Читать книгу Heaven on Earth - Elsa Lo Monaco - Страница 6
Dear reader, this book, HEAVEN ON EARTH, is liquid gold for the soul. The thoughts here exposed will be completely new and astonishing to humanity, giving a helping hand to mankind to come out of darkness. An inspiration through the Universe, clear communications with God, and energized by A Course in Miracles propelled this book forward.
Along the reading we will see a new way of living and understanding life and death, illness and healing, mind and body. We start with the theory of the beginning of human life on earth and the original meaning. It will be laid out what the ego is, that disease has a purpose and that death does not exist. Furthermore, among many other topics, the importance of awakening will be pointed out.
It is essential to acknowledge that our perception needs healing, as well as our beliefs, taboos and prejudices, because all of these things determine our mental state. We need to reinterpret the world we see. In this book all of our beliefs will be challenged. This is the main goal, to break old beliefs, because they are keeping us from seeing the real world. The ultimate aim is that more people develop a healing and wondrous mentality, which means healing of perception. It is inevitable to highlight the importance of our thoughts as creators of the world we live in, and the need to heal them, realizing that the world we see is the projection of our mental state. We definitely have to remove guilt in all its forms from the mind, because this is what binds us to various mental states of pain, sacrifice and suffering.