Читать книгу Heaven on Earth - Elsa Lo Monaco - Страница 13
ОглавлениеChapter 7
When the Original Mind projected itself in the hologram, it had to be done leaving the timeless coordinates to live time separately, because the hologram is the experience of separation.
If someone feels separated,then he must separate, and an easy way to do it is to put space and time in between. The ego feels very comfortable with the perception of past, present and future, and to live it fully it uses guilt. When we feel guilty, we unconsciously ask for punishment, and this is presented in our lives through situations and relationships in which guilt reigns, which is the cause of all our anxiety.
The perception of time would not exist without guilt. This is the rock on which the ego church is built. Cause and effect are never seen together because between them there is a lot of space and a lot of time. We are not aware that we are the cause of what happens to us, which is the effect of our thoughts and beliefs.
Guilt makes us live in the past, always thinking of a moment that already happened and that we relive in what we call present and this is the reason why the past is the same as the future. Thus, a way of living the present is to turn it into a wonderful moment in which we forgive ourselves for believing in guilt.
The way to get rid of guilt is not to go to the ego, which lives from it, but to the Spirit of God, and understand that your role is simply to make your thought return to the point where the mistake was made, to forgive yourself and others and to give it there to the Atonement in peace. Forgiveness is always for yourself. When you forgive then you are at peace, you are free. Forgiveness is strength and the understanding that you are the one who needs forgiveness.
When we hold on to anger and guilt it is like we were drinking our own poison and expecting the other person to die.
The ego loves to waste time, it loves to make us believe that we must wait to reach a goal or to achieve something. It has us so trapped in this premise that there is not something without time in between. The ego says that everything needs time, and we are so convinced of this that we say things like, “Time heals everything”, “everything is a matter of time”, “time puts things in their place” and so on.
Our perception of time has us trapped in this experience. We live the perception of time in many ways. We live as if we lack time, and this creates a lot of anxiety. Worries and anxiety take away our peace and feed fear, which we then project in the future. We fear death and the passage of time, which is inexorable. Time is a great ally of the ego, which uses it to worry about the future, and also to remind us of old wounds. It makes us constantly look to the past so that we forget to live a beautiful present. With this, it makes the present become a hell. In this way, the ego makes our past equal to the future, so that our present is a sea of anxieties and anguish. Although nothing important and dangerous happens, we keep thinking that the tranquility we are living in is taking too long and that after the calm the storm will come.
Time as such does not exist. We live time as a mental illusion, a consequence of the separation of everything and everyone. In the Original Mind – without space or time – everything is an eternal now. Therefore, the perception of time is so particular. There are people who, according to what they are doing or who they are with, live an hour as if it were a few minutes. On the other hand, minutes can be converted into hours. This shows that time is mental.