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2 God Is Goodness


Julian of Norwich tells us that “I saw that God is everything that is good and energizing…. and the goodness that everything possesses is God.” If she is correct and all beings carry goodness, is this another way of experiencing the omnipresence of God—God as the goodness in all things? God is the goodness within goodness. Our experiences of goodness then constitute our experiences of God. We need to be hunter-gatherers after goodness therefore.

Meister Eckhart, when asked how you know a good person, responds: “A good person praises good people.” To praise is to recognize goodness—and rejoice at it by celebrating it. We need to become hunter-gatherers for praise. Aquinas teaches that God “is sheer goodness” and is “the fount of all goodness” and since goodness of itself is generous, “God is supremely good and therefore supremely generous.” Hart concurs: “The good is nothing less than God himself, in his aspect as the original source and ultimate end of all desire: that transcendent reality in which all things exist and in which the will has its highest fulfillment….Our longing for the good is an aboriginal longing for God.”

Naming the Unnameable

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