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Membrana decidua.—Chorion.—Amnion.—Placenta.—Umbilical cord.—Embryo.—Fœtal circulation.
Membrana decidua. The earliest trace of impregnation which is to be observed in the cavity of the uterus, and even before the ovum has reached it, is the presence of a soft humid paste-like secretion, with which the cavity of the uterus is covered, and which is furnished by the secreting vessels of its lining membrane. This is the membrana decidua of Hunter: properly speaking, it should be called the maternal membrane, in contra-distinction to the chorion and amnion, which, as belonging peculiarly to the fœtus, are called the fœtal membranes.[17]
Although at first in a semi-liquid state, it soon becomes firmer and more compact, assuming the character of a membrane: it appears to be nothing else than an effusion of coagulable lymph on the internal surface of the uterus, having “scarcely a more firm consistence than curd of milk or coagulum of blood.” (Hunter, op. cit. p. 54.) Hence, although much thicker than the other membranes, it is weaker; it is also much less transparent.
It is not of an equal thickness, being considerably thicker in the neighbourhood of the placenta than elsewhere; inferiorily, and especially near the os uteri, it becomes thinner: during the first weeks of pregnancy it is much thicker than afterwards, becoming gradually thinner as pregnancy advances, until it is not half a line in thickness. In the earlier months its external surface is rough and flocculent, but afterwards it becomes smoother as its inner surface was at an earlier period.
It is much more loosely connected with the uterus during the first months of pregnancy than afterwards, and this is one reason why premature expulsion of the ovum is more liable to take place at this period than during the middle and latter part of utero-gestation. It is more firmly attached to the uterus in the vicinity of the placenta than any where else, which is owing to the greater number of blood-vessels it receives from the uterus at this point; whereas commonly “it has no perceptible blood-vessels at that part which is situated near the cervix uteri,” (Ibid.,) this portion being much more loosely connected with the uterus. The course which the decidual vessels take on coming from the inner surface of the uterus is admirably adapted to render the attachment of this membrane to it as firm as possible.
Vascularity of the decidua. From Baer.
Upon examining the lining membrane of the uterus at a very early period, when the decidua was still in a pulpy state, Professor v. Baer observed[18] that its villi, which in an unimpregnated state are very short, were remarkably elongated: between these villi, and passing over them, was a substance, not organized but merely effused, and evidently the membrana decidua at an extremely early age. The uterine vessels were continued into this substance, and formed a number of little loops round the villi, thus anastomosing with each other. On account of this reticular distribution it was impossible to distinguish arteries from veins; there is evidently the same relation between the uterus and the decidua as between an inflamed surface and the coagulable lymph effused upon it.
Professor v. Baer considers that at a later period the connexion between the decidua and mucous membrane becomes so intimate, that it is impossible to separate the former without also separating the latter from the fibrous tissue of the uterus. This, we apprehend, is the stratum which, as Dr. Hunter observes, “is always left upon the uterus after delivery, most of which dissolves and comes away with the lochia.” He does not appear to have been fully aware of the close connexion between the decidua and lining membrane of the uterus, although he evidently observed the fact from the following sentence: “in separating the membranes from the uterus we observe that the adhesion of the decidua to the chorion, and likewise its adhesion to the muscular fibres of the uterus, is rather stronger than the adhesion between its external and internal stratum, which, we may presume, is the reason that in labour it so commonly leaves a stratum upon the inside of the uterus.” According to the observations of Dr. Montgomery, a great number of small cup-like elevations may be seen upon the external surface of the decidua vera, “having the appearance of little bags, the bottoms of which are attached to, or embedded in, its substance; they then expand or belly out a little, and again grow smaller towards their outer or uterine end, which, in by far the greater number of them, is an open mouth when separated from the uterus: how it may be while they are adherent, I cannot at present say. Some of them which I have found more deeply embedded in the decidua were completely closed sacs. They are best seen about the second or third month, and are not to be found at the advanced periods of gestation.”[19]
Decidual cotyledons. From Dr. Montgomery.
a Uterus. d Decidua reflexa. b Fallopian tube. e Ovum. c Decidua.
The membrana decidua does not envelope the ovum with a single covering, but forms a double membrane upon it, somewhat like a serous membrane; in fact, the descent of the ovum through the Fallopian tube is very similar to that of the testicle through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. The ovum pushes before it that portion of the decidua which covers the uterine extremity of the Fallopian tube, and enters the cavity of the uterus, which is already lined with decidua, covered by the protruded portion which forms the decidua reflexa. It must not be supposed that this reflexion of the decidua is completed as soon as the ovum enters the uterine cavity; the ovum usually remains at the mouth of the Fallopian tube, from which it has emerged, covered by the plastic mass of soft decidua, and the reflexion of this membrane will take place in proportion as the ovum gradually increases in size. The external layer of decidua is called decidua vera; the internal or reflected portion is called the decidua reflexa, having received this appellation from its discoverer, Dr. Hunter. These membranes would, as Dr. Baillie has correctly observed, be more correctly named the decidua uteri and decidua chorii: the decidua chorii or reflexa is reflected inwardly from above downwards; it is connected on its inner surface with the chorion: externally it is unattached, whereas, the decidua uteri or vera is unconnected on its inner surface, but attached to the uterus externally.
The membrana decidua differs in its arrangement from that of a serous membrane, inasmuch, as it is not only reflected so as to cover the chorion, but at the point of reflexion it is continued over the chorion externally, where it forms the placenta, so that the chorion is enclosed in all directions by the decidua: this latter portion, however, is not formed till about the middle of pregnancy. The decidua uteri or vera does not extend farther than the os uteri internum, which is filled up by the plug of tough gelatinous substance above described; the decidua chorii or reflexa, from its forming the outer covering of the chorion, of course passes over the os uteri.
Membrana decidua.
The lower orifice corresponds to the os uteri,
the two upper ones to the Fallopian tubes.
From Dr. Hunter.
According to Mr. John Hunter, the decidua vera is continued some little way into the Fallopian tubes, more especially, on that side where the corpus luteum has been formed; it is perforated at the points where the Fallopian tubes enter, as well as at the os uteri, a fact which is beautifully shown in Dr. Hunter’s last plate: but this does not continue long, for, as Mr. John Hunter observes, the inferiour opening becomes closed in the first month, and, according to Lobstein’s observations, the openings of the Fallopian tubes are closed after the second month. “Where the decidua reflexa is beginning to pass over the chorion, there is, at an early period of pregnancy, an angle formed between it and the decidua, which lines the uterus; and here the decidua is often extremely thin and perforated with small openings so as to look like a piece of lace.
“In proportion as pregnancy advances, the decidua reflexa becomes gradually thinner and thinner, so that at the fourth month it forms an extremely fine layer covering the chorion; it comes at the same time more and more closely in contact with the decidua, which lines that part of the uterus to which the placenta is not fixed, till at length they adhere together.”[20] That portion of the decidua which passes between the placenta and uterus during the latter half of gestation, is called the placental decidua, the description of which will be given with that of the placenta.
To Dr. W. Hunter are we indebted for the first correct description of the decidua; indeed, so excellent is it, that the membrane has been called after him, the decidua of Hunter. Although he was the undoubted discoverer of the reflexa, the existence of the decidua was distinctly noticed by Burton, in 1751. In stating the post mortem examination of a woman, who died undelivered at the full time of pregnancy, he says, “Upon wiping the inside of the uterus very gently with a sponge, there seemed to be pieces of a very tender thin transparent membrane adhering to it in such parts of the uterus where the placenta did not stick to it; but as the womb was somewhat corrupted, and the membrane so very tender, we could not raise any bulk of it so as to be certain what it was.” (Burton’s Midwifery.)
The decidua seems chiefly intended to form the maternal part of the placenta: (see Placenta:) hence in all those quadrupeds when the maternal part of the placenta is permanently appended to the internal surface of the uterus, no decidua is found.
Having described the maternal membranes of the ovum, we come now to the membranes which form the parietes of the ovum. These are called the fœtal membranes, for they are essentially connected with the origin of the fœtus itself. They are the chorion and the amnion; besides which, there are two others that require notice, viz. the vesicula umbilicalis and allantois.
Chorion. The chorion is the proper covering of the ovum, and corresponds to the membrane lining the shell of an egg, in oviparous animals. It is a thin and transparent membrane, and presents on its external surface a ragged tufted appearance, being covered externally with groups of arborescent villous processes, which after a time unite into trunks to form the umbilical vessels, which, according to Lobstein’s observations, are merely veins during the early period of gestation. These loose tufts of venous radicles appear to absorb nourishment for the ovum, much in the same manner as the roots of a plant. Although the chorion is so thin and transparent, it consists nevertheless of two laminæ or layers, between which the villi, which produce this shaggy appearance, take their course. Although the chorion on its external surface is nothing but a net-work of villi, which in process of time become vascular, anatomists have been unable to detect blood-vessels in the structure of the membrane itself. Its vascularity, however, has been asserted chiefly on the ground of the known vascularity of the decidua, it being supposed that the vessels of the decidua penetrate into the chorion. The chorion, however, belongs so essentially and exclusively to the fœtus, that it appears extremely improbable that any maternal vessels should ramify in its structure for the purposes of its nourishment and growth, and the more so when we reflect that the nutrition of the fœtus itself at this early period is obtained in so different a manner. It is, moreover, extremely difficult to distinguish between the venous absorbing radicles of the chorion, which form the early rudiments of the umbilical vessels, and any vessels which may take their course in the structure of the membrane itself; and the more we consider the relation between the chorion and the decidua, the less are we inclined to accept Meckel’s explanation of the vascularity of the chorion, viz. that the vessels of the decidua have the same relation to those of the chorion as the blood-vessels of the maternal part of the placenta have to those of the fœtal part.
Neither nerves nor lymphatics have been discovered in the structure of the chorion, unless, indeed, those white filaments, which are observed here and there about the edge of the placenta, perform the office of lymphatics. This has been hinted at by Dr. Hunter, where he says, “these are the remains of those shaggy vessels which shoot out from the chorion in a young conception, and give the appearance of the ovum being altogether surrounded by the placenta at that time. With a magnifying glass, they appear to be transparent ramifying vessels, which run in corresponding furrows upon the internal surface of the decidua, and a good deal resemble lymphatics.” (W. Hunter, op. cit. p. 53.)
The chorion undergoes various changes during the different periods of pregnancy, and forms a very important part of the physiology of utero-gestation. Its thickness, which in the earlier months of pregnancy is more considerable than afterwards, at this period is uniform in every part of the ovum: its external surface covered with those villous prolongations which have already been alluded to. In the second month of pregnancy these become larger, and much more arborescent; after the third month a considerable portion of them gradually disappears, generally from below upwards, so that the greater part of its external surface becomes nearly smooth, except at that point where the umbilical cord has its origin, at which spot the villous prolongations become more developed, and unite to form the umbilical vessels. This part of the chorion, together with the corresponding portion of the membrana decidua, forms a flat circular mass, which at the end of pregnancy covers nearly one-third of the surface of the ovum, and constitutes the placenta or after-birth. At this point the chorion, which forms its inner surface, is considerably thicker than elsewhere.
At the commencement of pregnancy the chorion is but loosely connected with the decidua, but by degrees it becomes so closely connected by fibres, which are the remains of the little vascular prolongations, especially where these two membranes combine to form the placenta, that in the latter months of pregnancy, they can scarcely, if at all, be separated.
For the more minute consideration of the formation, development, and functions of the chorion, we must refer to the description of the placenta and fœtus.
Amnion. The amnion is the inner membrane of the ovum. It is transparent, and of great tenuity, “yet its texture is firm, so as to resist laceration much more than the other membranes.” (W. Hunter, op. cit. p. 50.) It is loosely connected with the chorion on its external surface, except when this membrane unites with the decidua to form the placenta at which spot it adheres to the chorion much more firmly. Its inner surface, which is in immediate contact with the liquor amnii, is very smooth; whereas externally, from being connected with the chorion by an exceedingly fine layer of cellular tissue, its surface is not so smooth. Dr. W. Hunter considers that this intervening tissue, is a gelatinous substance: it seems, however, to possess too much elasticity for such a structure; and, from the reticular appearance which it generally presents upon the membranes to which it adheres, we are inclined to adopt the opinion of Meckel in considering it cellular. “In the very early state of an ovum the amnium forms a bag, which is a good deal smaller than the chorion, and, therefore, is not in contact with it.” (Ibid. p. 75:) hence, therefore, a space is formed between the two membranes which is filled with a fluid called the liquor amnii spurius, or more correctly the liquor allantoidis. “In the course of some weeks, however, it comes nearly into contact with the chorion, and through the greater part of pregnancy the two membranes are pretty closely applied to each other.” (Ibid.) Lobstein, in his admirable Essai sur la Nutrition du Fœtus, observes, that the membranes continues separate from each other so late as the third and fourth month. Cases every now and then occur where a considerable quantity of fluid is found between the chorion and amnion in labour at the full period of pregnancy.
We shall defer the minute description of the amnion and its relations, during the very early periods of utero-gestation, until we describe the embryo. The amnion is reflected upon the umbilical cord at its insertion into the placenta, envelopes the umbilical vessels, the external covering of which it forms, and is continued to the anterior surface of the child’s abdomen, passing into that projecting portion of the skin which forms the future navel.
Blood-vessels and nerves have not as yet been discovered in the structure of the amnion, but Meckel considers it extremely probable that the fine layer of cellular tissue by which it is connected with the chorion contains vessels for its nutrition.
Liquor amnii. The amnion contains a fluid known by the name of liquor amnii. In the earlier months of pregnancy it is nearly, if not quite transparent; as pregnancy advances it becomes turbid, containing more or less of what appears to resemble mucus: it has a distinctly saline taste; its specific gravity is rather more than that of water. Its relative and absolute quantity vary considerably at different periods of pregnancy: thus the relative weight of liquor amnii to that of the fœtus is very considerable at the beginning of pregnancy, at the middle they are nearly equal, but towards the end, the weight of fluid to that of the child, diminishes considerably, so that during the last weeks of pregnancy it scarcely equals a pound, and seldom more than eight ounces, whereas the medium weight of the child is usually between six and seven pounds: the quantity, however, varies considerably, sometimes amounting to several quarts. In the early months the absolute quantity increases, so that between the third and fourth months it sometimes equals as much as thirty-six ounces. Chemically it consists chiefly of water, a small quantity of albumen and gelatine, a peculiar acid called amniotic, with a little muriate of soda and ammonia, and a trace of phosphate of lime.
The source of the liquor amnii is still unknown. Dr. Burns asserts that “it is secreted from the inner surface of the membrane by pellucid vessels,” but as he confesses that “these have never been injected or traced to their source (Principles of Midwifery, by J. Burns, M. D. p. 222.,) little weight can be attached to such a view.” Meckel considers (Handbuch der Menschlichen Anatomie, vol. iv. p. 707,) that the greater part of it, especially in the early months, is a secretion from the maternal vessels, but that afterwards, as pregnancy advances, it becomes mingled with the excretions of the fœtus. It appears to be a means of nourishment to the fœtus during the first part of pregnancy, from the fact that it contains more nutritious matter in the early than in the latter months, since at that time a considerable coagulation is produced by alcohol, &c. The disappearance of this coagulable matter of the liquor amnii, towards the end of pregnancy, may be attributed to its having been absorbed at an earlier period, and to the process of nutrition being now carried on by other means. Besides being a source of nourishment to the fœtus, it serves many useful purposes; it secures the fœtus against external pressure or violence, and supports the regular distension of the uterus; on the other hand it diminishes and equalises the pressure of the fœtus upon the uterus; during labour by distending the membranes into an elastic cone, it materially assists to dilate the os uteri; it also serves to lubricate and moisten the external passages.
Placenta. The placenta is formed essentially by the chorion and decidua; it is a flat, circular, or more or less oval mass, soft, but becoming firmer towards its edge. It is the most vascular part of the ovum, and by which it is connected most intimately with the uterus. Its longest diameter is generally about eight, its shortest about six inches; its greatest thickness is at that spot where the umbilical cord is inserted, which is usually about the middle of the placenta, although it occasionally varies considerably in this respect, the cord coming off sometimes at the edge. The placenta, as ordinarily seen after labour, is barely an inch in its thickest part, but when filled with blood or injection it swells very considerably, and is then little short of two inches. It is generally attached to the upper part of the uterus in the neighbourhood of one of the Fallopian tubes, and more frequently on the left side than on the right; its inner or fœtal surface is smooth, being covered by the chorion, which at this part is much thicker.
The placenta cannot be distinguished from the other parts of the ovum until the end of the second month, at which period it covers nearly half the surface of the ovum, gradually diminishing in relative size, but increasing in thickness and absolute bulk up to the full period of utero-gestation. It forms a spongy vascular mass, its uterine surface being divided unequally into irregular lobes called cotyledons.
The uterine surface of a full-grown placenta is covered by a pulpy membrane, resembling in structure the decidua which covers the chorion, and of which it seems to be a continuation. This is always found present at the end of pregnancy: it covers the lobes of the uterine surface of the placenta, descending into the sulci which runs between them: in some parts it is thicker than in others, especially where it is connected with, or in fact becomes, the decidua of the chorion or decidua reflexa. This membrane, which has been called the placenta decidua, is pretty firmly attached to the vessels of the placenta, so as not to be separated without rupture; but by maceration, its texture is more or less destroyed, so that we may easily distinguish the extremities of these vessels. “This decidua, or uterine portion of the placenta,” says Dr. Hunter, “is not a simple thin membrane expanded over the surface of the part: it produces a thousand irregular processes, which pervade the substance of the placenta as deep as the chorion or inner surface; and are every where so blended and entangled with the ramifications of the umbilical system, that no anatomist will perhaps be able to discover the nature of their union. While these two parts are combined, the placenta makes a pretty firm mass, no part of it is loose or floating; but when they are carefully separated, the umbilical system is evidently nothing but loose floating ramifications of the umbilical vessels, like that vascular portion of the chorion, which makes part of the placentula in a calf; and the uterine part is seen shooting out into innumerable floating processes and rugæ, with the most irregular and minutely subdivided cavities between them that can be conceived. This part answers to the uterine fungus in the quadrupeds: it receives no vessels demonstrable by the finest injection from those of the navel string; yet it is full of both large and small arteries and veins: these are all branches of the uterine vessels, and are readily filled by injecting the arteries and veins of the uterus, and they all break through in separating the placenta from the uterus, leaving corresponding orifices on the two parted surfaces.” (Hunter, op. cit. p. 42.)
According to Lobstein’s observations, although this membrane appears to be a continuation of the decidua which covers the chorion, it nevertheless does not exist during the earlier months. During the first months of pregnancy the placenta does not present a solid mass, with its uterine surface covered with projecting lobuli, as it does at the full term of pregnancy; but the vessels of which it is composed (fœtal) are loose and floating, as if it had been subjected to maceration. It has been supposed, that this irregular lobulated appearance of the uterine surface of the placenta was produced at the moment of its separation from the uterus during labour; this, however, is not the case, for Lobstein having opened the uterus of a woman who died in the fifth month of pregnancy, and separated the placenta with great care, found these lobular prominences, although not yet covered by the membrane of which we have just spoken. Wrisberg, professor of anatomy at Göttingen, considered that this membrane was distinct from the decidua reflexa, since with care the two membranes can be easily separated.
Uterine surface of the Placenta.
In examining the uterine surface of a full grown placenta it is necessary to place it upon something convex, in order that it may resemble, as nearly as possible, the form which it had when attached to the concave surface of the uterus; the cotyledons are thus rendered prominent and separated from each other; the sulci, which run between them, are wide and gaping: whereas, when the placenta is laid upon a flat surface, its cotyledons are closely pressed together, and the sulci more or less completely concealed. On minute examination of these sulci a number of openings may be observed, varying in size and shape, but usually more or less oval, their edges distinct, smooth, and thin; on directing a strong light into some of the larger ones a number of smaller apertures may be observed opening into them, in much the same way as is observed when looking down a large vein. Some of these canals do not immediately lead to smaller orifices as above described, but open at once into an irregular-shaped cell or cavity, in the parietes of which numerous small apertures may be observed, through which blood oozes when the adjacent parts of the placenta are slightly pressed upon. Besides these openings at the bottom of the interlobular sulci, others may be seen here and there upon the cotyledons; these are generally smaller, their edges thicker, and in most instances they are round; but they are not so invariably met with as the openings between the cotyledons, these lobular projections being sometimes very thickly covered with placental decidua. The openings observed on the uterine surface of the placenta correspond to the mouths of the uterine veins and arteries, which, in the unimpregnated state, open into the cavity of the uterus, but which now, by means of the decidua, convey maternal blood to and from the placenta. “Any anatomist,” says Dr. W. Hunter, “who has once seen and understood them, can readily discover them upon the surface of any fresh placenta; the veins, indeed, he will find have an indistinct appearance from their tenderness and frequent anastomoses, so as to look a good deal like irregular interstitial void spaces: the arteries which generally make a snake-like convolution or two, on the surface of the placenta, and give off no anastomosing branches, are more distinct.” (Hunter, op. cit. p. 46.) From the observations of Messrs. Mayo and Stanley, and from their examination of the original preparations in the Hunterian museum at the College of Surgeons, London, illustrating this subject, it appears that, in all probability, most of the large thin-edged apertures at the bottom of the interlobular sulci are connected with the uterine veins; whereas, the smaller orifices, the margins of which are thicker, and which are chiefly observed upon the cotyledons, are continuations of the uterine arteries.
These openings were also pointed out by the late Dr. Hugh Ley, in describing the post mortem examination of a woman who had died at the full term undelivered (Med. Gaz. June 1, 1833:) “The uterine surface (of the placenta) thus detached from the uterus, exhibited its lobules with their intersecting sulci, even more distinctly than they are seen in the uninjected placenta; and in several parts there could be perceived, with the naked eye, small apertures of an oval form, with edges perfectly smooth, regularly defined, and thicker, as well as more opaque, than the contiguous parts which they penetrated.” The communication between the openings of the placental cells, and the mouths of the uterine veins and arteries, which convey their blood to the placenta, as before observed, is effected by means of the placental decidua. The connecting portion of canal is of a flattened shape, runs obliquely between the uterus and placenta, and appears to be formed entirely of decidua. The manner in which the arteries pass to the placenta is very different to that of the veins: “the arteries,” as Dr. W. Hunter observes, “are all much convoluted and serpentine; the larger, when injected, are almost of the size of crow-quills: the veins have frequent anastomoses.” Mr. J. Hunter has described this point more minutely, and gives still more precise notions of the manner in which the arteries pass to the placenta. “The arteries of the uterus which are not immediately employed in conveying nourishment to it, go on towards the placenta, and, proceeding obliquely between it and the uterus, pass through the decidua without ramifying: just before they enter the placenta, making two or three close spiral turns upon themselves, they open at once into its spongy substance, without any diminution of size, and without passing beyond the surface as above described.
The intention of these spiral turns would appear to be that of diminishing the force of the circulation as it approaches the spongy substance of the placenta, and is a structure which must lessen the quick motion of the blood in a part where a quick motion of this fluid was not wanted. The size of these curling arteries at this termination is about that of a crow’s quill. The veins of the uterus appropriated to bring back the blood from the placenta, commence from this spongy substance by such wide beginnings as are more than equal to the size of the veins themselves. These veins pass obliquely through the decidua to the uterus, enter its substance obliquely, and immediately communicate with the proper veins of the uterus; the area of those veins bear no proportion to their circumference, the veins being very much flattened.”[21]
On examining these vessels in an injected uterus to which the placenta is attached, we shall therefore find that all traces of a regular canal or tube are suddenly lost upon their entering the placenta; each vessel (whether artery or vein) abruptly terminating in a spongy cellular tissue. If a blow-pipe be introduced into a piece of sponge, we shall have a very simple but correct illustration of the manner in which the uterine blood circulates through the placenta. The cell into which each vessel immediately opens is usually much larger than the rest, so that when the cellular structure of the placenta is filled with wax, a number of irregular nodules[22] are found continuous with these vessels and passing into an infinity of minute granules, which are merely so many casts of smaller cells. That this cellular tissue pervades the whole mass of the placenta, and communicates freely with the uterine vessels by which it is filled with blood, is proved by repeating a very simple experiment of Dr. Hunter, viz. “if a blow-pipe be thrust into the substance of the placenta any where, the air which is blown into the cellular part opens, and rushes out readily by, the open mouths both of the arteries and veins.” (Hunter, op. cit. p. 46.) That it also envelopes the umbilical vessels of the cord is shown by the fact, that if a pipe be inserted beneath the outer covering of the cord near to its insertion into the placenta, we shall be able to “fill the whole placenta uniformly in its cellular part, and likewise all the venous system of the uterus and decidua, as readily and fully as if we had fixed the pipe in the spermatic or hypogastric vein; so ready a passage is there reciprocally between the cells of the placenta and the uterine vessels.” (Ibid. p. 47.)
The maternal portion of the placenta therefore consists of a spongy cellular tissue, which is filled by the uterine vessels, and also of those trunks which pass through the decidua, and which form the communication between these vessels and the placental cells.
Fœtal surface of the placenta.
The fœtal surface of the placenta is smooth and glossy, being covered by the amnion and chorion; it is much harder than the uterine surface, and is streaked over by the larger branches of the umbilical vein and arteries, which radiate irregularly from the point where the cord is inserted; and which pass beneath the amnion, and between the two layers of which the chorion is composed, to which they are intimately connected. These vessels supply the various lobuli of which the placenta is composed, so that each lobulus receives at least one of these branches; for, although the umbilical cord consists of two arteries and one vein, this arrangement does not continue into the body of the placenta. “Every branch of an artery,” as Dr. Hunter observes, “is attended with a branch of a vein: these cling to one another, and frequently in the substance of the placenta entwine round one another, as in the navel string.” (Ibid. p. 40.) Each cotyledon receives its own vessels, so that the vessels of one cotyledon have no direct communication with those of the adjacent ones, as proved by Wrisberg’s examinations; for if we inject the vessel or vessels of one of these lobuli, the injection will not pass into those of the others. When the vessels have reached the cotyledons, they are divided and subdivided ad infinitum; they are connected together by a fine cellular membrane, which may be very easily removed by maceration, and then they may be seen ramifying in the most beautiful and delicate manner possible; the main branches having no communication or anastomosis with each other.
The umbilical arteries anastomose freely with each other upon the fœtal surface of the placenta, before dividing into the branches above-mentioned; hence, if an injection be thrown into one umbilical artery it will return almost immediately by the other; but if this be tied also, the injection, after a time, will return by the umbilical vein, but not until all the vessels of the placenta have been filled, proving that there is a free passage of blood from the arteries into the veins.
From these remarks, founded chiefly on the admirable observations of the Hunters, and repeated examinations of the placenta, which we have made with the greatest care and impartiality, it may be stated with confidence, that the placenta consists of two portions—a maternal and a fœtal. The maternal portion consists, as we have before observed, of a spongy cellular tissue; and also of those trunks which pass through the decidua, and which form the communication between the uterine vessels and the placental cells. The fœtal part is formed by the ramifications of the umbilical vessels: “that each of those parts has its peculiar system of arteries and veins, and its peculiar circulation, receiving blood by its arteries, and returning it by its veins; that the circulation through these parts of the placenta differs in the following manner: in the umbilical portion the arteries terminate in the veins by a continuity of canal; whereas, in the uterine portion there are intermediate cells into which the arteries terminate, and from which the veins begin.” (Hunter, op. cit. p. 48.)
Although various observations and anatomical injections show that to a certain degree, there is a communication between the uterus and the placenta, inasmuch as the blood of the former is received into the sinuses or cells of the latter, we possess no proof that the blood can pass from these sinuses into the umbilical vessels: on the contrary, every thing combines to prove that the circulation of the fœtus is altogether independent of that of the mother. We know from daily experience that in labour at the full term of pregnancy, the placenta is easily expelled from the uterus: that, upon examining the surface which had been attached to the uterus we find no laceration, and that a discharge of more or less blood takes place for some days afterwards. We know, also, that when the placenta becomes detached from the uterus during the progress of gestation, it is followed by a considerable hemorrhage, which greatly endangers the life of the mother. These facts prove that there is a circulation of uterine blood in the placenta, which is destroyed upon its being separated from the uterus. That this uterine circulation in the placenta is unconnected with the circulation of fœtal vessels in the placenta is proved by the fact first pointed out by Wrisberg, viz. that, where the mother has died from loss of blood, and the maternal vessels therefore drained of their contents, those of the fœtus have been full of blood. Still farther to illustrate this fact, he killed several cows big with calf, by a large wound through the heart or great vessels, so as to ensure the most profuse and sudden loss of blood possible, and never found that the vessels of the calf were deprived of blood, although those of the mother were perfectly empty; moreover, no anatomist has ever yet succeeded in making injections pass from the fœtal into the uterine vessels, or vice versâ. Lobstein has mentioned a mode of illustrating this fact (Essai sur la Nutrition du Fœtus,) which is both simple and striking. Upon examining the uterine surface of a placenta which has been expelled at the full term, it presents the appearance of a spongy mass gorged with blood, which may be removed by washing or maceration, and if a placenta thus prepared be injected, the fluids will pass with the greatest facility from the umbilical arteries into the umbilical vein, but not one drop into its cellular structure; it is evident, therefore, that the blood which had filled the intervals between the vessels, and which had been removed by washing and maceration, could not have belonged to the fœtus, but must have come from the mother; for if any of the vessels had been ruptured the injection would not have succeeded.