Читать книгу Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential - Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner - Страница 8

Your Conscious Mind


The conscious mind is the thinking portion of your mind. It is the me portion of the mind with self-awareness. The primary mechanism of the conscious mind is the field of attention which is usually directed outward. The conscious mind is the portion of the mind that you use every day to conduct your life. It is that conscious field that is used t o observe environments, interpret environments, and it allows you to make decisions. You use your conscious mind when you drop your two-year-old at an Early learning center, balance the check book, make a groceries list, focus on a business meeting or watch television. Things that pass through your conscious mind are easy to recall. For example you probably remember the last movie you watched.

The problem with the conscious mind is that your field of attention is limited. You can only focus upon one thing at a time and you conscious mind can only attend to one thought at a time. Because of this you are limited in how much information is available to you using your conscious mind only.

For example if you are trying to talk on the phone and watching a dialogue on the TV screen When you are focused on the conversation on the phone, the dialogue on the show is not captured by your conscious attention.. You attention shifts back and forth between the TV and your phone call. Any attempt to focus one precludes the other.. You may remember only a small fraction of the shows dialogue not the totality of both.

Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential

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