Читать книгу Physiology: The Science of the Body - Ernest G. Martin - Страница 11
ОглавлениеFRONT VIEW OF TRUNK AND LIMB ARCHES c, collar bone; s, shoulder blade; Oc, innominate bone (From Martin’s “Human Body”)
SIDE VIEW OF THE SPINAL COLUMN C 1-7, cervical; D 1-12, dorsal; L 1-5, lumbar; S 1, sacrum; Co 1-4, coccygeal. (From Martin’s “Human Body”)
The body consists of trunk and limbs, and each part has its skeleton. The skeleton of the trunk consists of the spinal column, the rib cage, the shoulder girdle, and the hip girdle. The skeletons
of the limbs are all according to a single plan to be described in a moment. The spinal column is a remarkable example of strength combined with flexibility and elasticity. It is made up of thirty-three bones or vertebræ; each of these has a disk-shaped part known as the body, and these disks are placed in line as shown in the figure. Between each disk and its neighbor is an elastic pad composed of a mixture of cartilage and elastic connective tissue. There is a small amount of give in each pad and this, taken along the whole length of the spinal column, is enough to give it the great flexibility which it enjoys. During the day the weight of the body packs these pads down hard, so that it is said that a man may be as much as an inch shorter at night than in the morning. Behind the disk each vertebra has an arch of bone, and beyond and beside this arch most of them have projections. All the arches together make up a bony canal which contains and protects the spinal cord. The projections serve for the attachment of the ribs and the back muscles by which the bending motions of the body are made.
The rib cage includes the breastbone and twelve pairs of ribs. It serves two purposes: to protect the heart and lungs from injury; and to take part in the movements of breathing. The latter function involves some degree of motion of the rib cage. All the ribs are attached behind to the vertebral column in a fashion that permits of a little motion up and down. All except the last two are fastened in front, seven pairs to the breastbone, three pairs each to the rib above it. In breathing the breastbone and ribs are moved up and down by muscles attached to them.
The shoulder girdle is made up of the collar bones and shoulder blades. Each collar bone is fastened at its inner end to the upper edge of the breastbone; this is the only direct contact the shoulder girdle has with any other part of the skeleton of the trunk; at the point where collar bone and shoulder blade meet, there is a shallow cup into which the head of the skeleton of the arm fits. The arrangement is favorable to great freedom of movement of the arm. Not only is the shoulder joint very flexible owing to the shallowness of the cup into which the arm bone fits, but the shoulder blade itself is capable of a considerable range of movement. This is because it is imbedded in and held in place by muscles. If one watches a person with bare shoulders while he raises his arms, it will be seen that the shoulder blades do not move much while the arms are being lifted to the horizontal position, but as that point is passed they begin to swing outward rapidly, so that when the arms are high above the head the shoulder blades are in a quite different position from that which they have when the arms are down.
The hip girdle consists of five bones of the vertebral column welded firmly together to make up what is called the sacrum, and two other large bones known as the innominate bones, each of which, in turn, is made up of three bones tightly fused together. The innominate bones are firmly joined to the sacrum at the back and they meet in front, also in a firm joint. The hip girdle or pelvis is rigid, suiting it to bear the strains that come upon it on account of its position at the junction of the legs with the trunk. At the outer side of each innominate bone is a cup, much deeper than the corresponding cup of the shoulder girdle, and into this fits the head of the skeleton of the leg. The arrangement is a typical ball and socket, and has been much copied in machinery where a flexible joint is required. In a good many people the union of the innominate bones to the sacrum is not so firm but that it yields somewhat when strains are put on it. Ordinary strains in these cases produce severe backache. Heavy strains may cause an excessively painful as well as disabling dislocation. In either case medical attention is needed.
Each arm can be subdivided into upper arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. The skeleton of the upper arm is a single long bone. The forearm has two bones, one of which is hinged at the elbow to the bone of the upper arm in a way to limit the movement to the single back and forth swing of which the elbow is capable. The other bone of the forearm can be rolled over the one which is fast at the elbow; this is what happens whenever the hand is changed from the palm up to the palm down position. There are eight bones in the wrist; these are irregular in shape, and are so grouped as to permit of a very wide range of movement. The bones of the hand and fingers make up five rows numbering four bones each for the fingers and three for the thumb. The joints are all practically simple hinges except for the one where the thumb joins the wrist, which is a much more flexible joint; flexible enough, in fact, to allow the thumb to be brought opposite any of the fingers. No animal except man enjoys this degree of flexibility in the thumb, so no animal equals man in the nicety of the grasp, particularly of small tools. When we recall how constantly we take advantage of this property of our hands we can realize how greatly our superiority over the lower animals has been aided by this rather slight structural difference between our hands and theirs.
THE BONES OF THE ARM a, upper arm; b, forearm; c, wrist; d, hand (From Martin’s “Human Body”)
The leg subdivides along the same lines as the arm into upper leg, or thigh, lower leg, or shin, and foot. The order of bones is, on the whole, the same; one in the thigh; two in the lower leg. Instead of a flexible wrist the corresponding bones of the foot are grouped into a less flexible, but much stronger, heel and upper instep. Two of the bones of this group are fused together into one, reducing the total number from eight to seven. The bones of the lower instep and toes correspond in number and arrangement to those of the hand and fingers, but the great toe does not have superior flexibility as does the thumb. There is one bone in the leg, the knee cap or patella, that does not correspond to any bone in the arm, although it does correspond to a part of a bone, namely, the projection, at the elbow, of the long bone of the forearm. A feature of the skeleton of the foot that is worth a word is the arching of the instep. This undoubtedly adds greatly to the ease of walking. The natural position for the foot is, of course, with both the heel and the ball of the foot on the ground. For some reason it has become the universal custom among civilized people to raise the heel off the ground by adding a heel to the shoe. This does not seem to make much difference as long as the heel is not too high. In fact soldiers wearing properly fitted heel shoes can march as far and fast as can be expected. Excessively high heels throw the weight too much on the ball of the foot, thus doing away with the benefits that come from the arching of the instep. The effect on the gait is very apparent in any one who walks in high-heeled shoes. The foot itself does not appear to be greatly harmed by the wearing of high heels provided the shoes are otherwise well fitting. Whether the heels are high or low, the fit of the shoe is of utmost importance to the preservation of the feet. Crowding the feet into shoes that are too small in any direction is a fruitful means of bringing on foot trouble. Wearing shoes that are loose enough to allow the foot to turn over inside the shoe is nearly as bad. If the shoes are properly fitted in the beginning and then the heels are kept squared up, so that the feet will always stand straight on the ground, there will usually be little trouble with fallen arches or other foot disturbances.
BONES OF THE LEG a, thigh; b, shin; c, foot; d, knee cap (From Martin’s “Human Body”)
The bones are fastened together at the movable joints by stout sheets or bands of connective tissue known as ligaments. These hold them in place very securely and as additional support the muscles which surround every joint help to prevent the bones from slipping out of place. At nearly all the joints of the body the combined action of ligaments and muscles is sufficient to guarantee the joint against dislocation; the shoulder joint, and to a less extent the hip joint, is more likely to suffer this accident. The reason is that in obtaining flexibility of movement security of attachment is somewhat lessened. If the ligaments at the shoulder were tight enough to prevent the joint from ever becoming dislocated they would bind it to a serious degree. Most of the ligaments are of inelastic connective tissue, but those that fasten the separate vertebræ of the spinal column together are elastic, allowing of the bending in every direction which makes our backs as flexible as they are. The only movable joints which are bound by other means than ligaments are the connections of the ribs with the breastbone. These are of cartilage, but the movement here is so slight that the cartilage yields enough to permit it.
This completes our account of the bony skeleton. We shall finish the description of the supporting framework by a word about what may be called the connective tissue skeleton. The bony skeleton serves to support the body as a whole and to permit the muscles to do their work; the individual organs and the cells which make them up are held in place by sheets and bands of connective tissue. These are coarse and strong when their purpose is to support a large and heavy organ like the stomach; they become finer and finer as the parts to be supported become smaller, and when the individual cells are reached the connective tissue which surrounds them is almost inconceivably delicate. So completely does connective tissue permeate the whole body that it has been said that if everything else could be dissolved away, leaving only this tissue in place, there would still remain a model of the body, complete to the last detail.