Читать книгу Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition - Erin Albert - Страница 23

If you had to start another business, what have you learned that you might do differently—either about yourself, or about how to run a business in general?


The thought of that is horrible. One of my concerns now is this idea of a consortium, because it almost feels like another business, and I honestly have enough on my plate right now.

You just have to follow your passions and love what you do. That is what is so engaging about entrepreneurship. When you start something you love it—it is the drive, core or seed that determines how you create your business, and your life. There is an emotional and personal connection to your work as an entrepreneur that most people don’t find in a job. Some people do, but most people don’t. With a job, for most people, they end up compromising fun in order to get paid for work. If we insist that we love what we do instead, rather than hate what we do if we get paid, the world would be a much better place. Most businesses never get the gifts that you can bring to work and to the world. When you start your own business, you have a real chance to create an environment where you absolutely love your work, and in turn, everyone around you can love it too. If you have a great idea and implement it in a way that makes people hate it, what’s the point?

That’s where values become so important. Values frame the content for creating a business that is full of life. You have a verbal reminder of how to be and how to make whatever it is that you’re doing a delightful experience. Chip Conley has a company called Joie de Vivre—the joy of life—and that’s also how he treats his employees and customers. You can do this as an employee or entrepreneur too, but as an entrepreneur you have more power to make that happen. As an employee, you’ll have more limits. If you love your work, though, that helps. If you’re just there for a paycheck, that’s really hard to do. We seek joy in our families or volunteerism or other ways when we don’t love our work. But it puts a huge stress on us that truly doesn’t need to be there. We are here to love and have fun! Some just aren’t focused on that, but we all should be.

Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition

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