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• paleontologistsJackHornerandHansLarssonaretryingtobringdinosaursbacktolifebygeneti-

cally modifying chickens to recreate a dinosaur species? They have nicknamed this new creature


• someherbivoreswouldswallowpebblestohelpthemdigestplants?Paleontologistscallthesepeb-

bles “gastroliths.”

• dinosaurboneshavegoneintoouterspace?

• themostcompleteTyrannosaurus rex skeleton contains 80% of its original bone structure and is

displayed at the Field Museum in Chicago?

• thecountrywiththegreatestvarietyofdinosaurspeciesistheUnitedStates,followedbyCanada,

China, Argentina, Mongolia, and England?

• Spinosaurus was a semi-aquatic dinosaur?

(Above) Canadian flag, NASA space shuttle, American flag

(Below) Field Museum of Chicago, Jack Horner

Elliott's Guide to Dinosaurs

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