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Herring salad

Heringssalat (photograph top right)

What more could you want?

15 servings

800 g/1 lb 12 oz potatoes

7 drained Bismarck herring fillets (each 250 g/9 oz)

600 g/1 lb 4 oz cooked beetroot (beets) (vacuum packed)

5 apples, e. g. Holsteiner Cox

720 g/1 lb 9 oz drained pickled gherkins (from the jar)

5 tbsp gherkin liquid (from the jar)

5 red onions

1 bunch dill

5 tbsp mayonnaise

200 g/7 oz yogurt

2 tbsp grated horseradish

2 tsp medium mustard

1 level tsp salt

1 tbsp sugar

4 hard-boiled eggs

Preparation time: 30 minutes, excl. cooling or soaking time

Cooking time: about 20 minutes

1 Brush the potatoes clean under running water. Put in a pan, add just enough water to cover them and replace the lid. Bring to the boil and cook for about 20 minutes. Drain the potatoes, rinse in cold water, then drain again. Peel the potatoes while still warm. Leave to cool and cut into cubes. Place the herring fillets in cold water for about 30 minutes. Then remove, drain and cut into strips.

2 Cut the beetroot (beets) into cubes. Peel the apples, cut into quarters, core and cut into pieces. Drain the pickled gherkins, reserving 5 tbsp of the liquid ; put to one side. Cut the gherkins into cubes. Peel the onions, cut in half and then into thin strips.

3 Mix together the cubed potatoes, strips of herring fillet, cubed beetroot, apple pieces, cubed gherkins and strips of onion in a large bowl. Rinse the dill, pat dry and pull the tops off the stems. Put a few tops to one side for the garnish. Finely chop the rest and stir into the salad in the bowl.

4 Mix together the mayonnaise, yogurt, gherkin liquid, horseradish and mustard and stir well. Season the dressing with salt, pepper and sugar, then stir into the salad. Shell the eggs, cut into quarters and fold into the salad. Garnish the herring salad with the dill tops you put aside.

German Cookbook

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