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The Schools of Germany, Italy, and France, compared—early performers—David Funk—a capital performer and general scholar—the irregularity of his life—his visit to the Castle of Schleitz—found dead—Thomas Baltzar—first taught the whole shift in England—buried in Westminster Abbey—Henry John Francis Biber—his solos—Godfrey Finger—his style—Chapel-Master to King James II—John Gottlieb Graun—Concert-Master to the King of Prussia—Francis Benda—acquaintance with the Hebrew, Löbel—engaged by the Prince Royal of Prussia—John Stamitz—his works—Leopold Mozart—appointed Valet-de-Chambre Musicien—publishes his “Method” for the Violin—travels with his son and daughter—his symphonies—William Cramer—leads at the Commemoration of Handel—succeeded at the Opera by Viotti—his two sons—Tassenberg—John Peter Salomon—his concerts in 1791—treaty with Mozart—engagement with Haydn—his compositions, &c.—his pupil Pinto—Charles Stamitz—John Frederick Eck—Andreas and Bernard Romberg—their works—François Cramer—his character as a leader—Friedrich Ernst Fesca—his quartetts—Christoph Gottfried Kiesewetter—his last performances at Leicester—Louis Spohr—patronized by the Duke of Brunswick—travels—becomes Concert-Master, &c. to the Duke of Saxe Gotha—visits England in 1820—his style criticised—the Norwich Musical Festival in 1839—his “Violin-Schule”—his compositions—Charles William Ferdinand Guhr—his work on Paganini’s mode of playing—Joseph Mayseder—Bernhard Molique—his appointments—his reception in Paris—his compositions—Ernst-Ole Bull, the Norwegian artist—his arrival in Paris during the prevalence of the cholera—his life and history—gives a concert—his successes detailed—his style—The Brothers Labitsky.—pp. 222, et seq.


The Violin

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