Читать книгу Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition - Erin Albert - Страница 58

What is your personal definition of success, and have you achieved it?


My personal definition is having a balanced life and financially being able to support myself while being able to do what I love. I’m half way there. I’m still working on the work/life balance, and I’m still working on being completely financially independent, but I love what I do and I’m very clear on my vision. The balance is coming. I see glimpses of balance, but it is a choice too. For example, it is a choice to shut your computer off. It is a choice for me to not answer the phone when my son comes home from school. I can also choose for him to sit in the loft while I’m sending emails. When I make the choice, I can go back to work at 8 p.m. at night. When my son is present, I’m present with him from 5:30 p.m. until he goes to bed. He knows that. When he comes home at 3:30 or 4 with the nanny—he does his homework, but at 5:30, he gets my full attention until bedtime.

He’s very patient. He’ll also call me on it too. He’ll say, “Mom, it’s my time.” Or, if there is something major I have to take care of, I’ll tell him in advance. I’m open and communicative with him. There are 1-2 days during the week when he’s with his dad and I can work 12-hour days if I want to and I do, so I can be present with him when he is with me.

Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition

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