Читать книгу The Innovative Parent - Erica Curtis - Страница 9



The task of parenting is like passing a baton from one generation to the next.

We all inherited a baton from our parents, which they inherited from theirs, and so on. Our parents did the best they could with whatever baton they were dealt. Perhaps they added decorative ribbons. Or made some cracks of their own in it. We were handed that baton—varnish, barbed wire, splinters, colorful paint, and all. We start with this.

When we parent, we pass the baton to our children. What we hand to them, in part, is what we have inherited. But we can improve upon what we pass on to them. We can remove tattered ribbons. Sand down splinters. Polish it. Attach embellishments of our own. It won’t be perfect, but it can be better than before. And our children will have the same chance to make it better yet, for their children.

This process of change requires innovation—creative thinking, experimentation, and learning from mistakes for improvement. Innovative parenting is a state of mind. It requires stretching yourself as a person. It means trying something different so that your children will do the same.

Drawing, painting, cutting, taping, tearing, building, destroying, mixing, scraping, attaching, tracing, smearing, pounding, scratching, stamping, sticking, bending, sewing, dripping. Making art not only reflects what is going on inside but also has the capacity to transform it. As such, it holds a wealth of potential for enriching the lives of our children, as well as our own. I see this regularly in my art therapy practice and workshops, and at home with my own children. The experience of making, observing, and talking about art nurtures developing minds, emotional worlds, and relationships.

What’s more, research supports this.

This book pulls together anecdotal experience from years of clinical art therapy practice with children, teens, and parents, along with research from the fields of psychology, child development, creativity, anthropology, and neuroscience. It offers insight into children’s art as something more than refrigerator decor. We will explore how making and talking about art can help children make sense of emotions, build connections with others, cultivate empathy, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, process and retain information, and more. These are complex aspirations for something as seemingly simple as making art, yet therein lies the beauty of art for furthering the goals of parenting. It is wonderfully simple and doable. And fun. Good news for not-so-artsy folks: this book is for you, too.

Far from being an arts and crafts book, The Innovative Parent is about breaking the conventional mold of parenting by applying creative thinking and exercises to raising children. At its essence, it’s about becoming an innovative parent. It not only offers creative tools for raising connected, happy, and successful kids but also empowers you to find your own creativity to survive tough times during the day and access parenting skills that you possess but lose in the moment—when stressed, tired, or overwhelmed.

While this book is written for parents, it is also for anyone who cares for or works with children or adolescents: grandparents, caregivers, mentors, and professionals in education, mental health, community arts, health care, recreation, social services, spiritual care, and more. It empowers all to nurture kids with art, whether by opening communication, building tolerance for frustration, or teaching limits and responsibility. After all, the skills that children master when making and talking about art will last well beyond the activity itself and apply to other facets of their lives. Likewise, the skills that we adults master, when facilitating projects and commenting on art, will seep into other interactions with our children, helping us become more versatile, attuned, and resourceful as parents.

This book focuses primarily on the use of visual arts to help you achieve your parenting goals. However, you will also find research and techniques involving movement, music, storytelling, theater, and writing. The undeniable benefits and ease with which you can apply these other art forms will provide you with additional tools and inspiration for your parenting adventure. You may even find yourself shifting from surviving to thriving in this creative process called parenting.

Here’s to happy, healthy, and successful children, for generations to come. And here’s to you, the innovative parent.

The Innovative Parent

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