Читать книгу Two-Face - Ernest Dudley - Страница 12
ОглавлениеCHAPTER 9
“You won’t know her my pet!” Julia spoke into the telephone
“Good!” came Larry’s reply over the wire from London.
He had telephoned at midnight, just after Max Cooper had left. And the studio seemed strangely empty, bereft of the fascinating music of “Orchids in Paris.”
Mitsi had gone to bed, both excited and exhausted. Leo, too, was asleep. Julia had been lounging deep in an arm-chair, too tired to move. This glamorising business is wearing, she was thinking, when the telephone rang. But it seemed worth it to have Larry’s thanks.
“It’s grand of you Julia, my dear! Bless your heart!”
“How have you been doing your end?”
“All right… I have kidded Raymond she’s the biggest sensation Paris has ever known!” He chuckled. “He’ll be mad with me when he finds out, but it’ll be too late then!”
“You haven’t seen Mitsi yet,” retorted Julia. “Believe me, he’s going to be grateful to you—she is a sensation!”
“That’s comforting. Anyhow I’ll put her over big with the newspapers.”
“It’s amazing how the child’s blossomed out. Her personality’s changed. She really has got glamour! And the voice is most attractive too. We’ve got a new song for her—”
“Yes. Max Cooper’s written it—”
“That mad composer chap?”
“He’s written a grand song for her anyhow.”
“What’s it called?” Larry did not sound very impressed.
“Orchids in Paris.”
“Hum…not bad,” he went on crisply. “I’ve been fixing things about her songs. Got Al Young working on something for her right now. He’ll be her pianist for the show, too. Maybe we can use ‘Orchids in Paris’ all right.”
“Don’t be so damned condescending,” snapped Julia. “I tell you it’s a lovely song. Just right for Mitsi…”
Larry’s laugh placated her.
“Darling,” he told her, “you’ve been perfectly marvellous about all this. I appreciate it enormously.”
“It’s a pleasure, Larry,” she mocked him.
“Please, can I speak to him—?”
Julia turned with a start to find Mitsi at her elbow. Her lovely hair was tousled, her eyes sleepy. She made an incongruous picture as she stood there in her own very unglamorous nightgown and one of Leo’s old dressing-gowns clutched round her.
“The telephone ringing wakened me up,” she explained huskily. “I guessed it might be him so I came out to see.”
“You ought to be fast asleep. You’ve got another hard day tomorrow!”
“What’s that?” It was Larry’s puzzled voice.
Julia turned back to the telephone, laughing.
“I was talking to Mitsi,” she explained. “She’s here. She’s got out of bed to come and talk to you.”
“Very nice of her,” said Larry. “Pity I can’t see her though in all her new glory!”
Julia eyed Mitsi quizzically.
“I’m afraid her night attire would not meet with your approval!” she answered. She described it to him.
Larry chuckled.
“We’ll put that right tomorrow,” Julia said. “Filmy black lace…all very transparent and fetching!”
“All right!” laughed Larry. “It won’t worry me anyhow. I’ll only see her in business hours!”
Julia did not smile.
“Here is Mitsi,” she said, and handed the telephone to her.
Mitsi took it gingerly. “Hello, Larry! How are you?” His voice, distant but warm, filled her ear.
“Fine! And I hear you’re looking very handsome!”
Mitsi said simply: “I am very like Leo’s picture which you admired so much. Julia has been wonderful. I do not think you will recognize me when we meet.”
“So I’m told. Are you enjoying it?”
“Yes. But I am afraid also. That is why I wanted to talk to you now. Because when I know you are going to be with me in this strange, exciting new world I do not feel so afraid.”
“You’ll be all right,” was the reassuring reply. “Everybody’s going to be kind to you. Help you to be a great star. Make you happy.”
Mitsi sighed.
“Now hadn’t you better get back to your beauty sleep? Must take care of yourself.”
“All right, Larry. When will I see you?”
“I’ll come over and collect you in a day or two.”
“Au revoir.”
Julia took the receiver from her. Noted her expression. Her eyes had complete faith, utmost trust in them. She was smiling with quiet serenity to herself.
Julia gave her a little push. Without a word—as if hypnotized by Larry’s voice—Mitsi went back to bed.
“You know Sadie Harris, don’t you?” Larry was saying. “I want you to take Mitsi along to meet her. Do her good. Give her some right ideas.”
“Right ideas?” queried Julia. “Sadie’s just about the toughest woman in town!”
“That doesn’t mean a thing. She’s a grand person. I knew her well in the old days before she retired from being America’s Queen of Song. Tell her all about Mitsi and my stunt. You know she’ll be very helpful.”
“All right, Larry. I’ll fix up a meeting tomorrow. We’ll go along to one of her mad parties. Initiate Mitsi into life as lived by gay Americans in Paris! Anything else I can do for you?”
“No…just keep up the good work!”
Larry and Julia chatted for a few more moments. It was mainly about Mitsi. He spoke of how his plans were progressing for her reception in London. He was quickly building up an interest in this new glamorous song bird who was to alight in London to thrill the nightlifers.
Her arrival would be greeted with a fanfare of publicity.
He hoped she would stand up to it all right. “She’ll do her best,” Julia told him. “And if she lets you down you’ll only have yourself to blame, dragging an unknown child into the glare of limelight she doesn’t want!”
“It’ll be fun for her!” he argued.
“Fun for you!” Julia retorted. “You know you don’t give a hoot for her feelings. You’re just a hard-boiled newspaper man out on the spree!”
Larry laughed. Then advising her to follow Mitsi’s example and climb into bed, he hung up.
It was only just before she fell asleep Julia wondered if Larry did indeed give the smallest hoot for Mitsi’s feelings. The thought absorbed her, but she was too tired to worry about it. A slight frown did, however, mark her brow as she slipped into oblivion.
Next door Mitsi slept.
Her lips parted in a little smile. It was the same smile she had worn after speaking to Larry.