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Nature and origin.—Varieties.—Diagnostic Symptoms.—Treatment.
When any cause has occurred to destroy the life of the embryo during the early weeks of pregnancy, one of two results follows, either that expulsion takes place sooner or later, or the membranes of the ovum become remarkably changed, and continue to grow for some time longer, until at length they form a fleshy fibrous mass, called mole, or false conception.[47]
It is well known that the venous absorbing radicles of the chorion, which give it that shaggy appearance during the first months of pregnancy are the means by which the embryo is furnished with a due supply of nourishment at this period: if the embryo should die from any cause, and the uterus show no disposition to expel the ovum, the nourishment which has been collected by the absorbing power of the chorion appears now to be directed to the chorion itself, which therefore puts on a fleshy growth and increases very rapidly in size. (Rœderer, Elementa Artis Obstetricæ, p. 738.)
In other instances, the thick fleshy character of the ovum is not produced by a growth of substance, but is the result of hæmorrhage from rupture of some of the vessels which run between the uterus and the ovum. In this case, if the placental cells be already formed, they become distended with the blood of the hæmorrhage which solidifies by coagulation; and not only render the chorion or incipient placenta much thicker and more solid, but give it also a lobulated tuberculated appearance: from the same reason, the little funis, which is probably not an inch long, is greatly distended, being in some cases as thick as the body of the embryo itself, the blood having penetrated from the placental cells into the cellular tissue of the chord. This is by no means an uncommon form of mole; externally it is covered by the decidua, which appears to be in a natural condition, and the inner surface of the cavity is lined by a fine membrane, having all the usual characters of the amnion. The lobulated appearance is chiefly seen from within, the amnion being raised by a number of irregular convexities.
“When the blood is poured out from its containing vessels into the substance or cells of the placenta, or between the membranes, gradually coagulates, and assumes a very dark purple, and sometimes almost a melanotic black colour: after a time, however, it begins to lose this tint, the colouring matter gradually becomes removed, and the coagulum successively assumes a chocolate brown, a reddish or brownish yellow hue; and latterly, if time sufficient be allowed, it presents a pale yellowish white or straw-coloured substance, the fibrinous portion of the coagulum being then left alone.”[48] This form of mole, as far as our own observation goes, seldom attains any considerable size, rarely exceeding four inches in length, and is usually expelled between the eighth and twelfth week. The size and condition of the fœtus varies a good deal; in some cases it appears nearly healthy, although the cord is much thickened and distended; this is probably owing to its having been expelled shortly after its death, or to its having gone on to live a short time after the injury which had caused hæmorrhage: in this way alone can we explain why we occasionally meet with cases where the parietes of the ovum are much thickened and solidified, and yet the embryo is in such a state of integrity as to prove that its death must have been very recent. The extravasation of blood between the ovum and uterus does not appear to be sufficient to annihilate immediately the nutrition of the embryo, so that the blood has had sufficient time to solidify before the ovum was expelled. At other times the embryo exhibits evident marks of having been dead some time: it is much smaller and younger in proportion to the size of the ovum; sometimes it has disappeared entirely, a short rudiment of the funis merely remaining to mark its previous existence.
“Should the embryo die (suppose in the first or second month) some days before the ovum is discharged, it will sometimes be entirely dissolved, so that when the secundines are delivered, there is nothing to be seen. In the first month the embryo is so small and tender, that this dissolution will be performed in twelve hours; in the second month, two, three, or four days will suffice for this purpose.” (Smellie.)
Where the growth of the ovum proceeds after the destruction of the embryo, it increases very rapidly in size, much more so than would be the case in natural pregnancy, so that the uterus, when filled with a mole of this sort, is as large at the third month as it would be in pregnancy at the fifth.
Another form of mole is where the uterus is filled with a large mass of vesicles of irregular size and shape like hydatids, which appear to be the absorbing extremities of the veins of the chorion distended with a serous fluid; it is difficult to distinguish these from real hydatids; the more so, as Bremser asserts that he has occasionally met with real hydatids among them. Perhaps the mode of their attachment will in some degree assist the diagnosis: these vessicles, or hydatids of the placenta, as they have been called, are attached over a large portion of the uterus,—an arrangement we believe, not generally seen in real hydatids, which are mostly attached to a single stalk or pedicle. Indeed, it may be doubted if the masses of vesicles which are occasionally expelled from the uterus are ever true acephalocysts, as they are invariably connected with a blighted ovum, and are, therefore, formed as before observed, by a dropsical state of the venous radicles of the chorion.
A variety of other molar growths have also been enumerated by authors; in fact, “the term mole has been rather vaguely applied to almost every shapeless mass which issued from the uterus, whether this proved to be coagulated blood, detached tumours, or a blighted conception.” (Churchill, on the Principal Diseases of Females, p. 153.) Thus a fibrinous cast of the uterus, which has been formed by a coagulum of blood, from which the colouring matter has been drained, has been called a fibrous mole: these, however, may easily be distinguished from real moles, which are invariably the product of conception: from inattention also to this circumstance, fungoid, bony, and calcareous tumours have been described as so many species of moles.[49]
Diagnostic symptoms. The diagnosis of a mole pregnancy is exceedingly obscure; in fact, for the first eight or ten weeks we know of no symptom by which we can distinguish it from natural pregnancy. As the death of the embryo is intimately connected with the first morbid changes in the condition of the ovum, and in most cases precedes them, the earliest symptoms which can excite our suspicions are those which indicate this event: thus we shall find that the face becomes pale and chlorotic, the digestion deranged, the breasts flaccid, with unusual lassitude, debility, and depression of spirits; many of the sympathetic affections which belong to early pregnancy, such as the morning sickness, nausea, &c. cease suddenly; in some cases, an attack of hæmorrhage comes on, and may be repeated several times, causing much loss of strength and exhaustion, and attended with a good deal of pain, more especially if the uterus be about to throw off its contents. In that form of mole where the parietes of the ovum have been thickened and lobulated by masses of coagulated blood, the uterus undergoes little or no more increase of size, but the mole, especially the hydatic, continues to grow rapidly; and the unusual increase in the size of the abdomen, as already mentioned, will be an additional reason for suspicion. In all cases, hæmorrhage sooner or later makes its appearance, the patient’s health still farther declines, leucorrhœa comes on, followed by œdema of the feet, general breaking up of the health, and even incipient cachexia. Occasionally the discharge is excessively putrid and offensive. Where it is of the hydatic species, we can frequently ascertain its character by the expulsion of two or three hydatids which have separated from the main mass, or by the escape of some limpid colourless water resulting from the rupture of one or more of them. The expulsion of the mole itself clears up all doubts.
The amount of hæmorrhage will chiefly depend upon the extent of surface by which the mole is attached to the uterus: hence it is observed to be greatest in cases of hydatic mole, from the large size of the mass to be expelled: indeed, under these circumstances, it is frequently more profuse than hæmorrhage from detachment of the placenta. The process of the expulsion itself resembles that of an abortion: pain in the back, groins, and lower part of the abdomen comes on, with more or less discharge of blood; at length bearing down pains succeed, and the mass is expelled.
We cannot better describe the symptoms produced by the presence of a hydatic mole, and the mode of its expulsion, than by quoting a case from the work of Dr. Gooch, on some of the most Important Diseases peculiar to Women.
“I was sent for to ——, a few miles from London, to see a lady, who, having ceased to menstruate for one month, and becoming very sick, concluded that she was pregnant. The next month she had a slow hæmorrhage from the uterus, which had continued incessantly a month when I saw her: she kept nothing on her stomach. On examining the uterus through the vagina, its body felt considerably enlarged, and there was a round circumscribed tumour in the front of the abdomen, reaching from the brim of the pelvis nearly to the umbilicus. I saw her several times at intervals of a fortnight, during which the hæmorrhage and the vomiting continued unrelieved: the peculiarity about the case was the bulk of the uterus, which was greater than it ought to be at this period of pregnancy; it felt also less firm than the pregnant uterus, more like a thick bladder full of fluid. Eleven weeks from the omission of the menstruation, she was seized with profuse hæmorrhage; towards evening there came on strong expelling pains, during which she discharged a vast quantity of something which puzzled her attendants. The next morning I found her quite well—her pain, hæmorrhage, and vomiting, having ceased. I was then taken into her dressing-room, and shown a large wash-hand basin full of what looked like myriads of little white currants floating in red-currant juice. They were hydatids floating in bloody water.”
The treatment previous to the expulsion of the mole should be gently alterative and tonic; the chylopoietic functions should be kept in regular action, and the strength sustained. When hæmorrhage comes on, we must be guided a good deal by the quantity lost, and by the effect which it has upon the pulse. Generally speaking, when the pulse has been a good deal reduced in strength and volume, we shall find the os uteri relaxed and dilated, and in all probability a portion of the mass protruding into the vagina, which may be hooked down by the fingers, and thus the expulsion of the whole mass facilitated. For farther details regarding the management of such cases, we must refer to the chapter on premature expulsion of the ovum, between the symptoms and treatment of which, and of mole pregnancy, there is a close analogy. The after treatment will always be a matter of considerable importance, and will, in a great measure resemble that in abortion or mis-carriage.
Patients who have suffered from a mole pregnancy generally have their strength seriously reduced and their health much broken: hence, they are liable to leucorrhœa, menorrhagia, or dysmenorrhœa, which entail a long series of troublesome and even dangerous affections, the recovery from which will be slow and difficult, requiring a long course of tonic medicines, and removal to the sea-coast or some watering-place where there are chalybeate springs.