Читать книгу Dmitrii Shilov: from bankput to millionaire - Eks Aleksey - Страница 13

Part one. “Life like anyone else has”
JSC “Krastsvetmet” #2003


To get a job at the plant of non-ferrous metals was always considered a great success in Krasnoyarsk. New people were taken to the plant rarely and with reluctance, choosing newcomers mostly from their factory dynasties. Because of it, Krastsvetmet got its nickname among people the “Mother-in-law’s plant”. However, work at the production of precious metals has never been easy and harm to health caused not less than any other metallurgy.

The prestige of working at the plant after the collapse of the USSR did not fall, as in others production, and even raised. In 1990s, when money was paid regularly only to officials and racketeers, Tsvetmet not only kept all the social “appendixes” like the Palace of Culture and its own recreation center, but also sold shares to its employees. Trucks with vodka and sugar were parked in front of other factories in Krasnoyarsk at that time. Quirky guys changed products to vouchers and gradually took over the former socialist property. And “Krastsvetmet” miraculously remained in the regional property and paid taxes to the budget of the region. Many people said that this miracle was the Director Vladimir Gulidov, elected by the labor collective in 1988 and he died in a strange car accident in 1999, but our story is not about such global matters, and about one simple employee of JSC Krastsvetmet, Dmitrii Shilov.

Of course, the position of a handyman in the factory was not the earth Paradise. Those who worked “in perimeter”, at the main production, received several times more. If Mitya was paid about 12 thousand roubles a month, that is, the specialist of the main production received 30 thousand, and even more. Gold and platinum bars were fused inside, and jewelry was made in the jewelry workshop. But not a single gram of precious metals could be carried out through the checkpoint, so if some lady came inside wearing gold earrings, she could walk in beautiful look only on the territory of the plant. Mitya worked “behind the perimeter”, combining boring work duties of the format” bring- unload” with reading books on marketing and advertising. He was fascinated with it, especially, since drinking at work was strictly forbidden.

Together with the whole country Krasnoyarsk moved away from the shock of the nineties, and it became clear that Russia didn’t have many things – there was no normal trade, there was no normal advertizing, no good things. In the books Mitya met both new ideas and what he took for granted: the importance of communication, ability to set goals and achieve them, understanding that good money is earned not at the factory, but in your own business. Even then Mitya began to think about something of his own, but all the arguments usually ended in some bar or with beer on a bench. How many such almost “businessmen” and almost” successful people” waste their time in pubs and playgrounds of our cities? They drink powdered liquid that has no relation to real beer. So, life deceives them even in this. It is sad, gentlemen- comrades…

At the plant, Mitya had a new friend-Sanyok. Sanyok was a simple guy: single and cheerful. He took part easily in every activity and lived a fast life as he could (as far as he could with the factory wages, of course). Sanyok did not like books if only simple detectives and science fiction, but to overcome the hardships of factory life, such a friend was just a godsend – and he will tell a joke, and laugh at yours. Well, an old Sanyok’s “Toyota” helped Mitya more than once at the right time. Many friends have a car under their ass, but not everyone will move their lower hemispheres to share it.

Vladilen Vyazhevich, the newly appeared master of jewelry production, often watched Mitya and Sanyok from the windows of jewelry production. The plant took care of hockey players – sponsored the team “Krastsvetmet”, and some former athletes were given the opportunity to touch if not sports, then the most ordinary gold. Of course, only during the work. However, there was a popular trick at “Krastsvetmet”: the guests who came on a tour to the plant were offered to take away a gold bar of 16 kilos if they could lift it with one hand. People tried to do it enthusiastically but at least to lift a heavy piece of metal of uncomfortable form was possible only for the strongest guard of the Governor Khloponin. And this kind of information was likely just a legend for the rest of the fans not to lose their hope. After all, even the most honest person working with precious metal sometimes has the wrong idea.


A clock was ticking on the wall, a tap was dripping in the kitchen, and Mitya was sitting at home and blaming himself. For the whole days he wondered: how did I come to it? why did I let them do it with me? Where did I lose that scent and was led on a frank divorce for suckers?

And the answer came. He lived too long in a comfort zone, everything was ready – he had a flat, a car, surrounded by friends, and his dear wife. Life in the present seemed a holiday, and the future was assured. The main issue – appartment —was solved by the works of previous generations. His grandmother’s flat and the flat of his aunt who had no children and the parental flat had to move to Mitya. And it’s life: you haven’t done anything yet, and you have already had everything.

Dmitrii Shilov: from bankput to millionaire

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