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What is it that arthritis, chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, celiac disease, psoriasis, diabetes, lupus, as well as many other diseases, have in common? At first glance they appear to be totally unrelated, yet, in the light of present day knowledge, they may very well be linked by a common denominator, hidden from view, but nevertheless held suspect as an underlying factor in many of mankind’s physical and even mental ailments.

I refer to a condition that probably existed since the dawn of history but was unrecognized until now: Intestinal Permeability or the Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS). The name is a perfect description of what can and does happen within our intestinal tract that manifests itself in a number of ailments that mankind is heir to. That’s the bad news. The good news is that these seemingly insurmountable problems can be helped, alleviated, and in many cases healed. Once the underlying cause of a problem is recognized, one can proceed to correct the situation in an intelligent, reasonable manner rather than in a haphazard “hit or miss” way. It puts a handle on things. You know what you are doing, and more important, you know why you are doing it.

The purpose of this volume is to shed more light on the subject based on experience rather than on theory or speculation. Evidence of the efficacy of this approach will be included in this work. A picture is still worth a thousand words, so I make use of illustrations and before-and-after photos to substantiate my claims. Having authored two books on the subject and having lectured on five continents about psoriasis and eczema using the concept of the “leaky gut” as the basis of my approach, I felt honored and deeply moved when Charles Thomas Cayce, President of the A.R.E., Virginia Beach, Virginia, called in March of 2006 and asked that I write a book on this subject since so many letters and reports came in over the years proving how effective and satisfying this approach has been to the many sufferers of these two diseases.

Without question I look upon the Leaky Gut Syndrome as the underlying culprit behind many of the diseases known to man. These illnesses will remain his legacy until the basic causes are recognized, addressed, and removed. Fortunately there are answers and remedies for such a condition that may astonish you. It is my purpose to reveal those answers as I have experienced and witnessed them, and prove to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, that Intestinal Permeability, or a Leaky Gut, is something to be taken seriously and not brushed aside as an interesting but unimportant theory-and that therapy of certain diseases will not necessarily begin on the end organ affected, but on the origin of the problem, namely, in many cases, the Leaky Gut.

Dr. John O.A. Pagano

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

October 2007

One Cause, Many Ailments

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