of Peace

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