Читать книгу The History of Education - Ellwood Patterson Cubberley - Страница 36



In the accompanying Book of Readings the following selections are reproduced:

12. The Laws of the Twelve Tables.

13. Cicero: Importance of the Twelve Tables in Education.

14. Schreiber: A Roman Farmer's Calendar.

15. Polybius: The Roman Character.

16. Mommsen: The Grave and Severe Character of the Earlier Romans.

17. Epitaph: The Education of Girls.

18. Marcus Aurelius: The Old Roman Education described.

19. Tacitus: The Old and the New Education contrasted.

20. Suetonius: Attempts to Prohibit the Introduction of Greek Higher


(a) Decree of the Roman Senate, 161 B.C.

(b) Decree of the Censor, 92 B.C.

21. Vergil: Difficulty experienced in Learning to Read.

22. Horace: The Education given by a Father.

23. Martial: The Ludi Magister.

(a) To the Master of a Noisy School.

(b) To a Schoolmaster.

24. Cicero: Oratory the Aim of Education.

25. Quintilian: On Oratory.

26. Constantine: Privileges granted to Physicians and Teachers.

The History of Education

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