Читать книгу The PD Book - Elena Aguilar - Страница 31
Before You Go
ОглавлениеPause and Process:
How has your definition of professional development changed or expanded based on what you've read so far?
Which Principles of Transformative PD (p. 18) resonate for you?
Write or talk with a few colleagues about their positive learning experiences. What made those experiences good? What do they say makes for a transformative PD session?
Return to your own transformative learning experience that you recalled at the beginning of the chapter. How has your understanding of that experience expanded or deepened based on what you've read in this chapter?
In what ways do you imagine PD could be like a wonderful dinner party?
Transformative professional development is a process in which learners are actively engaged. The aim is to explore and expand behaviors, beliefs, and ways of being.
Transformative PD changes practice.
PD can change the world.
PD can feel energizing, joyful, connecting, and even celebratory.