Читать книгу Walking Los Angeles - Erin Mahoney Harris - Страница 5


Authors’ Note

The face of Los Angeles is constantly changing, particularly when it comes to residential and commercial architecture, so you may find on your journeys that certain businesses, landmarks, and features described in this book have changed since it was written. We encourage you to use our directions as a general guide but also to explore at a leisurely pace and make your own discoveries.

That said, we also implore you to use common sense to ensure your safety and comfort: bring a buddy if you’re exploring a new neighborhood that you don’t feel entirely at ease about visiting; walk during the day rather than at night; wear appropriate shoes to prevent blisters; keep dogs leashed at all times, as these are primarily urban routes close to street traffic; and, finally, if you’re bringing a baby or child in a stroller, please pay attention to the difficulty rating to see if stairways are part of that route. (Note that routes with just a few steps here and there don’t include the stairway notation.)

The boundaries mentioned at the beginning of each walk are meant to give you an idea of the major streets that surround the route to make it easier to find. These streets don’t always appear on the accompanying maps, so you can look up the intersection indicated at the walk’s starting point using GPS, a mapping app, a website, or a good old-fashioned paper map if you need help locating the beginning of your route. For walks that start within a mile of a Metro station, we’ve included that information as well.

Happy trekking!

Walking Los Angeles

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