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Sophisticated chocolate slices


Preparation time:

about 30 minutes, excluding cooling time

Baking time: about 30 minutes

For the baking sheet (40 × 30 cm/16 × 12 in):

a little fat

For the sponge:

300 g/10 oz dark chocolate 250 g/9 oz (1¼ cups) margarine or butter 250 g/9 oz (1¼ cups) brown sugar 1 sachet Bourbon vanilla sugar 1 pinch salt 6 eggs (medium) 1 container (150 g/5 oz) crème fraîche 300 g/10 oz (3 cups) plain (all purpose) flour 50 g/2 oz (⅓ cup) cornflour (cornstarch) 30 g/1 oz (5 tablespoons) cocoa powder 3 level teaspoons baking powder 100 ml/3½ fl oz (½ cup) rum

For sprinkling:

50 g/2 oz (scant ½ cup) slivered almonds

For the icing:

200 g/7 oz dark chocolate 1–2 tablespoons cooking oil, e.g. sunflower oil

Per slice:

P: 6 g, F: 26 g, C: 37 g, kJ: 1751, kcal: 418, CU: 3.0

1 Grease the baking sheet. Preheat the oven: Top/bottom heat: about 180 °C/350 °F (Gas mark 4) Fan oven: about 160 °C/325 °F (Gas mark 3)

2 To make the sponge, break the chocolate into pieces and melt with margarine or butter in a small pan, stirring all the time. Transfer this chocolate mixture into a mixing bowl and leave to cool a little. Add the sugar, vanilla sugar and salt little by little, whisking all the time until you obtain a smooth even mixture.

3 Whisk in the eggs, one after the other, for about ½ minute each on the highest setting. Stir in the crème fraîche. Mix together the flour, cornflour (cornstarch), cocoa powder and baking powder; add the rum and whisk briefly in two instalments on the medium setting.

4 Spread the sponge mixture on the baking sheet and smooth flat. Fold a piece of aluminium foil several times into a long strip and place it round the baking sheet. Put the baking sheet on the middle shelf in the preheated oven. After baking for about 10 minutes sprinkle the almonds on the cake, put the cake back in the oven and bake for a further 20 minutes.

5 Put the cake together with the baking sheet on a cake rack and leave to cool.

6 To make the chocolate icing, break the chocolate into pieces and melt together with the cooking oil in a bain-marie over low heat, stirring all the time. Pour the icing over the cake and leave to set.

TIPS» Make an even more sophisticated icing by adding 1 tablespoon of orange zest to the chocolate. » You place the folded strip of aluminium foil on the sloping sides of the baking sheet to prevent the sponge mixture “running away” which would make the sides of the cake uneven.

INGREDIENTS TIPS» Mixing cornflour (cornstarch) with the flour before baking makes the cake moister and lighter with a beautiful crumb. » Rum is a spirit drink made from cane sugar which diffuses a delicate aroma during the baking process and at the same time acts as a baking agent.

Dr. Oetker: German Baking Today

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