Читать книгу Self-Help for Your Nerves: Learn to relax and enjoy life again by overcoming stress and fear - Dr. Weekes Claire - Страница 24



Now look at your hands. They sweat? Maybe tremble? Maybe the skin is sore and tingles with ‘pins and needles’? But the hands of any tense, frightened person may feel like that, and you are certainly frightened, so how could your hands behave otherwise? The sweating, trembling, ‘pins and needles’ and soreness are no more than the physical expression of oversensitization of your adrenalin-releasing nerves through anxiety and fear. These sensations get no worse than this and could never prevent you using your hands. Maybe your hands do sweat and tremble, but they are still good hands to use.

Therefore, accept the sweating, trembling, soreness and tingling for the time being. These cannot be cured overnight. With acceptance, although your hands may still tremble and sweat for a while, you will find some peace, enough to begin to still the outflow of adrenalin, so that your sweat glands will gradually calm down. In place of fear-adrenalin-sweat, you put acceptance – less adrenalin – less sweat; and finally you have peace – no excess adrenalin – no excess sweat. It is as simple as that, although acceptance may not seem so simple at first.

Self-Help for Your Nerves: Learn to relax and enjoy life again by overcoming stress and fear

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