201. | Shell explosion: Autopsy—lungs burst! | Sencert, 1915 | 274 |
202. | Shell explosion: Hemorrhage in spinal canal and bladder | Ravaut, 1915 | 276 |
203. | Shell explosion: Hemorrhage and pleocytosis of spinal fluid | Froment, 1915 | 277 |
204. | Shell explosion: Pleocytosis of spinal fluid | Guillain, 1915 | 279 |
205. | Shell explosion: Pleocytosis of spinal fluid as late as a month after explosion | Souques, Donnet, 1915 | 280 |
206. | Burial: Thecal hemorrhage | Leriche, 1915 | 282 |
207. | Shell explosion: Hypertensive spinal fluid | Leriche, 1915 | 283 |
208. | Bullet wound: Hematomyelia; partial recovery | Mendelssohn, 1916 | 284 |
209. | Shell explosion, subject prone: Hematomyelia | Babinski, 1915 | 286 |
210. | Struck by missile: Hysterical paraplegia? Herpes; segmentary symptoms | Elliot, 1914 | 288 |
211. | Mine explosion: Head bruises, labyrinth lesions, canities unilateral | Lebar, 1915 | 291 |
212. | Shrapnel wounds: Focal canities; hysterical symptoms | Arinstein, 1915 | 292 |
213. | Burial: Organic (?) hemiplegia | Marie, Lévy, 1917 | 293 |
214. | Shell explosion; no wound: Organic and functional symptoms | Claude, L’Hermitte, 1915 | 294 |
215. | Gassing: Organic symptoms | Neiding, 1917 | 296 |
216. | Gassing: Mutism, battle dreams | Wiltshire, 1916 | 297 |
217. | Shell explosion: Organic deafness; hysterical speech disorder | Binswanger, 1915 | 298 |
218. | Distant shell explosion not seen or heard: Tympanic rupture, cerebellar symptoms | Pitres, Marchand, 1916 | 300 |
219. | Mine explosion: Organic and functional symptoms | Smyly, 1917 | 302 |
220. | Shrapnel skull wound: Differential recovery from functional symptoms | Binswanger, 1917 | 303 |
221. | Shell explosion shrapnel wound: Battle memories, scar hyperesthetic | Bennati, 1916 | 305 |
222. | Shrapnel wounds, operation: Hysterical facial spasm | Batten, 1917 | 306 |
223. | Shell explosion: Tremors and emotional crises | Myers, 1916 | 307 |
224. | Shell explosion, comrades killed: Tremors, crises | Meige, 1916 | 308 |
225. | Under fire: Tremophobia: French artist’s description | Meige, 1916 | 310 |
226. | Shell explosion: German soldier’s account of Shell-shock symptoms | Gaupp, 1915 | 312 |
227. | A British soldier’s account of shell-shock | Batten, 1916 | 315 |
228. | Blown up by shell: Crural monoplegia; hysterical four days later | Léri, 1915 | 317 |
229. | Shell explosion nearby: Description of treatment to demonstrate hysterical nature of characteristic symptoms | Binswanger, 1915 | 318 |
230. | Leg wound: Pseudocoxalgic monoplegia and anesthesia | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 323 |
231. | Leg contusion: Crural monoplegia, hysterical; later crutch paralysis, organic | Babinski, 1917 | 324 |
232. | War strain: Arthritis; crural monoplegia and anesthesia; hysterical “conversion hysteria” | MacCurdy, 1917 | 325 |
233. | Lance thrust in back; Crural monoplegia | Binswanger, 1915 | 326 |
234. | Shell explosion: After six days, crural monoplegia (“metatraumatic” suggesting persisting hypersensitive phase after shell-shock) | Schuster, 1916 | 329 |
235. | Wound of foot: Acrocontracture, seven months’ duration; psycho-electric cure at one sitting | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 330 |
236. | Shell explosion: Trauma; emotion; hysterical paraplegia | Abrahams, 1915 | 332 |
237. | Shell explosion: Burial; paraplegia | Elliot, 1914 | 334 |
238. | Shell explosion: Paraplegia and sensory symptoms, organic? | Hurst, 1915 | 335 |
239. | War strain and rheumatism; no emotional factors: Paraplegia, later brachial tremor | Binswanger, 1915 | 336 |
240. | Emotion in fever patient from watching barrage creep up: Paraplegia | Mann, 1915 | 338 |
241. | Incentives, domestic and medical, to paraplegia | Russel, 1917 | 338 |
242. | Bullet in back: Hysterical bent back; “camptocormia” | Souques, 1915 | 339 |
243. | Shell explosion: Camptocormia | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 340 |
244. | Shell explosion; burial: camptocormia | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 342 |
245. | Shell explosion; burial; Paraplegia, later camptocormia | Joltrain, 1917 | 344 |
246. | Bullet in thigh: Astasia-abasia. Wound of neck: Again astasia-abasia | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 346 |
247. | Shell explosion: Wound of thorax; astasia-abasia | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 346 |
248. | War strain and fall in trench without trauma: Dysbasia | Nonne, 1915 | 347 |
249. | Shell explosion: Partial burial; hysterical symptoms in parts buried | Arinstein, 1916 | 349 |
250. | Wound of hand: Acroparalysis | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 350 |
251. | Wound of arm: Hysterical paralysis | Chartier, 1915 | 351 |
252. | Wound in brachial plexus region: Supinator longus contracture | Léri, Roger, 1915 | 353 |
253. | Contusion of muscle with “stupefactive” paralysis of biceps (supinator longus still functioning) | Tinel, 1917 | 355 |
254. | Wound of arm: Blockage of impulses to hand movements | Tubby, 1915 | 356 |
255. | Shell explosion: Bilateral symmetrical phenomena | Gerver, 1915 | 357 |
256. | Shell explosion: Paralytic symptoms on side exposed: Contralateral irritative symptoms | Oppenheim, 1915 | 359 |
257. | Shell explosion: Bilateral asymmetrical symptoms | Gerver, 1915 | 360 |
258. | Shell explosion: Sensory disorder on side exposed | Gerver, 1915 | 362 |
259. | Shell explosion: Hysterical deafness and other symptoms; relapse | Gaupp, 1915 | 363 |
260. | Shell explosion: Deafness | Marriage, 1917 | 365 |
261. | Mine explosion: Deafmutism; recovery on epistaxis and fever | Liébault, 1916 | 366 |
262. | Shell explosion: Deafmutism | Mott, 1916 | 367 |
263. | Shell explosion: Deafmutism and convulsions | Myers, 1916 | 368 |
264. | Gunfire: Aphonia | Blässig, 1915 | 370 |
265. | Shell-shock mutism: (a), observed, (b) dreamed of, (c), developed by victim of shell explosion | Mann, 1915 | 370 |
266. | Mortar explosion: Deafness | Lattes, Goria, 1917 | 371 |
267. | Shell-explosion: onomatopœic noises | Ballet, 1914 | 371 |
268. | Shell explosion: Gravel in eyes; eye and face symptoms | Ginestous, 1916 | 372 |
269. | Shell explosion; burial; blow on occiput; Blindness | Greenlees, 1916 | 373 |
270. | Shell-shock amblyopia: Composite data | Parsons, 1915 | 374 |
271. | Factors in shell-shock amblyopia: Excitement, blinding flashes, fear, disgust, fatigue | Pemberton, 1915 | 375 |
272. | Shell explosion amblyopia | Myers, 1915 | 376 |
273. | Shell windage without explosion: Cranial nerve disorder | Pachantoni, 1917 | 378 |
274. | Initial case in Babinski’s series to show chloroform elective exaggeration of reflexes | Babinski, Froment, 1917 | 380 |
275. | Wound of ankle: Contracture, chloroform effect | Babinski, Froment, 1917 | 383 |
276. | “Reflex” disorder of right leg: Chloroform effect | Babinski, Froment, 1917 | 384 |
277. | Bullet in calf: Hysterical lameness cured—reflex disorder associated therewith not cured | Vincent, 1916 | 385 |
278. | Trauma of foot: Hysterical dysbasia and reflex disorders; differential disappearance of hysterical symptoms | Vincent, 1917 | 386 |
279. | Shell-shock and paraplegia: Vasomotor and secretory disorder twenty months later | Roussy, 1917 | 387 |
280. | Tetanus clinically cured: Phenomena reproduced under chloroform anesthesia | Monier-Vinard, 1917 | 388 |
281. | Example of a “reflex” disorder after shell explosion at great distance | Ferrand, 1917 | 390 |
282. | Shell fire: Shell-shock symptoms delayed | McWalter, 1916 | 391 |
283. | Shell-shock symptoms early and late | Smyly, 1917 | 392 |
284. | Wounds: Gassing; burial; collapse on home leave | Elliot Smith, 1916 | 393 |
285. | Late sympathetic nerve effect after bullet wound of neck | Tubby, 1915 | 394 |
286. | Hysterical crural monoplegia after fall from horse under fire (reminiscence of similar ante bellum accident) | Forsyth, 1915 | 395 |
287. | Shell explosion, cave-in: Right leg symptoms (ante bellum experiences) | Myers, 1916 | 396 |
288. | Shell explosion, wound of back: Paraparesis (subject always weak in legs) | Dejerine, 1915 | 397 |
289. | Wound near heart: Fear; paraparesis (subject always weak in legs) | Dejerine, 1915 | 399 |
290. | Wounds: Tic on walking and recovery except frontalis tic (emphasis of ante bellum habit) | Westphal, Hübner, 1915 | 401 |
291. | Fatigue and emotion: Hysterical hemiplegia (similar hemiplegia ante bellum) | Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 402 |
292. | War strain: Hemiplegia (similar hemiplegia ante bellum, subject’s father hemiplegic) | Duprés, Rist, 1914 | 403 |
293. | Shell explosion and burial: Deafmutism (speech difficulty ante bellum) | MacCurdy, 1917 | 405 |
294. | War strain: Shell-shock and psychotic symptoms determined to parts ante bellum | Zanger, 1915 | 406 |
295. | Mine explosion: Emotion; delirium (previous head trauma without unconsciousness) | Lattes, Goria, 1917 | 407 |
296. | Sniper stricken blind in shooting eye | Eder, 1916 | 408 |
297. | Anticipation of warfare: Fall while mounting sentry; hysterical blindness | Forsyth, 1915 | 408 |
298. | Spasmodic neurosis from bareback riding (similar episode ante bellum) | Schuster, 1914 | 409 |
299. | Ante bellum spasm of hands | Hewat, 1917 | 409 |
300. | Quarrel: Hysterical chorea, reminiscent of former attack and itself reminiscent of organic chorea in subject’s mother | Dupuoy, 1915 | 411 |
301. | Hallucinations and delusions of ante bellum origin: Treatment by explanation | Rows, 1916 | 412 |
302. | Tremors and convulsive crises in a poor risk | Rogues de Fursac, 1915 | 413 |
303. | Emotionality and tachycardia in a martial misfit | Bennati, 1916 | 415 |
304. | Hereditary instability | Wolfsohn, 1918 | 416 |
305. | Genealogical tree of a shoemaker | Wolfsohn, 1918 | 417 |
306. | Traumatic hysteria without hereditary or acquired psychopathic tendency | Donath, 1915 | 418 |
307. | Mine explosion, burial: Neurosis in perfectly normal soldier | MacCurdy, 1917 | 419 |
308. | Shell explosion: Tremophobia | Meige, 1916 | 421 |
309. | Frozen in bog: Glossolabial hemispasm | Binswanger, 1915 | 424 |
310. | Bruise by horse: Invincible pain—subject cured by performing heroic feat | Loewy, 1915 | 426 |
311. | Kick by horse: Hysterical symptoms including monocular diplopia | Oppenheim, 1915 | 427 |
312. | Windage from non-exploding shell: Emotion; homonymous hemianopsia | Steiner, 1915 | 428 |
313. | Shell-shock psoriasis | Gaucher, Klein, 1916 | 429 |
314. | Croix de guerre and Shell-shock got simultaneously: Hallucinatory bell-ringing reminiscent of civilian work | Laignel-Lavastine, Courbon, 1916 | 430 |
315. | Waked by shell explosion: Nystagmiform tremor (occupational reminiscence in cinema worker) and tachycardia | Tinel, 1915 | 432 |
316. | Synesthesialgia: Foot pain on rubbing dry hands | Lortat-Jacob, Sézary, 1915 | 433 |
317. | Shell-shock and burial: Clonic spasms, later stupor | Gaupp, 1915 | 435 |
318. | War stress (liquid fire) and shell-shock: Puerilism | Charon, Halberstadt, 1916 | 437 |
319. | Bombed from aeroplane: Battle dreams; dizziness; fugue | Lattes, Goria, 1917 | 439 |
320. | Hyperthyroidism after box drops from aeroplane | Bennati, 1916 | 440 |
321. | Shell dropped without bursting: Stupor and delirium | Lattes, Goria, 1917 | 441 |
322. | Subject carrying explosives is jostled: Unconsciousness, deafmutism, later camptocormia | Lattes, Goria, 1917 | 443 |
323. | Grazed by sliding cannon: Stupor and amnesia | Lattes, Goria, 1917 | 444 |
324. | Shell explosions nearby: Emotion and insomnia | Wiltshire, 1916 | 445 |
325. | Shell explosion: symptoms after hearing artillery twelve days later | Wiltshire, 1916 | 446 |
326. | Exhaustion (heat?): Hyperthyroidism, hemiplegia | Oppenheim, 1915 | 447 |
327. | War strain and rheumatism: tremors | Binswanger, 1915 | 448 |
328. | Shell explosion; emotion: Fear and dreams | Mott, 1916 | 451 |
329. | Under fire; barbed wire work: tremors and sensory symptoms | Myers, 1916 | 452 |
330. | Shell explosion: Emotional crises; twice recurrent mutism | Mairet, Piéron, Bouzansky, 1915 | 453 |
331. | Shell explosion: Emotional crises (fright at a frog) | Claude, Dide, Lejonne, 1916 | 455 |
332. | War strain; wound; burials; shell-shock: neurosis with anxiety and dreams: Relapse | MacCurdy, 1917 | 457 |
333. | Bombed by airplane: Suicidal thoughts; oniric delirium; “moving picture in the head” | Hoven, 1917 | 460 |
334. | Shell explosion; emotion at death of best friend: Stupor and amnesia | Gaupp, 1915 | 462 |
335. | Emotional shock from shooting comrade: Horror, sweat, stammer, nightmare | Rows, 1916 | 463 |
336. | Emotion at death of comrade: Phobias | Bennati, 1916 | 464 |
337. | Shell explosion: Fright; delayed loss of consciousness | Wiltshire, 1916 | 465 |
338. | Shell explosion; burial work: amnesia; unpleasant ideas reflexly conditioned by shell whistling | Wiltshire, 1916 | 467 |
339. | Comrade’s death witnessed: Suicidal depression | Steiner, 1915 | 468 |
340. | Marching and battles: Neurasthenia? | Bonhoeffer, 1915 | 469 |
341. | English schoolmaster’s account of dreams | Mott, 1918 | 470 |
342. | War dreams shifting to sex dreams | Rows, 1916 | 472 |
343. | Shock at death of comrade: War and peace dreams | Rows, 1916 | 474 |
344. | War dreams including hunger and thirst | Mott, 1918 | 475 |
345. | Burial work: Olfactory dreams and vomiting | Wiltshire, 1916 | 476 |
346. | War dreams: Phobia conditioned on postoniric suggestion | Duprat, 1917 | 477 |
347. | Service in rear: War dreams not based on actual experiences | Gerver, 1915 | 478 |
348. | Hysterical astasia-abasia: Heterosuggestive “big belly” | Roussy, Boisseau, Cornil, 1917 | 479 |
349. | Collapse going over the top: Neurasthenia | Jolly, 1916 | 481 |
350. | Battles: Mania and confusion | Gerver, 1915 | 483 |
351. | Machine-gun battle: Mania and hallucinations | Gerver, 1915 | 484 |
352. | Attacks and counter-attacks: Incoherence and quick development of scenic war hallucinations | Gerver, 1915 | 485 |
353. | Hysterical stupor under shell fire after 2 days in the trenches | Gaupp, 1915 | 486 |
354. | Monosymptomatic amnesia | Mallet, 1917 | 488 |
355. | Aviator shot down: Mental symptoms, organic | MacCurdy, 1917 | 489 |
356. | Shell fire and corpse work: Daze with relapse; mutism | Mann, 1915 | 491 |
357. | Mine explosion: Confusion | Wiltshire, 1916 | 492 |
358. | Shell explosion: Alternation of personality | Gaupp, 1915 | 493 |
359. | “A Horse in the Unconscious” | Eder, 1916 | 497 |
360. | Shell explosion, gassing, fatigue: Anesthesia | Myers, 1916 | 498 |
361. | Shell explosion and burial: Somnambulism; dissolution of amnesia under hypnosis | Myers, 1915 | 499 |
362. | Shell explosion with injuries: Somnambulism | Donath, 1915 | 502 |
363. | Shock: Stupor as if dead | Régis, 1915 | 503 |
364. | Emotions over battle scenes: Twenty-four days’ somnambulism | Milian, 1915 | 504 |
365. | Putative loss of brother in battle: Somnambulism and mutism twenty-seven days | Milian, 1915 | 506 |
366. | Shell explosion: Trauma, windage: Somnambulism four days | Milian, 1915 | 508 |
367. | Burial, head trauma; gassing: Tremors, convulsions, confusion, fugue | Consiglio, 1916 | 509 |
368. | Shell explosion: Hysterical symptoms and tendency to fugue | Binswanger, 1915 | 510 |
369. | Burial: Dissociation of personality | Feiling, 1915 | 512 |
370. | Ear Complications and hysteria | Buscaino, Coppola, 1916 | 516 |
371. | Value of lumbar puncture | Souques, Donnet, 1915 | 524 |
372. | Meningeal and intraspinal hemorrhage: Lumbar puncture | Guillain, 1915 | 525 |
373. | Burial: Slight hyperalbuminosis | Ravaut, 1915 | 526 |
374. | Paraplegia, organic: Lumbar puncture | Joubert, 1915 | 527 |
375. | Gunshot of spine: Spinal concussion, quadriplegia, cerebellospasmodic disorder | Claude, L’Hermitte, 1917 | 528 |
376. | Trauma of spine: Anesthesia and contracture, homolateral, with trauma | Oppenheim, 1915 | 529 |
377. | Mine explosion combining hysterical and lesional effects | Dupouy, 1915 | 530 |
378. | Shell explosion: Hysterical and organic symptoms | Hurst, 1917 | 532 |
379. | Gunshot: Cauda equina symptoms, combined with functional paraplegia | Oppenheim, 1915 | 533 |
380. | Intraspinal lesion: Persistent anesthesia | Buzzard, 1916 | 534 |
381. | Functional shell-shock: Erroneous diagnosis | Buzzard, 1916 | 534 |
382. | Retention of urine after shell-shock | Guillain, Barré, 1917 | 535 |
383. | Same | Guillain, Barré, 1917 | 536 |
384. | Incontinence of urine after shell-shock and burial | Guillain, Barré, 1917 | 536 |
385. | Struck by missile: Crural monoplegia; plantar reflex absent | Paulian, 1915 | 537 |
386. | Shell explosion: Crural monoplegia; sciatica (neuritis?) | Souques, 1915 | 538 |
387. | Functional paraplegia and internal popliteal neuritis | Roussy, 1915 | 540 |
388. | Bullet in hip: Local “stupor” of leg | Sebileau, 1914 | 542 |
389. | Localized catalepsy: Hysterotraumatic | Sollier, 1917 | 544 |
390. | Contracture: Hysterotraumatic | Sollier, 1917 | 545 |
391. | Crural monoplegia, tetanic: Recovery | Routier, 1915 | 546 |
392. | Spasms, contracture, crises—tetanic | Mériel, 1916 | 548 |
393. | Shell explosion, windage, flaccid paraplegia, not “spinal contusion” | Léri, 1915 | 550 |
394. | Scalp wound: Quadriparesis; paraplegia, cataleptic rigidity of anesthetic legs | Clarke, 1916 | 551 |
395. | Shell explosion: Spasmodic contractions of sartorii, persistent in sleep | Myers, 1916 | 553 |
396. | Shell explosion: Brown-Séquard’s syndrome, hematomyelic? | Ballet, 1915 | 555 |
397. | Question of structural injury of spinal cord | Smyly, 1917 | 557 |