Читать книгу Still - Emma Hansen - Страница 4


THIS IS MY story, as I remember it, allowing that time and grief have rendered some memories unreachable. Some events have been compressed or reordered; conversations have been reconstructed from memory. Passages from my blog and social media have been incorporated to stay true to the grief of those seasons. Some names have been changed to protect the anonymity of those persons, and some have been kept as they are in real life. I acknowledge that if your gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, experiences, or beliefs are different than mine, what is written on these pages might not always resonate. If this is true, I say: I see you, your story is important in its differences and similarities, and I hope you feel supported by this book as a whole. In all ways, I have attempted to honor the roles that the members of my far-reaching community have had in my journey. I write with gratitude for these connections. Though this is my story, I am not alone in it.


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