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ОглавлениеParadise Lost
This is for that paradise lost
And how that wretched Satan accosts
Every generation of our souls
In quest to confound with that age-old riddle of original sin
Thus, it began where it always begins in our pandemonium
“The World was all before [us], where to choose
[our] place of rest, and Providence [our] guide
[We], hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow
Through Eden took our solitary way”
As did Adam, so did Eve
Step across the threshold of fiery swords sent to impede
Leaving but dust-laden footprints to mark the path
That free will chose
A memorial to innumerable curses
All but children of one fatal choice
Told forever in the greatest of all words
Burned eternal and forever reiterated
To satisfy this ignoble flesh
For that which I do I allow not
For what I would, that do I not
But what I hate, that do I
As it is written it is true
No man can serve two masters
Loyalty being such a fickle creature
Torn with eyes to the lamb
Hearts infected with bestial nature
Though reprehensible and immoral
Desires bear thoughts
Thoughts bear deeds and repercussions so deplorable
I chose
We chose
Because he elected her primacy
And now true orphans as none before in God’s fold
We journey as the seed never alone
Forced to bear the weight of the depth of our restraint
And the chains of our faith
The product of our folly to dance
In flames void of light
Our glory extinct
Swallowed in endless misery
Trapped eternal in sulfurous hail
Left to cry on suppliant knee
Eyes tied to a night without stars, without hope, without grace
Burning inferno without heat, only pain and sorrow
Hobbling on a barren plain that cannot harbor rest
Free of the conscience of the Almighty
And no marvel for Satan himself transformed into an angel of light
The lion and the wolf with heart as black as the darkest night
Since sin without form first sprang from Satan’s mind
This fatal cancer of his pride
With whom he with sin in pleasures so joyously entwined
Begot death who he himself could not surmount
Yet he with unyielding aim turned his sight toward the only pain deemed worthy of the victor’s aseity
Toward changing the nature of man’s heart from grace into seeds to grow
Not the fruit of Jehovah but of the world
For us to believe that the sweetness of our sin is freedom
Our minds not changed by place or circumstance
Nay, not even the promises beyond heaven’s gate
The happy fields where joy forever dwells
And the golden roads and mansions with peace eternal
Transfixed in feral instants unhindered to perseverate offense
And heap upon ourselves damnation
Our station sufficient in itself with choice
To make hell of heaven or heaven of hell
Isolated in the glory obscured by sin released
Ingloriously eclipsed with covenants of Azazel
Our travail to perceive
There was nothing good left in him only ill
That fallen cherubim of erred fate
Seamless victim of his own end
Infinite study of unconquerable will and immortal hate
His greatest strength the courage never to submit
And make all but God’s greatest man weak (for none deserve the glory)
And yet this titan of the gloomy deep
This archfiend of revenge stands reduced to but a tool of his father’s providence
For out of his evil to bring forth good ends
To YHWH always be the glory!