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7 God Is the Mind of the Universe


At the conclusion of his ground-breaking book, The Self-Organizing Universe, physicist Erich Jantsch asserts: “God is…the mind of the universe.” He defines “mind” as “self-organization dynamics at many levels, as a dynamic which itself evolves. In this respect, all natural history is also history of mind.” Jantsch draws an accurate conclusion when he compares the paradigm of self-organization in science with the experience of the mystics over the ages: “This connectedness of our own life processes with the dynamics of an all embracing universe has so far been accessible only to mystic experience. In the synthesis, it becomes part of science which in this way comes closer to life.”

Where and Who is God in all this? Jantsch continues: “The divine, however, becomes manifest neither in personal nor any other form, but in the total evolutionary dynamics of a multilevel reality. Instead of the numinous, we may also speak of meaning. Each of us would then, in Aldous Huxley’s terms, ‘be Mind-at-large’ and share in the evolution of this all-embracing mind and thus also in the divine principle, in meaning…. The God-idea does not stand above and outside of evolution as an ethical norm, but in true mysticism is placed into the unfolding and self-realization of evolution.”

If God is the “mind” of the universe, we should remember that “mind” is not without heart or love. Mind is inclusive of love wherever we see mind at work.

Naming the Unnameable

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