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Table of Contents


CHAPTER I. An Early Start— A Milkmaid of the Interior—A Digger's. Home.

CHAPTER II. On an Old Diggings.

CHAPTER III. A Lost Coach—The Mail Girl—"Returning. Exiles."

CHAPTER IV. Social Life in the Backblocks.

CHAPTER V. The Home of the Duststorm—The North West. Plains—"Looking for Thunder Storms"—Some. Notable Waterholes.

CHAPTER VI. The Advent of the Overseer—Yarns by the Way.

CHAPTER VII. The Land of Tanks.

CHAPTER VIII. Women of the West.

CHAPTER IX. Glimpses of Lonely Lives.

CHAPTER X. The Carrier's Wife.

CHAPTER XI. Wayfarers—Looking for Pyzer—"Bail. Up!"—On the Road to Menindie.

CHAPTER XII. Holidaying on the Darling—The River of Rest.

CHAPTER XIII. Bogeying in the Bush.

CHAPTER XIV. Shopping in Town and Country.

CHAPTER XV. Broken Hill.

CHAPTER XVI. Seeing the Country—Lively Company—A Chap From Farrell's. Flat.

CHAPTER XVII. The Romance of Old Squattage Homesteads.

CHAPTER XVIII. The Altered Bush.

CHAPTER XIX. Through the Wheat Areas—The Farm Home—Gossip Along the. Line.

CHAPTER XX. When the Bushman Visits the City.

CHAPTER XXI. The Suburbanite's Little Garden.

CHAPTER XXII. Going Down to Build the Federal Capital—Heroes of the Camp. Fires.

CHAPTER XXIII. Tall Fishing on the Murray.

CHAPTER XXIV. The Overseer Tries to Have Forty Winks—No Respect for. Luggage—Rural Charm—The Tent-Dwellers of Ballarat.

CHAPTER XXV. In Canvas Houses.

CHAPTER XXVI. In the Smoker.

CHAPTER XXVII. A Good Hand at Cards—Melbourne—Seeing the Duke.


CHAPTER XXIX. An Unpleasant Attachment—Armed and Feathered Women.

CHAPTER XXX. Giant Trees—A Day on a New Selection—Glenrowan and. Wodonga.

CHAPTER XXXI. Settler's Homes.

CHAPTER XXXII. On the Track.

CHAPTER XXXIII. Refreshment Stalls—Business Cards and Signs.

CHAPTER XXXIV. Women and the Gun—The Australian Girl.

CHAPTER XXXV The City Girl and the Country Girl.

CHAPTER XXXVI. Women in the Saddle.

CHAPTER XXXVII. "Sydney, the Beautiful."

CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Rock and Fence-Rail Artist.

CHAPTER XXXIX. The Alderman and the Cow.

CHAPTER XL. Picnickers.

CHAPTER XLI. The Best Place to Live in When Hard Up.

CHAPTER XLII. "Our Avenue."


A Backblocker's Pleasure Trip

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