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Understanding the purpose of life insurance


The primary reason to consider buying life insurance is to provide financially for those who are dependent on your employment income. However, just because you have a job, earn employment income, and have dependents (children, a spouse, and so on) doesn’t mean that you need life insurance.

So how do you know whether you need life insurance coverage? Your current financial situation is an important factor in determining your need. If you haven’t already assessed your retirement plan and tallied your assets and liabilities, be sure to read Chapter 3.

If you’re still working, aren’t yet financially independent, and need your current and future employment income to keep up your current lifestyle — and you’re saving toward your financial goals — life insurance probably is a good choice. If you have others depending on your continued employment income, you generally should get term life insurance coverage (which we discuss in the later section “Figuring out what type to buy”).

On the other hand, you may find that even though you’re still working, you’ve achieved financial independence. In other words, you’ve accumulated enough assets relative to your spending to be able to actually retire and no longer need to earn employment income.

Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies

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