Читать книгу Dmitrii Shilov: from bankput to millionaire - Eks Aleksey - Страница 11

Part one. “Life like anyone else has”
Big sport #2001


People leave big sport in different ways. Mitya honestly played several seasons in Krasnoyarsk, Chita and Bratsk, but sports career was not long. He left for Chita as the third goalkeeper, eventually he became the first one, and the team moved from the first League into the highest. It would seem to be a success, but a new coach came and Mitya had to move to Bratsk. And again endless trips around Siberian towns, games, again exit from the first League into the highest… A full feeling of deja vu without much development. And he would like to play in “Yenisei”, in his hometown, in the native district, at the native stadium. But dreams still didn’t come true, and then there were injuries and eternal companion of provincial athletes – alcohol Sport season is an endless sequence of repeated events which were boring for Mitya by the beginning of the third year. There was a chance to meet a legendary coach of “Yenisei” Sergei LOMANOV and instead of March, Mitya appeared at the stadium by May, but nobody forgives such delays… Why was it delayed until May? Because the young athlete had many friends. While he was drinking with friends, two months passed.

So, Mitya became a veteran of the sport only at the age of 21. On the one hand, it was a great failure, but many years later Mitya said that it was better to finish sport career when you were young when you could change your life and get another profession. Retired from the sport men at the age of 35 men, as a rule, do not know how to do anything else, and they work as children’s coaches for a pittance. The great country pays great athletes in the past not great money. Or do you consider that they go to different deputies from big prospects?

Dmitrii Shilov went away from hockey but by his own admission, he had dreams about the great Sergey LOMANOV for another two years. He looked skeptically and said directly: “I don’t need you in May. I needed you in March, Mitya!” Did Sergey Lomanov dream of Mitya? The history doesn’t say about it.

But professional sport gave Mitya the opportunity to pay military duty to the Motherland in the sports company. He served not as “a clerk in the staff” of course, but not in dangerous places. A soldier-athlete in Chita was given 2600 roubles a month, it’s about $ 100 at the exchange rate of that time. But liter of local beer cost 18 roubles… so you can calculate how many vitamins and minerals the body of a young soldier athlete could get from popular beverage. And in sport Mitya gained priceless experience of communication in the men’s team, experience that one can get only in the barracks, in the bath, at hard work and in the sports cloak room. There, as in the song of Ivan Dorn, you shouldn’t be shy. There where all things are called by their names and to say nothing in response to a verbal attack is the same as a shame. A schoolchild, as they say, does not understand.


Most people sink to the financial bottom because they do not want to work and believe that the cherished money should fall into their pocket suddenly and immediately. Especially, there was an example of their parents and grandparents in front of children of 1990s. People who gave their lives to the country retired almost beggars, and their capital consisted mainly of pleasant memories about Soviet youth and all sorts of sores.

The relationship of a Man and Work in Russia can be a subject for a long and careful study. “Wherever you work, but not to work”, “Work loves fools” – our people in their attitude to work decided long ago. Now almost everybody dreams to be top managers, oligarches or deputies, it means that young people are interested, first of all, in participation in the process of distribution of wealth, rather than participation in the process of making it. But all in vain. Work, of course, loves fools but it gives these fools very much with love. The knowledge of life, understanding of what you can do, the ability to take the burden on yourself not to fall down while walking. That is what you can learn only in practice. Mitya had a lot of working practice in his life. And it did not stop – who has been making ice rinks for children with his own hands for many years in the morning? (Here about “poured” the audience of the video blog will joke, but with a sense of humor.)

Dmitrii Shilov: from bankput to millionaire

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