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ONE the other side of wonderland
ОглавлениеQueen City, Colorado began as a commingling of settlers, speculators, alchemists, prospectors staking claims to Rocky Mountain mines of silver and gold. They had given up their every attachment in pursuit of the miraculous mother-load that will, they think, fulfill their every dream. Well, at least it got them out of the house.
Drifters and grifters from just about everywhere came looking for something. Some weren’t sure what that something was, but some were sure they would find it in the Queen City of the Plains. They came and they settled, putting down roots into mile-high ground situated against the majestic Rocky Mountains to the West that inspired, to one degree or less, the white kinda-mountainous roof of maybe-snow-capped peaks rising over Queen City International Airport. Eastward are the barren plains and the flatlands of Kansas——the dead zone.
Much like America, equality and democracy, Queen City is an idea——an enchanting idea.It evolves while yet maintaining infinite dimensions of its past: Gothic, Modern, Pretentious, Victorian, Post-Modern, Contemporary, Quaint, Bold, Steampunk, Deco, a hodgepodge out of time and ahead of its time all at once. No one can easily stick a label to it. It is neither fish, fowl, nor Rocky Mountain oyster. Welcome to the other side of Wonderland——Queen City.
* * *
Some of the most atypical individuals live in the Capitol Hill district of Queen City. Carlotta Bean is one of many singular residents on Capitol Hill. She owns who-the-fuck-can-figure-it-out Little Alexandria; a converted stable that consumes two extra large lots. “A wonder to behold, but not to be believed. A gaudy mismatch of everything,”was the sum-total of what the Asshole Princess of Self-Focused Critics wrote regarding Little Alexandria for Architectural Digest. The Demon Critic proceeded to slobber her unbearable euphemisms and similes, her unspeakable grammar, doublespeak, and an endless parade of repetitions across two slick pages. That blatantly egregious reference to Little Alexandria was simply used as an example of the antithesis of, “…that fucking rattrap in Cherry Creek…” bemoaned Carlotta Bean, “…a prefab owned by carpetbaggers from Dallas, Los Angeles or some other woe-worthy place.” Carlotta was heartbroken——for a short while anyway——until another side of her arose from the suburbs of Hell to come to her rescue suggesting a vendetta.
She began her vendetta with a barrage of poison-pen letters handwritten to the editor and to the “sick bitch gonzo writer” herself. Every single day two letters were written in purple ink from a tortoiseshell fountain pen. As her vitriol grew daily, her diminutive handwriting became as large as fingernails and as jagged as the stabbings of a Donald Trump signature. No one from Architectural Digest ever replied. She felt abused, hurt, unnoticed. She was thrown into a tailspin which headed straight into a deep and hate-filled depression which she felt disposed to parcel out among her friends and anyone else who gets in her way. When Carlotta’s unhappy she dragoons those around her to be the same.
The daily missives and telephone calls, her angry outbursts and farting into her smartphone, pretending to be a lawyer threatening to sue their collective asses became meaner by the day. Once she screamed into the phone, “I know where you live, fucker!” followed by a barrage of ear-piercing shrieks. After a month of menace she made one last, regrettable, not very smart phone call, “There’s a bomb hidden in your building!”
After an hour, or so, of her bullying interrogation, she finally let the Men in Black Suits talk. Hours later, after explaining the situation ad infinitum, interspersed with her sobbing and contriteness, the Men in Black Suits confessed their surprise that she and Little Alexandria were treated "so shockingly, so shabbily."Carlotta entertained the Men in Black Suits with her coquettish, sensuous, woman-girl persona. She turned into a purring kitten with a come hither smile, “Anytime you boys are in town be sure to come see me. Ohh, and since we all agree that this was nothing but nonsense you may leave now. Ya’ll have a pleasant day, ya hear?” The Men in Black Suits bowed and walked backwards toward the front doors and let themselves out, smiling as though they just had the fuck of their lives. And perhaps they did.
The following day a computer generated legal document arrived via certified mail. The document was complete with two unreadable notarized signatures from the magazine’s attorneys. If the Men in Black Suits hadn’t helped her to turn over a new leaf, the “cease and desist”order scared the bejesus out of her with threats that, unlike Carlotta’s own threats, could in fact be carried out. She ceasedand desisted. After a month without a word from anyone at Architectural Digest she felt assured that would be the end of it. And it was. She never heard from the magazine again. She did not renew her subscription.
Carlotta Bean is a slight woman, a natural beauty, a mature woman shrouded in mystery. Her dyed-black hair is cut into a strikingly asymmetrical shape that suits her face and temperament perfectly.
When Carlotta first saw Mister Bean, Mister Bean saw her as a vagina, a lovely vagina, but a vagina all the same. When she wasn’t a vagina she was a piece of arm candy——a trophy he could fuck. She saw him for what he was; a sad man with a shitload of money. They both knew full-well that their living together was all an arrangement, but after a few months they found the best in each other; the vibes they shared were positively intoxicating, so Mister Bean asked his vagina to marry him and, without any hesitation, his vagina said yes. Mister Bean and his vagina were a match made in somewhere otherworldly: a strip joint on Colfax Avenue where Carlotta gave her future husband a lap dance.
Carlotta was reasonably happily married right up until Mister Bean died from eating a moldy baloney sandwich while sleepwalking. It took Carlotta nearly an entire year before she could put on a face, an attitude, get out of the mansion, get her hair and her wigs done, get a waxing down under and have a bit of fun. And, boy-o-boy, did Carlotta Bean know how to have fun——and a lot of it!
On either side of the north entrance to Little Alexandria, rising two stories high, two marble Ionic columns stood attached to nothing. “It’s a wonder they haven’t toppled. Must be some kind of gravity or magnetic thing or something,” those who saw it were heard to say.
The frieze below the cornice of each depicts naked Greek soldiers with spears, shields and unreasonable stiffies. Some nights the columns prowl around the grounds. One night, while wading in the outdoor pool, the south pillar fell and chipped its cornice. The north pillar helped it up and out and before the sun rose they managed to wobble their way back to their places where they stood guard at the north entrance to Little Alexandria.
Neighbors gathered daily with binoculars and cellphone cameras to catch anything they could see over the dull yellow stucco wall. Did either of the columns appear askew? Minnie Beach swears the columns switched places. Others swear that they had also noticed something, but they are not crystal clear about what. And, when they try to remember, they suffer unbearable migraine headaches.
* * *
There are Keepers of Count among the Capitol Hill bunch. As an example: The Keepers of Count keep count of the kind of flowers their neighbors plant or intend to plant, how well their choices of colors will coordinate, what kinds of insects might they attract, who was watering their yard on no-watering days and who was getting suspicious-appearing deliveries from Amazon? Things of little consequence populate the minuscule dimension of gossip within a galaxy of doomed machinations performed from a sense of insignificance and trapped them in the mire of their discontent——the Keepers of Count.
The Capitol Hill coterie appear conspicuously in coffee houses and sidewalk cafés. This provides an advantageous viewpoint to do what comes naturally——observe those whom they know, then dig for lethal information that may come in handy, in the future.
* * *
Saturday, a sunny day in mid-June. Excitement and the scent of sublimity was in the Queen City air. The FEA field trip ended when the chartered bus, which was more than an hour late, returned with neither V nor Lily on it.
Professor Hans von Mummi, of whom most on the bus had, at one time or another, wondered from where the “von” came, or if it were simply an abused preposition, was on the bus.
Before taking an early retirement, Professor von Mummi, alone in the night while playing with his chemistry set, blew-up and destroyed the entire applied sciences building where he headed the chemistry department at Queen City University. After returning home from a month in Queen City General, and another month in Utah getting plastic surgery, von Mummi looked right as rain. Better than rain, in fact. Still, he needed something to occupy his mind. So, he decided to write an opera.
His opera, Snuff in the Tropics, based on the Jonestown Massacre, had a free public reading at the Uranus Café in Queen City’s LoDo district; a pretentious throwback to the Beat 1950s’ cafés that populated New York’s Greenwich Village. However and unfortunately, the cast was so large that the small avant-garde coffee house could not accommodate an audience in excess of twelve. Besides, who wants to listen to a “reading” of an opera? Surely, something is bound to be lost in transliteration.
Prof. Hans von Mummi’s wife, Helga, an environmental artist, accompanied him on the FEA field trip. Helga’s claim to notoriety was papering the trees and grass of Cheesman Park in Queen City’s Capitol Hill territory with pink crepe paper. But moments after she had completed the installation a torrential rain came and the paper soaked into the lawn, dying the entire park pink as it disintegrated. Apparently, crepe paper wasn’t such a great idea. It took several mowings before the park returned to green. Helga then restricted herself, at the request of the City Council, to the interiors of shopping malls. Oddly enough, the sunny day following her washout the Gay Pride Parade assembled in the pink park causing some to think it a message from God.
Philip and Mercy Pence, proprietors of The Prometheus Society LLC, were on the bus. The Pences specialized in removing the bodies of loved ones, turning them into ashes before scooping them into hand-crafted boxes before return delivery. They make all the arrangements as well as the boxes. The mourner is free of worries and stress. Should you want a quiet no-questions-asked cremation, one instantly forgotten, a never-happened cremation, the Pences were thrilled to accommodate their “special” clients in their time of distress——for a significantly inflated "special" price. The Prometheus Society LLC is a cottage industry owned and operated by the Pences from their very own cottage.
Philip Pence was once a grandiose pontificator perpetually certain that he knew better than anyone within the sound of his voice. His friends and acquaintances found him a boring buffoon. Since his quarrelsome certitude intimidated any attempt to disagree with him, Philip the Pontificator quickly and drastically limited his sales ability; as well as his friends. That said, about a year before today’s FEA field trip, he suddenly became a quiet person, a submissive person, an introspective man——Philip the Ordinary. What happened? Everybody noticed, but none could figure a motive for the change. It was as though Philip wasn’t there anymore; which brought to the minds of many, The Body Snatchers. Some went so far as to check their cellars for pods. Those who hadn’t cellars scoured the bushes.
Mercy Pence is a champion when it comes to selling insurance for a low maintenance funeral. The secret to her success is her studied illusion of empathy and her uncanny ability to secure down payments from people who could never afford the monthly installments and so would eventually default. Not Mercy’s fault. Mercy convinced herself that helping the poor buy into the American Dream of dying with dignity, with a quick and quiet departure, with neither inconvenience nor stress to the survivors for whom she was doing God’s work. Clearly, it was not her responsibility that "…some who hadn’t thought about the consequences of their signed-commitments, who forfeited years of their payments because they should have known better and paid their policies on time." It certainly wasn’t the fault of Mercy that "…they’ll soon find themselves in a black hole and covered with lye.”
Carlotta Bean, occasional poet and collector of houseboys, along with her current houseguest, were on the bus sitting near Billy Butts the entertainment and society reporter for Out And Beyond.
Nelson Beach, the lawyer who had managed to squirm free from disbarment after Sarah Hooker-Sanders, a lady with a heart of gold——in spite of her choice of profession——accused him of sexual harassment, was on the bus. Sarah Hooker-Sanders, his newly hired secretary, settled on an undisclosed under-the-table payment. She dropped the charges and Nelson raised her rank from secretary to executive assistant. He thought that he could then remain close to her without needing to pay for her personal and especial services, but with Executive Assistant Hooker-Sanders everything is negotiable.
Nelson Beach sat on a narrow bus seat next to his wife Minnie; plus-sized, resembling a blond Rhine maiden, who was a woman with a kind heart and a gentle disposition. Her husband’s indifference left her to create the illusion of the bus seat being more narrow than it ought. Minnie made jovial remarks meant to amuse, but they were never thought through far enough to anticipate how some might misinterpret her meaning. Poor thing. Minnie stayed home mostly and did nothing as far as anybody knew.
Moving on, the bus finally returned to Queen City with the Friends of Erotic Artifacts sansVictoria (V) Aires and Lily Nettles, who nobody noticed missing until long after the bus was on its way home——a fact that V would find unimaginably insulting and Lily would find it a just-goes-to-show-you lesson learned.
When the chartered bus was nearly halfway home Carlotta Bean’s Greek house guest inquired, “Plume-ed lady no come back?” of the whereabouts of V who had worn her mauve fedora with the red and yellow feathers stuck to one side under the maroon velvet ribbon that gathered into a puffy bow, about which Minnie Beach had fallen flat upon her own petard with one of her lackluster attempts at wit, obviously well beyond her grasp, by pointing out earlier that day to everybody within ten blocks of the bus station, “I love your hat, Vicky. Maybe I should go to the thrift store with you next time.” Minnie Beach reminded one of a roly-poly toy that uprights every time it is knocked over.
“You do that,” V said, balefully. “…and my name isn’t Vicky! Call me that again and I’ll flog you like a piñata!”
Minnie had an overblown desire to be quick-witted, though she would settle for funny, even amusing; however, she was regrettably disadvantaged by a shortsighted sense of humor. She did give the occasional dinner party designed to reinforce her friendship with others, although they never worked out quite the way she had planned. Her last dinner party resulted in four of her guests coming down with ptomaine poisoning from her matzo ball soup. “It wasn’t my fault. Queen Soopers sold me old rancid matzo meal.”
V rarely paid Minnie Beach much mind since the time Minnie tried to get away with claiming that that thing hanging from the second floor balustrade in her Georgian prefabrication was a rubbing of the Cardiff giant that she had rubbed in a circus sideshow tent a few years back. Pah-leez.Furthermore, Minnie went on to declare how she nearly got herself trampled, maimed and quite possibly killed when three bull elephants objected to her crossing the circus grounds in the dead of night while on her way to the egress along with three charcoaled bed sheets flapping in the wind of an impending tornado. Really! Too much?She was rescued, she claims, by a big, beautiful, blond, blue-eyed aerialist named Claus who happened along just in time to sweep her out from under Bosco the Brute, the biggest of the three bull elephants. “Bull” was the name for it, according to just about everybody. Although, all who knew the story thought it highly imaginative and somewhat revealing; still, nobody was about to believe a word of it. Lily Nettles almost did. Perhaps she wanted to believe. Yet even she, with her trusting nature, always trying to make the best of everything, soon thought better of it. Besides, the Cardiff giant had been discovered as a hoax a long time ago, so a rubbing of it is an irony twice removed. Minnie Beach refuses to change her tune, although Claus elicits a refrain of “the man on the flying trapeze” when her philandering husband is about.
Minnie Beach was made to suffer. No matter how painful the slings and arrows of her outrageous misfortunes she suffered them in silence. In silence she found a stronger self: a self who could manage her own reconstruction. Her friends would never know how deeply the stabs of their disbelief had penetrated. Minnie Beach could never, ever, take her friends, those doubting Thomases, too very much to heart again, but she did time and time again.
Minnie was made to suffer. She knew "friends" would only break her heart beyond complete repair one day; as if it were a piece of fine china, a teacup that once broken could never be all together mended. No matter how delicately adhered with unseeable fractures held tightly back together, Minnie would always know it was damaged. She could not help but feel guilt and shame every time she caught a glimpse of the blameless teacup. What a dreadful humiliation befalls her every time she serves that rehabilitated teacup. She did not much like her friends because time and time again they would chip or break her porcelain heart. Time and time again.
Sir Geoffrey Hemphill retired, but from what nobody knew, was on the bus. He was a natty man who suffered an aura of sadness and confusion. Geoffrey was amazingly short, a hundred pounds wet, dressed smartly in a safari suit with a pith helmet covering the combover that he dyed, along with his goatee, coal-black causing him to appear startlingly like a lawn gnome. (Parenthetically, lawn gnomes were a growing danger in Queen City. Since they lost their appetite for small furry things they began biting, bruising and eating people’s feet. The smart folk take along a baseball bat when going outside in the dark.)
Sir Geoffrey had tried to persuade the bus driver to go back to pick up “the girls” since, feared he, “…they were left waiting in the dust of the bus, rejected and forlorn.” Getting no satisfaction from the driver, Sir Geoffrey, in a fit of rage, withdrew his mighty Swiss Army knife and threatened the driver to within an inch of his life, so to speak, with the first blade he could manage to pull out which happened to be an inch long bottle opener; causing a bit of excitement and general chaos in his attempt to demonstrate his chivalry and the degree to which he was willing to go to retrieve V and her actress friend Lily, whom he saw as a barrier to V’s surrendering herself to him in his attempts to court her for her hand in marriage. He never got a clue from V and, for that matter, from himself. He wanted her as a beard and she wanted him to come out of the closet and be a honest friend.
When the bus pulled off and stopped along the side of the road, somewhere where one could look and see only miles of nothing and nowhere, the driver informed Sir Geoffrey that he was merely moonlighting as a bus driver on weekends and that he was a member of Queen City’s Finest. It took a bit of time for Sir Geoffrey to let that sink in, but by the time it did he was being handcuffed and informed of his rights. Coincidently, the driver/policeman mysteriously disappeared the following day; leaving behind a pregnant Chihuahua and a wife who never noticed him missing, although the dog seemed to, every now and again.
The chartered bus had finally come home to a full stop. All aboard were eager to disembark. Some were worried over the whereabouts of V and Lily. Some were not. Billy Butts was preoccupied with weightier matters such as himself and what wonderful company he must have been for all on the bus. Billy really should have been an entertainer; a talkshow host; a grifter. He had the gift of gab and a wealth of talent yet to be mined.
* * *
FEA field trip Saturday started on a high note and, by all accounts, it seemed a glorious morning.
“What a glorious morning,” Lily mused.
“Not so glorious, Lily. It’s hot and if Minnie Beach says one more word about my hat I am going to hand it to her!”
“So much for a glorious morning. I don’t see how that will gain you anything, V. You did buy that hat in a thrift store. I was with you,” glibly said.
“Get off it, Lily!” snapped V who had already moved on to visions of Minnie Beach getting run over by a shopping cart in Queen Soopers, although that might be an impossible given the size of Minnie vis-a-vie the cart’s wheels, or slipping on a jar of mayonnaise. Upon a second thought, came another vision where Minnie wouldn’t be hurt by any glass, or any other object; just her pride and her butt. V was a fair-minded person who simply wanted justice and little more, though it’s the little more that could get worrisome, yet deliciously satisfying.
“I’m sure she meant well,” said Lily, trying to comfort.
However, V took no comfort from Lily’s tone and simply said through an undignified sneer, “Meant well indeed, Lily.”
“You don’t really care about stuff like that,” Lily said, or asked——it seemed more a question than a statement, but too ambiguous to tell.
“What kind of stuff?”
"Revenge? What kind of revenge?"
"What other kind is there? The kind that hurts people, V."
“Of course I don’t really want revenge. And I certainly do not want to harm the poor soul. Nevertheless, I am not going to stifle my imagination from having visions designed to amuse myself. So I shop in thrift stores. Who doesn’t? Lily, you do not happen to know if mayonnaise comes in plastic or glass jars, do you?”
“I’d say some are and some aren’t, but I think more plastic than glass. There must be a glut of oil, or a shortness of sand. What do you think, V?”
V feigned a shudder, “I refuse to think about it.”
They all boarded the bus in relative silence. Nothing of any consequence took place. Just a lull. Perhaps they were waiting for the air conditioning to kick in and provide them with a greater degree of comfort. At least, enough to break the silence.
Nelson Beach split a buttered crescent with Minnie while Sir Geoffrey whom everybody referred to as “Sir,” yet nobody knew whether or not he was actually knighted and if so for what and by whom, forged ahead to get the aisle seat across from V, knocking against the seat occupied by Philip and Mercy Pence in their high lacquered Christian hairdos more suited to drag queens, causing them to drop their magnetic checkers just as they put the last checker in place. Helga von Mummi leaned forward blocking her husband from being seen by Carlotta Bean whom she imagined staring at his crotch as he was busily arranging himself in his new white linen slacks. He was a well-endowed man and mighty grateful. Carlotta did catch the action, but she was too busy trying to disengage Billy Butts who was kneeling, facing backwards in his seat in front of her, looking like a balding gray haired elf; talking about Jackie O and how they had a great many friends in common who came to The Studio where he had been a club boy while going through his trust fund during his glory days in New York City before joining AA after several hospital incarcerations, was drooling all over Carlotta’s Greek who didn’t seem to mind. The Greek nodded and smiled showing his pristine white teeth and, though not knowing most of what Billy Butts was saying, he didn’t need to understand any of the words to get the gist of what Billy had in mind. The Greek did not discourage. Soon the Friends of Erotic Artifacts were rolling along their merry way towards their long awaited FEA field trip to Dead Squeezer’s Caverns.
After a couple uneventful hours, the bus turned onto the axle-breaking bumpy dirt road outside the town of Squeezer which led to the picnic tepee and souvenir stand where tickets were sold before entering the shaft leading down into the caverns.
The Queen City Friends of Erotic Artifacts were quick to disembark as the bus finally pulled up in front of the tepee and made an abrupt stop——nearly hitting a man in lederhosen who was foolish enough to stand wide-eyed and frozen as the bus came barreling towards him. The near fatality could easily be attributed to the bus driver’s auto-asphyxiation from farting all the way from Queen City.