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At the end of each chapter, I provide a few thought-provoking questions. If you want to do a little writing on the issues presented, choose one or more questions to address.

Even if you tackle only one question, you will learn a lot about your situation and point yourself in the direction of answers. Remember that answering a question is not the same as taking action. If in your answer you identify certain work that you ought to do, then by all means, do it!

1 What are your first thoughts about the challenges I've identified and how they do or do not apply to you?

2 Do you agree that a smart person is at greater risk for meaning crises?

3 How do you interpret the phrase value-based meaning-making?

4 Since meaning is primarily a subjective psychological experience, what do you suppose you can do to create more of it for yourself?

5 How might the very idea of meaning that you create help you deal with meaning crises?

Why Smart People Hurt

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