Читать книгу The PD Book - Elena Aguilar - Страница 27
Who You Are: The Readers
ОглавлениеWe are assuming you are tasked with designing and delivering professional development in the education world. Although we're writing to you as “PD providers,” we know readers of this book serve many different roles. Some of you might be instructional coaches responsible for delivering PD at your sites or across your district. Others might be site administrators, perhaps principals who (on top of everything else) lead PD. Perhaps some of you are external consultants who partner with schools and organizations and who have curriculum you've created that you want to share with others. We're guessing that many of you might be teacher leaders—perhaps a department chair or an Instructional Leadership Team member who has volunteered or been asked to provide PD. We hope that there are folks reading this book who are in roles with titles such as Director of Professional Development or Chief Academic Officer. Whatever role you serve in, we hope you'll learn strategies to create true cultures of learning.
Our assumption is that your roles and responsibilities beyond designing and delivering PD shape your work as a PD provider. As we describe the habits in this book, we'll explore the nuances of holding these different roles and the impact of positional authority on how you deliver PD. We also want to be mindful of how much time you have and how stretched you likely are. We recognize your commitment to delivering transformative PD, and we are aware of your capacity limits. Therefore, we'll often be direct and instructive about what matters most.