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I. The Syphilitic Group (Syphilopsychoses)
Case Page
1. Desertion of an officer Briand, 1915 8
2. Visions of a naval officer Carlill, Fildes, Baker, 1917 9
3. Aggravation of neurosyphilis by war Weygandt, 1915 10
4. Same Hurst, 1917 10
5. Same Beaton, 1915 10
6. Same Boucherot, 1915 11
7. Same Todd, 1917 12
8. Same Farrar, 1917 13
9. Same Marie, Chatelin, Patrikios, 1917 14
10. Root-sciatica Long, 1916 15
11. Disciplinary Kastan, 1916 17
12. Same Kastan, 1916 18
13. Same? Kastan, 1916 19
14. Hysterical chorea versus neurosyphilis de Massary, du Sonich, 1917 20
15. Traumatic general paresis Hurst, 1917 22
16. Head trauma; shell-shock; mania; W. R. positive Babonneix, David, 1917 23
17. Head trauma in a syphilitic Babonneix, David, 1917 24
18. Shell wound: general paresis Boucherot, 1915 25
19. “Shell-shock” ocular palsy: syphilitic Schuster, 1915 26
20. Shell-shock: general paresis Donath, 1915 27
21. Shell-shock: tabes Logre, 1917 28
22. Same Duco, Blum, 1917 28
23. Pseudotabes (Shell-shock) Pitres, Marchand, 1916 29
24. Shell-shock neurosyphilis Hurst, 1917 30
25. Shell-shock neurosyphilis Hurst, 1917 31
26. Pseudoparesis (Shell-shock) Pitres, Marchand, 1916 32
27. War strain and Shell-shock in a syphilitic Karplus, 1915 34
28. Shell-shock recurrence of syphilitic hemiplegia Mairet, Piéron, 1915 36
29. Shell-shock (functional!) amaurosis in a neurosyphilitic Laignel-Lavastine, Courbon, 1916 37
30. Shell-shock (functional) phenomena in a neurosyphilitic Babonneix, David, 1917 39
31. Vestibular symptoms in a neurosyphilitic Guillain, Barré, 1916 40
32. Syphilophobic suicidal attempts Colin, Lautier, 1917 41
33. Simulated chancre Pick, 1916 42
34. Exaggeration Buscaino, Coppola, 1916 43
II. The Feeble-minded Group (Hypophrenoses)
35. A feeble-minded person fit for service Pruvost, 1915 44
36. An imbecile superbrave Pruvost, 1915 45
37. An imbecile fit for barracks work Pruvost, 1915 45
38. A feeble-minded inventor Laignel-Lavastine, Ballet, 1917 47
39. A feeble-minded simulator Pruvost, 1915 49
40. Enlistment for amelioration of character Briand, 1915 49
41. An imbecile fit for service at the front Pruvost, 1915 50
42. An imbecile with sudden initiative Lautier, 1915 51
43. Emotional fugue in subnormal subject Briand, 1915 52
44. Regimental surgeon versus alienist re feeble-mindedness Kastan, 1916 53
45. An imbecile rifleman Kastan, 1916 55
46. An imbecile hypomaniacal Haury, 1915 57
47. Feeble-minded desire to remain at the front Kastan, 1916 58
48. An imbecile sent back by Germans Lautier, 1915 60
49. Unfit for service: feeble-mindedness? Kastan, 1916 61
50. Oniric delirium in a feeble-minded subject Soukhanoff, 1915 62
51. Shell-shock and burial: situation not rationalized Duprat, 1917 63
52. Shell-shock in weak-minded subject; fear, fugues Pactet, Bonhomme, 1917 64
III. The Epileptic Group (Epileptoses)
53. Epilepsy: neurosyphilis Hewat, 1917 65
54. Epilepsy brought out by syphilis Bonhoeffer, 1915 66
55. Syphilis in a psychopathic subject Bonhoeffer, 1915 67
56. Epileptic imbecile court-martialed Lautier, 1916 68
57. Psychogenic seizures in feeble-minded subject Bonhoeffer, 1915 69
58. Drunken epileptic: responsibility? Juquelier, 1917 71
59. Epilepsy: disciplinary case Pellacani, 1917 74
60. Same Pellacani, 1917 76
61. Desertion: epileptic fugue Verger, 1916 78
62. Specialist in escapes Logre, 1917 80
63. Epilepsy and other factors: disciplinary case Consiglio, 1917 82
64. Strange conduct and amnesia in epileptic Hurst, 1917 83
65. Epilepsy after antityphoid inoculation Bonhoeffer, 1915 84
66. Shell-shock: Jacksonian seizures—decompression Leriche, 1915 86
67. Blow on head: hysterical convulsions—cure by neglect Clarke, 1916 87
68. Epilepsy with superposed hysteria Bonhoeffer, 1915 88
69. Musculocutaneous neuritis: Brown-Séquard’s epilepsy Mairet, Piéron, 1916 89
70. Bullet wound: reactive epilepsy? Bonhoeffer, 1915 92
71. Epilepsia tarda Bonhoeffer, 1915 93
72. Convulsions by auto-suggestion Hurst, 1916 95
73. Epilepsy, emotional Westphal, Hübner, 1915 97
74. Hysterical convulsions Laignel-Lavastine, Fay, 1917 98
75. Desertion: fugue, probably not epileptic Barat, 1914 100
76. Epileptic episode Bonhoeffer, 1915 102
77. Narcoleptic seizures Friedmann, 1915 103
78. Sham fits Hurst, 1917 106
79. Epileptoid attacks controllable by will Russel, 1917 106
80. Epileptic taint brought out at last by shell-shock Hurst, 1917 107
81. Shell-shock epilepsia larvata Juquelier, Quellien, 1917 108
82. To illustrate a theory of Shell-shock as epileptic Ballard, 1915 110
83. Same Ballard, 1917 110
84. Same Ballard, 1917 111
85. Epileptic equivalents Mott, 1916 112
IV. The Alcohol-Drug-Poison Group (Pharmacopsychoses)
86. Pathological intoxication Boucherot, 1915 113
87. Same Loewy, 1915 116
88. Desertion in alcoholism: fugue Logre, 1916 117
89. Alcoholic amnesia experimentally reproduced Kastan, 1915 118
90. Desertion and drunkenness Kastan, 1915 119
91. Desertion by alcoholic dement Kastan, 1915 121
92. Desertion by alcoholic with other factors Kastan, 1915 124
93. Alcoholism: disciplinary case Kastan, 1915 126
94. Atrocity, alcoholism Kastan, 1915 127
95. Atrocity, alcoholic Kastan, 1915 128
96. Alcoholism and amnesia: disciplinary case Kastan, 1915 129
97. Post-traumatic intolerance of alcohol Kastan, 1915 130
98. Adventure with Parisian stranger Briand, Haury, 1915 131
99. Morphinism: tetanus Briand, 1914 131
100. Morphinism: medicolegal question Briand, 1914 132
101. Two morphinists Briand, 1914 132
V. The Focal Brain Lesion Group (Encephalopsychoses)
103. Aphasia and left hemiplegia: local and contrecoup lesions L’Hermitte, 1916 133
104. Gunshot head wound and alcohol: amnesia Kastan, 1916 135
105. Bullet in brain: cortical blindness and hallucinations Lereboullet, Mouzon, 1917 136
106. Content of existent psychosis changed by head trauma Laignel-Lavastine, Courbon, 1917 139
107. Meningococcus meningitis; apparent recovery: dementing psychosis Maixandeau, 1915 141
108. Meningococcus meningitis Eschbach and Lacaze, 1915 143
109. Shell-shock: meningitic syndrome Pitres and Marchand, 1916 145
110. Brain abscess in a syphilitic: matutinal loss of knee-jerks Dumolard, Rebierre, Quellien, 1915 147
111. Spinal cord lesion: early recovery Mendelssohn, 1916 149
112. Shell explosion and meningeal hemorrhage: pneumococcus meningitis Guillain, Barré, 1917 150
113. Ante bellum cortex lesion: shrapnel wound determines athetosis Batten, 1916 151
114. Hysterical versus thalamic hemianesthesia Léri, 1916 152
115. Shell-shock: multiple sclerosis syndrome Pitres, Marchand, 1916 154
116. Mine explosion: hysterical and organic symptoms Smyly, 1917 156
117. Same Smyly, 1917 156
VI. The Symptomatic Group (Somatopsychoses)
118. Rabies: neuropsychiatric phenomena Grenier de Cardenal, Legrand, Benoit, 1917 162
119. Tetanus, psychotic Lumière, Astier, 1917 164
120. Tetanus fruste versus hysteria Claude, L’Hermitte, 1915 165
121. British officer’s letter concerning local tetanus Turrell, 1917 166
122. Dysentery: psychosis Loewy, 1915 168
123. Typhoid fever: hysteria Sterz, 1914 169
124. Dementia praecox versus posttyphoid encephalitis Nordmann, 1916 170
125. Paratyphoid fever: psychosis outlasting fever Merklen, 1915 171
126. Paratyphoid fever: psychopathic taint brought out Merklen, 1915 172
127. Diphtheria: post diphtheritic symptoms Marchand, 1916 173
128. Diphtheria: hysterical paraparesis Marchand, 1915 174
129. Malaria: amnesia De Brun, 1917 175
130. Malaria: Korsakow’s syndrome Carlill, 1917 176
131. Malaria: ventral horn symptoms Blin, 1916 178
132. Trench foot; acroparesthesia Cottet, 1917 180
133. Bullet injury of spine; bronchopneumonia: état criblé of spinal cord Roussy, 1916 181
134. Shell-shock (shell not seen); sensory and motor symptoms: decubitus; recovery Heitz, 1915 183
135. Shell-shock; later typhoid fever: neuritis (ante bellum hysteria) Roussy, 1915 185
136. Bullet wound of pleura: hemiplegia and ulnar syndrome Phocas, Gutmann, 1915 186
137. Tachypnoea, hysterical Gaillard, 1915 188
138. Soldiers’ heart Parkinson, 1916 190
139. Soldiers’ heart? Parkinson, 1916 191
140. War strain and shell wound: diabetes mellitus Karplus, 1915 192
141. Dercum’s disease Hollande, Marchand, 1917 193
142. Hyperthyroidism Tombleson, 1917 195
143. Hyperthyroidism?, neurasthenia Dejerine, Gascuel, 1914 196
144. Hyperthyroidism Rothacker, 1916 197
145. Graves’ disease, forme fruste Babonneix, Célos, 1917 198
146. Shell-shock hysteria: surgical complications Oppenheim, 1915 199
VII. The Presenile and Senile Group (Geriopsychoses)—No cases.
VIII. The Dementia Praecox Group (Schizophrenoses)
147. Hatred of Prussia: diagnosis, dementia praecox Bonhoeffer, 1916 200
148. Dementia praecox: arrest as spy Kastan, 1915 201
149. Fugue, catatonic Boucherot, 1915 203
150. Desertion: schizophrenic? Consiglio, 1916 204
151. Schizophrenia; alcoholism: disciplinary case Kastan, 1915 206
152. Schizophrenia aggravated by service de la Motte, 1915 208
153. Shot himself in hand: delusions Rouge, 1915 209
154. Dementia praecox volunteer Haury, 1915 210
155. Hysteria versus catatonia Bonhoeffer, 1916 211
156. “Hysteria” actually dementia praecox Hoven, 1915 213
157. Hallucinatory and delusional contents influenced by war experiences Gerver, 1915 214
158. Iron cross winner, hebephrenic Bonhoeffer, 1915 215
159. Occipital trauma; visual hallucinations Claude, L’Hermitte, 1915 217
160. Shell-shock: Dementia praecox Weygandt, 1915 219
161. Same Dupuoy, 1915 220
162. Shell-shock; fatigue; fugue; delusions Rouge, 1915 221
IX. The Manic-Depressive Group (Cyclothymoses)
163. A maniacal volunteer Boucherot, 1915 222
164. Fugue, melancholic Logre, 1917 223
165. Apples in No-man’s-land Weygandt, 1914 224
166. Trench life: depression; hallucinations; arteriosclerosis; age, 38 Gerver, 1915 225
167. War stress: manic depressive psychosis Dumesnil, 1915 226
168. Predisposition; war stress: melancholia Dumesnil, 1915 227
169. Depression; low blood pressure; pituitrin Green, 1916 228
X. The Psychoneurotic Group (Psychoneuroses)
170. Three phases in a psychopath Laignel-Lavastine, Courbon, 1917 229
171. Fugue, probably hysterical Milian, 1915 232
172. Hysterical Adventist de la Motte, 1915 234
173. Fugue, psychoneurotic Logre—— 235
174. Shell-shy; war bride pregnant: fugue with amnesia and mutism Myers, 1916 236
175. A neurasthenic volunteer E. Smith, 1916 237
176. War stress: neurasthenia in subject without heredity or soil Jolly, 1916 238
177. Arterial hypotension in psychasthenia Crouzon, 1915 239
178. War stress: psychasthenia Eder, 1916 240
179. Ante bellum attacks: neurasthenia Binswanger, 1915 241
180. Antityphoid inoculation: neurasthenia Consiglio, 1917 244
181. Neurasthenia (one symptom: sympathy with the enemy) Steiner, 1915 245
XI. The Psychopathic Group (Psychopathoses)
182. Claustrophobia: shells preferred to tunnel Steiner, 1915 246
183. Pathological liar Henderson, 1917 247
184. Psychopath almost Bolshevik Hoven, 1917 249
185. Hysterical mutism: persistent delusional psychosis Dumesnil, 1915 250
186. Psychopathic inferiority brought out by the war Bennati, 1916 251
187. Psychopathic episodes Pellacani, 1917 252
188. Maniacal and hysterical delinquent Buscaino, Coppola, 1916 253
189. Psychopathic delinquent Buscaino, Coppola, 1916 254
190. Psychopathic excitement Buscaino, Coppola, 1916 255
191. Desertion: dromomania Consiglio, 1917 256
192. Suppressed homosexuality R. P. Smith, 1916 257
193. Psychopathic: at first suicidal, then self-mutilative MacCurdy, 1917 258
194. Bombardment: psychasthenia Laignel-Lavastine, Courbon, 1917 259
195. Nosophobia Colin, Lautier, 1917 261
196. Psychopath: Attacks of disgust and terror Lattes, Goria, 1915 262
197. Shell explosion: Autopsy—hemorrhages; vagoaccessorius chromatolysis Mott, 1917 265
198. Mine explosion: Autopsy—hemorrhages Chavigny, 1916 270
199. Mine explosion: Autopsy—hemorrhages Roussy, Boisseau, 1916 271
200. Shell fragment in back: Autopsy—softenings in spinal cord Claude, L’Hermitte, 1915 272
Shell-Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems

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