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Copyright © 2016 by Greystone Books

Originally published in French by Éditions Multimondes as Petit Guide

des Dinosaures in 2015

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Greystone Books Ltd.


Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada

isbn 978-1-77164-237-8 (cloth)

isbn 978-1-77164-238-5 (epub)

Editing for English-language edition by Catherine Marjoribanks

Editing for French-language edition by Christine Cade, Lise Morin,

Jean-Marc Gagnon, Sarah Jalbert

Jacket and interior design by Christine Cade and Nayeli Jimenez

Cover illustration by Elliott Seah

Illustrations on page 22, 28, and 34 by Elliott Seah

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the

Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, the Province of British Columbia

through the Book Publishing Tax Credit, and the Government of Canada

through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities.

Greystone Books is committed to reducing the consumption of old-

growth forests in the books it publishes.

Elliott's Guide to Dinosaurs

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