Читать книгу Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition - Erin Albert - Страница 64

Why this type of business, and why now?


I was thinking about launching the business for a long time. I have been in the diabetes industry since 1993 and watched this epidemic growing while in the industry and it became troubling. From a personal values standpoint, I decided I’d rather prevent diabetes from happening than focusing on treatment. I had been operating as an independent consultant, which helped me develop confidence to start a bigger business. I broadened my experience beyond diabetes and I’m still part of a think tank. All of these experiences augmented my view of ConnectWell, which in turn helped me create the vision for this company. I also volunteered at a diabetes camp in 2008. The next year I brought my kids so they could see the impact of this disease on others. You have to stay on top of diabetes and teach kids with type 1 diabetes how to manage it. I kept thinking to myself, if I could help kids at diabetes camp figure out how to manage their disease, I could certainly train adults how to prevent type 2 diabetes from happening in the first place. This idea also provided me with the vision to start my business.

Also, I had a career break. I was on a fast track career path in the corporate world after coming out of Harvard Business School, until my second pregnancy. It turned out that I was pregnant with twins. Having twins was truly a gift, because it forced me to focus not only on my family, but it also changed my view of my work in the corporate world. I then worked as a consultant, which in turn gave me an independent viewpoint, working across companies and over the entire spectrum of diabetes.

Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition

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