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One Best Hike: Grand Canyon

1st EDITION 2010

Copyright © 2010 by Elizabeth Wenk

Cover photos copyright © 2010 by the author

Interior photos, except where noted, by the author

Maps and figures: Elizabeth Wenk and Larry B. Van Dyke

Cover design: Larry B. Van Dyke

Interior design: Andreas Schueller and Larry B. Van Dyke

Editor: Laura Shauger

ISBN 978-0-89997-491-0

Manufactured in the United States of America

Published by: Wilderness Press
1345 8th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
(800) 443-7227; FAX (510) 558-1696

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Distibuted by Publishers Group West

Front cover photos: Top: Descending below Ooh Aah Point on the South Kaibab Trail; Middle: Walls of Coconino Sandstone rising above the Bright Angel Trail (near 1.5-Mile Resthouse); Bottom: Descending below Cedar Ridge on the South Kaibab Trail

Back cover photos: Top: View from Mather Point; Bottom: Ribbon Falls

Frontispiece: A mule train approaches Jacobs Ladder on the Bright Angel Trail.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations used in reviews.

SAFETY NOTICE: Although Wilderness Press and the author have made every attempt to ensure that the information in this book is accurate at press time, they are not responsible for any loss, damage, injury, or inconvenience that may occur to anyone while using this book. You are responsible for your own safety and health while in the wilderness. The fact that a trail is described in this book does not mean that it will be safe for you. Be aware that trail conditions can change from day to day. Always check local conditions, know your own limitations, and consult a map.

One Best Hike: Grand Canyon

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