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Accumulating a rainy-day fund


The future is unpredictable. Take the uncertainty simply surrounding your job: You could lose your job, or you may want to leave it.

Consider what happened in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic and the unexpected and lengthy government-mandated shutdowns in some parts of the country, which led to large layoffs in particular industries like restaurants, retail, and travel-related businesses. While the 2020 recession was unusual in many respects, recessions aren’t unusual, and even when the overall economy is growing, some employers let employees go. Suppose an elderly relative, for example, needs some assistance for a period of time? You don’t need to be negative or a pessimist, but problems happen, and sometimes financial downsides can come with them.

Because you don’t know what the future holds, preparing for the unexpected is financially wise. Enter the emergency or rainy-day fund.

The size of your emergency fund depends on your personal situation. Begin by considering how much you spend in a typical month. Here are some benchmarks for how many months’ worth of living expenses you should have:

 Three months’ living expenses: When you’re starting out, this minimalist approach makes sense if your only current source of emergency funds is a high-interest credit card. Longer-term, you could make do with three months’ living expenses if you have other accounts, such as a 401(k), or family members and close friends whom you can tap for a short-term loan.

 Six months’ living expenses: If you don’t have other places to turn for a loan, or if you have some instability in your employment situation or source of income, you need more of a cushion.

 Twelve months’ living expenses: Consider this large stash if your income fluctuates greatly or if your occupation involves a high risk of job loss, finding another job could take you a long time, or you don’t have other places to turn for a loan.

Investing All-in-One For Dummies

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