Читать книгу Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis - Eleftheria Papadimitriou - Страница 3

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Buildup of the kernel estimate of PDF. Normal kernel functions (thic...Figure 1.2. The dependence of density estimate on bandwidth, h. The actual distr...Figure 1.3. Left – PDF with two modes. Right – PDF with two bumps. Reprinted fro...Figure 1.4. Comparison of the estimates obtained from the kernel estimation meth...Figure 1.5. “Kernel” (circles) and “exponential” (squares) estimates of the mean...Figure 1.6. Example of interval kernel estimation of CDF and related hazard para...Figure 1.7. An example of the transformation to equivalent dimensions. The first...Figure 1.8. Changes in time of the total distance to centroid of the groups of 1...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Three examples of slider-block models of the earthquake process, fro...Figure 2.2. Recurrence-time distributions from three different physics-based ear...Figure 2.3. Flow chart of the computer code for earthquake simulation adopted in...Figure 2.4. Scheme of rupture nucleation and propagation adopted in this earthqu...Figure 2.5. Frequency-magnitude distribution of the earthquakes in the synthetic...Figure 2.6. Space-time features of synthetic catalogs concerning earthquakes wit...Figure 2.7. Interevent time distribution from a simulation of 100,000 years of s...Figure 2.8. a) Magnitude-frequency distribution of the earthquakes in the synthe...Figure 2.9. Cumulative magnitude-frequency distribution of the earthquakes in th...Figure 2.10. Stacked number of M3.0+ events in the 500 years period before and a...Figure 2.11. Probability (%) of exceedance of PGA = 0.2 g in 50 years in the Cal...Figure 2.12. Map of ruptures for M ≥ 6.0 earthquakes on the joint set of three f...Figure 2.13. Flow chart of the computer code for earthquake simulation with rate...Figure 2.14. Simplified model of the Nankai mega-thrust. The seismogenic structu...Figure 2.15. Frequency magnitude distribution of the 2,000 years synthetic catal...Figure 2.16. Interevent time distribution from a simulation of 2,000 years of se...Figure 2.17. Stress time history on the Nankai seismogenic structure for the fir...Figure 2.18. (a) The time history (in a normalized scale) of the average stress ...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Determining the threshold η0 for the proximity function η using the ...Figure 3.2. The earthquake productivity based on the ANSS ComCat catalog. Circle...Figure 3.3. Earthquake productivity is dependent on magnitude range as inferred ...Figure 3.4. The mean number of initiated earthquakes with relative magnitude ΔM ...Figure 3.5. The distribution of the number of earthquakes initiated by triggerin...Figure 3.6. Determining the distribution of earthquake productivity using the al...Figure 3.7. The productivity distribution for M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes based on the g...Figure 3.8. Earthquake productivity based on regional catalog data. (a) The dist...Figure 3.9. Productivity distribution in relation to the threshold value of η0: ...Figure 3.10. Comparing the observed and theoretical mean magnitude differences b...Figure 3.11. The parameter Λ2 as a function of depth of focus for aftershock seq...Figure 3.12. The estimates of c in the Omori–Utsu law in relation to mainshock d...Figure 3.13. The parameter p in relation to depth of focus for aftershock sequen...Figure 3.14. Empirical and theoretical distribution functions for the duration o...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Illustration of the condition that equation [4.13] has a non-zero so...Figure 4.2. Illustration of the coefficient ξ in F (m) when the process is criti...Figure 4.3. Illustration of F (m) for different cases. (a) β = 2.30, α = 1.40 (β...Figure 4.4. Illustration of ξ(m, m′) for different cases. (a) Sub-critical: A = ...Figure 4.5. Illustration of H(m) for different casesFigure 4.6. Comparison between the theoretical ζ(m, m′) and reconstructed ζˆ(m, ...Figure 4.7. (see Marzocchi and Zhuang 2011) Cumulative curves of mainshock, pre-...Figure 4.8. Plots of different Δ against initiating magnitude for the central vo...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Schematic description of the slider models considered in the chapter...Figure 5.2. The behavior of the seismic rate before, during and after a stress s...Figure 5.3. (Upper panel) We plot the seismic moment nΔh as a function of the oc...Figure 5.4. The aftershock rate λ(t) is a function of t/ts (left), with t the ti...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Map of the central North Aegean Sea showing the epicenters of large ...Figure 6.2. Magnitude-frequency distribution for the c-NAS regional catalog for ...Figure 6.3. Monthly counts of ML = 3 earthquakes observed in the c-NAS region fo...Figure 6.4. Maximum magnitude distribution with timeFigure 6.5. Probability of remaining in the “low” state (left) and in the “high”...Figure 6.6. Time variations of the probability of remaining in a state of low se...Figure 6.7. Time variations of the probability of remaining in a state of high s...Figure 6.8. The probability of remaining in a high state of seismicity around th...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. Seismicity rate per day for Southern California (top) and Japan (bot...Figure 7.2. The occurrence rate of aftershocks (filled symbols) (top) and the cu...Figure 7.3. Detrended fluctuation analysis for the waiting time series for two p...Figure 7.4. Detrended fluctuation analysis for the waiting time series in the Co...Figure 7.5. Normalized probability densities Pm,L(τ) of the rescaled waiting tim...Figure 7.6. Normalized probability densities Pm,L(τ) of the rescaled waiting tim...Figure 7.7. Normalized probability densities Pm,L(τ) of the rescaled waiting tim...Figure 7.8. The cumulative distribution function P (> τ′) of the rescaled waitin...Figure 7.9. The range of generalized Hurst exponents h(q) for various values of ...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1. Conditional intensity function of the LSRM (a) in North China (1 + 2...Figure 8.2. Epicentral distribution of crustal earthquakes with M ≥ 6.5 that occ...Figure 8.3. (a) Conditional intensity function versus time fitted to the catalog...Figure 8.4. Conditional intensity function versus time fitted to the catalog of ...Figure 8.5. Seismicity map showing earthquakes with M ≥ 5.2 that occurred in the...Figure 8.6. Conditional intensity functions versus time fitted to the catalog of...Figure 8.7. Coulomb stress changes due to the coseismic slip of the characterist...Figure 8.8. Conditional intensity functions versus time fitted to the catalog of...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1. Earthquakes with M ≥ 3.5 that occurred in the area of Greece from Ja...Figure 9.2. An illustration of a MAP with two states for a period (0,8.2). For a...Figure 9.3. The MAP is fitted to simulated samples of a four-state MAP with Nst=...Figure 9.4. The main active boundaries of the broader area of Greece and the thr...Figure 9.5. Decoded path for the D1 dataset along with the magnitude distributio...Figure 9.6. Same as Figure 9.5 for dataset D2. For a color version of this figur...Figure 9.7. Same as Figure 9.5 for dataset D3. For a color version of this figur...Figure 9.8. Left: epicentral distribution of the Mw6.5 Lefkada aftershock sequen...Figure 9.9. Left: epicentral distribution of the events that occurred from Febru...Figure 9.10. Left: epicentral distribution of the events that occurred from May ...

Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis

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