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What didn’t I ask you about you and your business that you wanted me to?


I have been listening to Robert Kiyosaki on a CD called Choose to Be Rich. I actually had it for a while, but forgot about it and then I went back to listen to it again. He talks about people who are poor, rich and middle class and how they think differently, not good or bad, just how they think. For me, I’ve been thinking a lot about having the entrepreneurial mindset. People who have made it big found an unmet need and filled it. He challenges us to think about what we really do and how we really think and who we can help. He also suggested one of the ways to get rich is to have three different piggy banks—say if you have a $100 in income, you should put $10 in savings, $10 in tithing and $10 in investments. If you lose your investments, you have your savings to fall back on. The tithing can be giving to your church or your charity, but you are giving and that will be reciprocated.

I think this is similar to being an entrepreneur. What are you giving to other people? How are you planning for that in your future as well? Everyone can lose everything in one day no matter who they are. An entrepreneur has to plan and save, but not be afraid of failure. Nine out of 10 businesses fail; true, but one business succeeds. You have to have that resilience to carry yourself through the planning and potential of failure, and realize that if an idea or a business didn’t come out right the first time, it might have nothing to do with you or your work. It might be bad luck, poor timing, or something else you had no control over. The one thing you can control is your resilience. Having the resiliency to get back up is key. Too many nos will eventually get you that much closer to a yes!

Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition

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