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A New Body and Mind for the Spirit


"In a healthy body, a healthy mind" (Latin: "Mens sana in corpore sano") is a winged Latin expression that has come down to our days. For the Romans, it was an appeal to the gods with a request to send a healthy spirit to a healthy body. People asked for the spirit as a particle of God for their body, giving them the opportunity to join eternity.

In general, the Spirit of God himself invented and created a new image (new body and mind) for himself as the basis of a kinetic drawing for traveling in a large space of its capabilities.

"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Genesis 1:1-2)

To understand the Creator's plan and what processes humanity has displayed and continues to display with its lives, among which there are our own lives of current generations, it is worth first getting some idea of the mitochondria-wanderers in the cells of our body.

In this book there is a description of them, prepared mainly on the basis of data from Wikipedia pages created by many authors, and a little from the Internet. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone whose work helped in creating the sections of the book. Anyway, all sections will contain references to the history of mankind from the point of view of the processes of the organism associated with mitochondria and changes in the genetic code.

There is an assertion that people, in fact, serve to fulfill the tasks of the mitochondria, this tiny structural unit of the Universe2, gradually fulfilling the Creator's plan, changing the human body and our life from the inside. It may seem absurd at first, but maybe you will change your mind after reading this book.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR91omXt3v0 – Митохондрии: органоиды жизни и смерти | Лекции по биологии – антрополог Елена Сударикова | Научпоп (Mitochondria: Organoids of life and death | Lectures on Biology – anthropologist Elena Sudarikova | Popular Science)

The 4th Key. Peter and Paul Fortress. The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth. Part 1

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