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201. Shell explosion: Autopsy—lungs burst! Sencert, 1915 274
202. Shell explosion: Hemorrhage in spinal canal and bladder Ravaut, 1915 276
203. Shell explosion: Hemorrhage and pleocytosis of spinal fluid Froment, 1915 277
204. Shell explosion: Pleocytosis of spinal fluid Guillain, 1915 279
205. Shell explosion: Pleocytosis of spinal fluid as late as a month after explosion Souques, Donnet, 1915 280
206. Burial: Thecal hemorrhage Leriche, 1915 282
207. Shell explosion: Hypertensive spinal fluid Leriche, 1915 283
208. Bullet wound: Hematomyelia; partial recovery Mendelssohn, 1916 284
209. Shell explosion, subject prone: Hematomyelia Babinski, 1915 286
210. Struck by missile: Hysterical paraplegia? Herpes; segmentary symptoms Elliot, 1914 288
211. Mine explosion: Head bruises, labyrinth lesions, canities unilateral Lebar, 1915 291
212. Shrapnel wounds: Focal canities; hysterical symptoms Arinstein, 1915 292
213. Burial: Organic (?) hemiplegia Marie, Lévy, 1917 293
214. Shell explosion; no wound: Organic and functional symptoms Claude, L’Hermitte, 1915 294
215. Gassing: Organic symptoms Neiding, 1917 296
216. Gassing: Mutism, battle dreams Wiltshire, 1916 297
217. Shell explosion: Organic deafness; hysterical speech disorder Binswanger, 1915 298
218. Distant shell explosion not seen or heard: Tympanic rupture, cerebellar symptoms Pitres, Marchand, 1916 300
219. Mine explosion: Organic and functional symptoms Smyly, 1917 302
220. Shrapnel skull wound: Differential recovery from functional symptoms Binswanger, 1917 303
221. Shell explosion shrapnel wound: Battle memories, scar hyperesthetic Bennati, 1916 305
222. Shrapnel wounds, operation: Hysterical facial spasm Batten, 1917 306
223. Shell explosion: Tremors and emotional crises Myers, 1916 307
224. Shell explosion, comrades killed: Tremors, crises Meige, 1916 308
225. Under fire: Tremophobia: French artist’s description Meige, 1916 310
226. Shell explosion: German soldier’s account of Shell-shock symptoms Gaupp, 1915 312
227. A British soldier’s account of shell-shock Batten, 1916 315
228. Blown up by shell: Crural monoplegia; hysterical four days later Léri, 1915 317
229. Shell explosion nearby: Description of treatment to demonstrate hysterical nature of characteristic symptoms Binswanger, 1915 318
230. Leg wound: Pseudocoxalgic monoplegia and anesthesia Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 323
231. Leg contusion: Crural monoplegia, hysterical; later crutch paralysis, organic Babinski, 1917 324
232. War strain: Arthritis; crural monoplegia and anesthesia; hysterical “conversion hysteria” MacCurdy, 1917 325
233. Lance thrust in back; Crural monoplegia Binswanger, 1915 326
234. Shell explosion: After six days, crural monoplegia (“metatraumatic” suggesting persisting hypersensitive phase after shell-shock) Schuster, 1916 329
235. Wound of foot: Acrocontracture, seven months’ duration; psycho-electric cure at one sitting Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 330
236. Shell explosion: Trauma; emotion; hysterical paraplegia Abrahams, 1915 332
237. Shell explosion: Burial; paraplegia Elliot, 1914 334
238. Shell explosion: Paraplegia and sensory symptoms, organic? Hurst, 1915 335
239. War strain and rheumatism; no emotional factors: Paraplegia, later brachial tremor Binswanger, 1915 336
240. Emotion in fever patient from watching barrage creep up: Paraplegia Mann, 1915 338
241. Incentives, domestic and medical, to paraplegia Russel, 1917 338
242. Bullet in back: Hysterical bent back; “camptocormia” Souques, 1915 339
243. Shell explosion: Camptocormia Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 340
244. Shell explosion; burial: camptocormia Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 342
245. Shell explosion; burial; Paraplegia, later camptocormia Joltrain, 1917 344
246. Bullet in thigh: Astasia-abasia. Wound of neck: Again astasia-abasia Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 346
247. Shell explosion: Wound of thorax; astasia-abasia Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 346
248. War strain and fall in trench without trauma: Dysbasia Nonne, 1915 347
249. Shell explosion: Partial burial; hysterical symptoms in parts buried Arinstein, 1916 349
250. Wound of hand: Acroparalysis Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 350
251. Wound of arm: Hysterical paralysis Chartier, 1915 351
252. Wound in brachial plexus region: Supinator longus contracture Léri, Roger, 1915 353
253. Contusion of muscle with “stupefactive” paralysis of biceps (supinator longus still functioning) Tinel, 1917 355
254. Wound of arm: Blockage of impulses to hand movements Tubby, 1915 356
255. Shell explosion: Bilateral symmetrical phenomena Gerver, 1915 357
256. Shell explosion: Paralytic symptoms on side exposed: Contralateral irritative symptoms Oppenheim, 1915 359
257. Shell explosion: Bilateral asymmetrical symptoms Gerver, 1915 360
258. Shell explosion: Sensory disorder on side exposed Gerver, 1915 362
259. Shell explosion: Hysterical deafness and other symptoms; relapse Gaupp, 1915 363
260. Shell explosion: Deafness Marriage, 1917 365
261. Mine explosion: Deafmutism; recovery on epistaxis and fever Liébault, 1916 366
262. Shell explosion: Deafmutism Mott, 1916 367
263. Shell explosion: Deafmutism and convulsions Myers, 1916 368
264. Gunfire: Aphonia Blässig, 1915 370
265. Shell-shock mutism: (a), observed, (b) dreamed of, (c), developed by victim of shell explosion Mann, 1915 370
266. Mortar explosion: Deafness Lattes, Goria, 1917 371
267. Shell-explosion: onomatopœic noises Ballet, 1914 371
268. Shell explosion: Gravel in eyes; eye and face symptoms Ginestous, 1916 372
269. Shell explosion; burial; blow on occiput; Blindness Greenlees, 1916 373
270. Shell-shock amblyopia: Composite data Parsons, 1915 374
271. Factors in shell-shock amblyopia: Excitement, blinding flashes, fear, disgust, fatigue Pemberton, 1915 375
272. Shell explosion amblyopia Myers, 1915 376
273. Shell windage without explosion: Cranial nerve disorder Pachantoni, 1917 378
274. Initial case in Babinski’s series to show chloroform elective exaggeration of reflexes Babinski, Froment, 1917 380
275. Wound of ankle: Contracture, chloroform effect Babinski, Froment, 1917 383
276. “Reflex” disorder of right leg: Chloroform effect Babinski, Froment, 1917 384
277. Bullet in calf: Hysterical lameness cured—reflex disorder associated therewith not cured Vincent, 1916 385
278. Trauma of foot: Hysterical dysbasia and reflex disorders; differential disappearance of hysterical symptoms Vincent, 1917 386
279. Shell-shock and paraplegia: Vasomotor and secretory disorder twenty months later Roussy, 1917 387
280. Tetanus clinically cured: Phenomena reproduced under chloroform anesthesia Monier-Vinard, 1917 388
281. Example of a “reflex” disorder after shell explosion at great distance Ferrand, 1917 390
282. Shell fire: Shell-shock symptoms delayed McWalter, 1916 391
283. Shell-shock symptoms early and late Smyly, 1917 392
284. Wounds: Gassing; burial; collapse on home leave Elliot Smith, 1916 393
285. Late sympathetic nerve effect after bullet wound of neck Tubby, 1915 394
286. Hysterical crural monoplegia after fall from horse under fire (reminiscence of similar ante bellum accident) Forsyth, 1915 395
287. Shell explosion, cave-in: Right leg symptoms (ante bellum experiences) Myers, 1916 396
288. Shell explosion, wound of back: Paraparesis (subject always weak in legs) Dejerine, 1915 397
289. Wound near heart: Fear; paraparesis (subject always weak in legs) Dejerine, 1915 399
290. Wounds: Tic on walking and recovery except frontalis tic (emphasis of ante bellum habit) Westphal, Hübner, 1915 401
291. Fatigue and emotion: Hysterical hemiplegia (similar hemiplegia ante bellum) Roussy, L’Hermitte, 1917 402
292. War strain: Hemiplegia (similar hemiplegia ante bellum, subject’s father hemiplegic) Duprés, Rist, 1914 403
293. Shell explosion and burial: Deafmutism (speech difficulty ante bellum) MacCurdy, 1917 405
294. War strain: Shell-shock and psychotic symptoms determined to parts ante bellum Zanger, 1915 406
295. Mine explosion: Emotion; delirium (previous head trauma without unconsciousness) Lattes, Goria, 1917 407
296. Sniper stricken blind in shooting eye Eder, 1916 408
297. Anticipation of warfare: Fall while mounting sentry; hysterical blindness Forsyth, 1915 408
298. Spasmodic neurosis from bareback riding (similar episode ante bellum) Schuster, 1914 409
299. Ante bellum spasm of hands Hewat, 1917 409
300. Quarrel: Hysterical chorea, reminiscent of former attack and itself reminiscent of organic chorea in subject’s mother Dupuoy, 1915 411
301. Hallucinations and delusions of ante bellum origin: Treatment by explanation Rows, 1916 412
302. Tremors and convulsive crises in a poor risk Rogues de Fursac, 1915 413
303. Emotionality and tachycardia in a martial misfit Bennati, 1916 415
304. Hereditary instability Wolfsohn, 1918 416
305. Genealogical tree of a shoemaker Wolfsohn, 1918 417
306. Traumatic hysteria without hereditary or acquired psychopathic tendency Donath, 1915 418
307. Mine explosion, burial: Neurosis in perfectly normal soldier MacCurdy, 1917 419
308. Shell explosion: Tremophobia Meige, 1916 421
309. Frozen in bog: Glossolabial hemispasm Binswanger, 1915 424
310. Bruise by horse: Invincible pain—subject cured by performing heroic feat Loewy, 1915 426
311. Kick by horse: Hysterical symptoms including monocular diplopia Oppenheim, 1915 427
312. Windage from non-exploding shell: Emotion; homonymous hemianopsia Steiner, 1915 428
313. Shell-shock psoriasis Gaucher, Klein, 1916 429
314. Croix de guerre and Shell-shock got simultaneously: Hallucinatory bell-ringing reminiscent of civilian work Laignel-Lavastine, Courbon, 1916 430
315. Waked by shell explosion: Nystagmiform tremor (occupational reminiscence in cinema worker) and tachycardia Tinel, 1915 432
316. Synesthesialgia: Foot pain on rubbing dry hands Lortat-Jacob, Sézary, 1915 433
317. Shell-shock and burial: Clonic spasms, later stupor Gaupp, 1915 435
318. War stress (liquid fire) and shell-shock: Puerilism Charon, Halberstadt, 1916 437
319. Bombed from aeroplane: Battle dreams; dizziness; fugue Lattes, Goria, 1917 439
320. Hyperthyroidism after box drops from aeroplane Bennati, 1916 440
321. Shell dropped without bursting: Stupor and delirium Lattes, Goria, 1917 441
322. Subject carrying explosives is jostled: Unconsciousness, deafmutism, later camptocormia Lattes, Goria, 1917 443
323. Grazed by sliding cannon: Stupor and amnesia Lattes, Goria, 1917 444
324. Shell explosions nearby: Emotion and insomnia Wiltshire, 1916 445
325. Shell explosion: symptoms after hearing artillery twelve days later Wiltshire, 1916 446
326. Exhaustion (heat?): Hyperthyroidism, hemiplegia Oppenheim, 1915 447
327. War strain and rheumatism: tremors Binswanger, 1915 448
328. Shell explosion; emotion: Fear and dreams Mott, 1916 451
329. Under fire; barbed wire work: tremors and sensory symptoms Myers, 1916 452
330. Shell explosion: Emotional crises; twice recurrent mutism Mairet, Piéron, Bouzansky, 1915 453
331. Shell explosion: Emotional crises (fright at a frog) Claude, Dide, Lejonne, 1916 455
332. War strain; wound; burials; shell-shock: neurosis with anxiety and dreams: Relapse MacCurdy, 1917 457
333. Bombed by airplane: Suicidal thoughts; oniric delirium; “moving picture in the head” Hoven, 1917 460
334. Shell explosion; emotion at death of best friend: Stupor and amnesia Gaupp, 1915 462
335. Emotional shock from shooting comrade: Horror, sweat, stammer, nightmare Rows, 1916 463
336. Emotion at death of comrade: Phobias Bennati, 1916 464
337. Shell explosion: Fright; delayed loss of consciousness Wiltshire, 1916 465
338. Shell explosion; burial work: amnesia; unpleasant ideas reflexly conditioned by shell whistling Wiltshire, 1916 467
339. Comrade’s death witnessed: Suicidal depression Steiner, 1915 468
340. Marching and battles: Neurasthenia? Bonhoeffer, 1915 469
341. English schoolmaster’s account of dreams Mott, 1918 470
342. War dreams shifting to sex dreams Rows, 1916 472
343. Shock at death of comrade: War and peace dreams Rows, 1916 474
344. War dreams including hunger and thirst Mott, 1918 475
345. Burial work: Olfactory dreams and vomiting Wiltshire, 1916 476
346. War dreams: Phobia conditioned on postoniric suggestion Duprat, 1917 477
347. Service in rear: War dreams not based on actual experiences Gerver, 1915 478
348. Hysterical astasia-abasia: Heterosuggestive “big belly” Roussy, Boisseau, Cornil, 1917 479
349. Collapse going over the top: Neurasthenia Jolly, 1916 481
350. Battles: Mania and confusion Gerver, 1915 483
351. Machine-gun battle: Mania and hallucinations Gerver, 1915 484
352. Attacks and counter-attacks: Incoherence and quick development of scenic war hallucinations Gerver, 1915 485
353. Hysterical stupor under shell fire after 2 days in the trenches Gaupp, 1915 486
354. Monosymptomatic amnesia Mallet, 1917 488
355. Aviator shot down: Mental symptoms, organic MacCurdy, 1917 489
356. Shell fire and corpse work: Daze with relapse; mutism Mann, 1915 491
357. Mine explosion: Confusion Wiltshire, 1916 492
358. Shell explosion: Alternation of personality Gaupp, 1915 493
359. “A Horse in the Unconscious” Eder, 1916 497
360. Shell explosion, gassing, fatigue: Anesthesia Myers, 1916 498
361. Shell explosion and burial: Somnambulism; dissolution of amnesia under hypnosis Myers, 1915 499
362. Shell explosion with injuries: Somnambulism Donath, 1915 502
363. Shock: Stupor as if dead Régis, 1915 503
364. Emotions over battle scenes: Twenty-four days’ somnambulism Milian, 1915 504
365. Putative loss of brother in battle: Somnambulism and mutism twenty-seven days Milian, 1915 506
366. Shell explosion: Trauma, windage: Somnambulism four days Milian, 1915 508
367. Burial, head trauma; gassing: Tremors, convulsions, confusion, fugue Consiglio, 1916 509
368. Shell explosion: Hysterical symptoms and tendency to fugue Binswanger, 1915 510
369. Burial: Dissociation of personality Feiling, 1915 512
370. Ear Complications and hysteria Buscaino, Coppola, 1916 516
371. Value of lumbar puncture Souques, Donnet, 1915 524
372. Meningeal and intraspinal hemorrhage: Lumbar puncture Guillain, 1915 525
373. Burial: Slight hyperalbuminosis Ravaut, 1915 526
374. Paraplegia, organic: Lumbar puncture Joubert, 1915 527
375. Gunshot of spine: Spinal concussion, quadriplegia, cerebellospasmodic disorder Claude, L’Hermitte, 1917 528
376. Trauma of spine: Anesthesia and contracture, homolateral, with trauma Oppenheim, 1915 529
377. Mine explosion combining hysterical and lesional effects Dupouy, 1915 530
378. Shell explosion: Hysterical and organic symptoms Hurst, 1917 532
379. Gunshot: Cauda equina symptoms, combined with functional paraplegia Oppenheim, 1915 533
380. Intraspinal lesion: Persistent anesthesia Buzzard, 1916 534
381. Functional shell-shock: Erroneous diagnosis Buzzard, 1916 534
382. Retention of urine after shell-shock Guillain, Barré, 1917 535
383. Same Guillain, Barré, 1917 536
384. Incontinence of urine after shell-shock and burial Guillain, Barré, 1917 536
385. Struck by missile: Crural monoplegia; plantar reflex absent Paulian, 1915 537
386. Shell explosion: Crural monoplegia; sciatica (neuritis?) Souques, 1915 538
387. Functional paraplegia and internal popliteal neuritis Roussy, 1915 540
388. Bullet in hip: Local “stupor” of leg Sebileau, 1914 542
389. Localized catalepsy: Hysterotraumatic Sollier, 1917 544
390. Contracture: Hysterotraumatic Sollier, 1917 545
391. Crural monoplegia, tetanic: Recovery Routier, 1915 546
392. Spasms, contracture, crises—tetanic Mériel, 1916 548
393. Shell explosion, windage, flaccid paraplegia, not “spinal contusion” Léri, 1915 550
394. Scalp wound: Quadriparesis; paraplegia, cataleptic rigidity of anesthetic legs Clarke, 1916 551
395. Shell explosion: Spasmodic contractions of sartorii, persistent in sleep Myers, 1916 553
396. Shell explosion: Brown-Séquard’s syndrome, hematomyelic? Ballet, 1915 555
397. Question of structural injury of spinal cord Smyly, 1917 557
Shell-Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems

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