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Chapter VI. Also required. This groan is their song
Оглавление“This groan they have with the song6 of Veronica Zemanova – Beauty, the Star is called …” I dedicate.
Chapter V. “… Time to collect stones …”
…For peace…
Leopard, still limping slightly, but with already healed wounds, climbed to the top. The old shine began to return to the skin. Yes, and already got used to false jaws. It’s time to get ready for the fight.
Climbing up, he looked down. Well, for a long time he alone will have to rake these packs of jackals. No fear. Time is a pity. We’ll have to raise other fighters. In forests, jungles, deserts, prairies, savannahs. Then hold on, Ginger Dogs!7 We’ll manage at once. And forever!
Highlander walks along the Road. The walking one will master it. That he is all alone, yes alone? He smiled. I remembered my blood brother, Ivanushka the Fool8. Also that Oddball. Two of a Kind. And grandfather Shchukar’s9 stories about Ivanushka reached him. Interesting, however.
1002-night or from the Memoirs of Ded-Shchukar.
“Fox-Alice, Basilio the Cat and Ivanushka-Fool”
Grandfather sits on a bench, and smokes a cigarette. Lo and behold, Ivanushka is coming. Riot hung his head. Is that not crying.
– Lad! Chavoy is it you?
– Duk, it’s a shame, however, Grandfather!
– What is it like that?
– Who can take them apart?! Sberbank calls themselves names.
– Well, what have they done?
– Yes, not these, not ours. Their Overlying. These only follow the instructions of those. But it’s also insulting for ours. Apparently to them, by – I do not – I know which Instructions, the task is set – to torment the people. They spend half a day because of a minute piece of paper or an operation. There, at the “rotting”, they would be fired in three seconds without severance pay for such “work”. And these are nichavo. They are also dogging. I don’t understand who is for whom? Bank for the Client or Client for the Bank?!
– Well, you and bent! There is another Bank! Kubankredit is called. Don’t like it, go there! Probably, for the outflow of our Clients they will not pat them on the head! Did you get angry with the overlying faq?
“Well, Copperfield is no good at that!” In 1994, he put one hundred thousand rubles (at the then Central Bank exchange rate, about one hundred US dollars) on a targeted children’s contribution – upon reaching the child’s majority. So they said – upon reaching the age of majority! At 190 percent per annum.
– Well, and sho?
SHO Sho! Came with a “child”, already a student. However, that contribution wanted to receive. It was not so!
– Sho, didn’t give?!
– Yes, it seems that they did not refuse. They just said that we do not fulfill the second condition of the contribution.
– This is another second? Did they offer a chop?
– Nearly. Only-from the Depositor. It turns out that according to the Instruction, the deposit must be at least 10 years old. Despite the majority of the Contributor (do not confuse, Grandfather is not the Contributor!).
– Well, and sho?
Sho! Gored, Grandfather, with his “SHO”! And so sick! They counted, given that there was a “denomination” (out of my now one hundred rubles), the interest as on the deposit “on demand” (2 percent, although the deposit lasted 9 years!). I doubt, however, “lay” or, nevertheless, “worked” all this time. They counted and wept with emotion. It turned out as much as 134 rubles! I asked for their statement from the personal account. They sent a fee to pay in another window – as much as 20 rubles (according to their “concepts” – my interest for almost 7 years!). As a result, they gave out 114 rubles with some kopecks. It turned out that my 100 US dollars, having spent 9 years in the Bank (oh-li?!), heavily paying up the interest, turned (at the current exchange rate) … – into 3.5 US dollars! After that, don’t tell them Copperfield is not a jerk against them!
Y-yes! Famously! Although, my dear, listen to my Bike.
In a certain kingdom, a certain state (the hell will figure it out, in which) there lived Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat. Swindlers, however (“kataly” in our opinion). It didn’t work out with Buratina there. Either he slapped them, or they didn’t give him, I don’t remember. Only these Catals decided to move to the Land of Fools. For greater importance, they called themselves Sberbank (the savings bank in the then). “Pinched” for those times, little by little, enough. They listened to the owner. Can’t do it anymore!
Only suddenly the wind of Changes blew. The Mineral Secretary came to Power. He didn’t like it too much, our peasant was drinking himself too much. Fuck her! Let it be poisoned with moonshine! Root vineyards (even though they have been bred for decades)! Yes, and the Union of the Indestructible is something swollen (then only conceived. Is he?). I would have stumbled on a crossroads (and I want to, and pricked), until the “Democrats” knocked off.
A new one came (either “dyed”, or drunk, I don’t remember). And he went for a walk all over Ivanovskaya! Sho grandfathers and fathers collected the crumbs for a millennium and defended with their Blood, instantly destroyed (break, do not build)!
– Each Baba-Yage has a separate stupa! – Oral, as blissful. – The current generation of Soviet People will live under Capitalism, I forgot to say Feudal. And the blessed in Russia have always been respected. Yes, you see, they got fooled. They just took the drunkard for the blessed one. And from what demand? He popped into the bushes (Barvikha, or something, calls himself names). And the Union is no longer there!
They all became “independent” (they used to be called appanage principalities). They rule, that is, they are ruled by local princelings (do not confuse, they are boss, and do not manage!).
But even grandfathers taught that one at a time can break off the fingers of the healthiest man. And the Army was driven into the “ass” – what is the Border and Defense!
Shoy got me carried away. What am I talking about? Oh yes! It means, about Foxes and Cats overseas. Those immediately smelled – Their Times! While the Boss is “in an insole”, Gaidarenysh will help them (Bad, however. His grandfather would have turned over in his coffin. Or maybe he is tossing and turning) Yes Chief Reketir Red (Chu-bays-translated from Ossetian: Chu-go, Bays-take away ). The go-ahead was given-Rob! And off we go!
Schaub Vrazhins, God forbid, did not slam the People’s Money (that is, the Money of 1991, 84 kopecks cost then the US dollar), we will look after them ourselves (that is, we will grab it).
The coffins were taken away from Grandfather and Grandma! The Severyanin, who put his health down for them! From the Soldier who earned them with his Blood! Just at the People! Their honestly earned Money. Let everyone in the world! However, I’m lying. Not all. Whoever turned out to be shameless, but turned out to be shameless, became an Oligarch (at all times he was called a Thief, but here, on you, an Oligarch!
And they reduced the Teacher and the Doctor to shame. When it was?! What will He teach your Children or how will He heal? For thinking about our Daily Bread!
Again I got carried away. Excuse me. So there you go!
Our Vorogi have taken away with Overseas Money-zeros cannot be added! No one was shot or imprisoned for that. The owner sobered up, threw him a bone. And he is glad. Yes, they brought the brine, the sweetest souls! (Murderers, in my opinion). The people bent down, quieted down. Yes, out of habit, let’s talk: – Who’s to blame?
– Hto-Hto! Grandfather Pikhto! I only poisoned my soul!
“Don’t be angry with the Old One.” Go, or something, to the Golden Fish! Maybe you can ask for the FAQ. Maybe he will assign you a Hero!
– Come on, her to the bathhouse! I don’t need to posthumously! I’d rather go to our Pike (but not to the Bitch! To the Pike! Completely deaf, Old!). That though is Ours! Will be puzzled!
– Well, walk, walk Fool (Ivan, however).
* * *
– You turned around quickly! Found a Pike?
– I, one leg is here, the other is there. Found it, however.
– Well, and sho?
– Played, sho yes sho! Everything Will Be the Way, Grandfather! Do not scold! Be Good!
– How! There are many of you such extrasexual soothsayers!
– Would you like to believe, Would you like to believe not. Only the literate in the January issue of “Oracle” on the third page printed the Forecast-Mystery (Thomas the Unbelievers! They called them Mystery because of coquetry. The pike said so). All the Dates have been named. Both the Judgment Year and the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23! 2023).
– You fool! What is Defender’s Day after Judgment? Nothing will remain!
– Not guessed, Grandfather, not a single letter! Judgment Year – for the Bad Men! All of them will be taken prisoner. And during the Year-Demonstration Process. On the Internet! Look on the Web. The entire People will judge (and not individual “people’s” judges)! Interactive survey! And there, according to “merit”. Someone is amnestied, someone is “conditionally”. Who – on “chemistry”. To raise the economy destroyed by the War!
And someone and Pozh is worn out! Saw icebergs with jigsaws! We will give it to the Emirates. And the money stolen will return (but not all at once! Let’s get drunk finally).
– Yes hto will return that?!
– Craftsmen are not extinct yet! The Rat has survived! Though thinned. But Her will be enough to manage! So sho, Grandfather, “… Not yet Evening, not yet Evening …”
– I should drink honey with your lips! What year is that?!
– This!
– They have the same army, money, cops-kents, judges-prosecutors!
– And at Na-S-Rat!!
– Fool! Well, what do you get from him? Blissful!
– “Blessed is he who Believes!” Leave me alone, Grandfather! A bunch of Delov still need to be done! It is necessary to prepare for the Holiday!
– It’s as if your “roof has moved down”!
– Be Spock, Grandfather! I have a “roof” – People’s! They do not know what the “roof” of the wing is. Where are they against Alpha! And there are just enough Fighters and Real Cossacks! Just whistle!
– Well, whistle, whistle (Whistler was found!). Lost here with you, Fool. Bless you! By the way, receive the Blessing!
– I’ll get it! I am a Warrior of Christ!
– Save and Save you, Fool.
* * *
The Leopard from the Mountain looked with respect like the Bear’s lane through the windbreak and the rubble along the Forest. This one will show who is the Boss in the House. And whose cones in the forest …
Ivanushka the Fool, smiling at the people he met, walked boldly along the Road. Both on! We met two loneliness! Highlander and Ivanushka embraced. Brothers Named.
Noos and Chaos exchanged sly glances. Another Crazy!
Beauty, sending an air kiss, listened to Itself with tender Istoma. Are they really Her Men?!
The Golden Age began the First Steps …
P.S. Veronica!
Beauty Will Save the World. Thank you for Her.
With love
The next must-have chapter is Brian Banks! * German Rocket from the Russian SS – Ardent Greetings!
With love
A. Nekrasov. – Russian, Poet.
Kipling “Mowgli” – Jackals, Red dogs, Bars – Friend (boyfriend) Bagheera.
Ivanushka the Fool – a character of Russian folk tales.
I. Sholokhov. Grandfather Shchukar is a character.