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Saving drives wealth


You may think a high income is key to having a prosperous retirement, but research shows that the best way to retirement bliss is to save. Research demonstrates that wealth accumulation is driven more by the choice to save (rather than spend) than it is by a person’s income.

For example, professors Steven Venti and David Wise examined nearly 4,000 households across an array of income levels to challenge the notion that many households lacking high incomes don’t earn enough money to both pay their bills and save at the same time.

Venti and Wise examined these households’ current financial statuses and histories to explain the differences in their accumulations of assets. Their findings showed that the bulk of the differences among households “… must be attributed to differences in the amount that households choose to save. The differences in saving choices among households with similar lifetime earnings lead to vastly different levels of asset accumulation by the time retirement age approaches.”

It’s not what you make but what you keep (save) that’s important to building wealth. Of course, earning more should make it easier to save, but many folks allow their spending to increase with their incomes.

Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies

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