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39. Charitonetta albeola. Buffle-head.


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Common summer resident; breeding in deep ponds that are fringed with trees; among the commonest species after the fall migration, along the boundary (Coues). Dufferin: Arrived between April 20 and 25 (Dawson). Winnipeg: Transient visitor; abundant (Hine). Swamp Island: 1885, first seen, about twenty, on May 21; next seen on May 22; last seen, May 25; is common in migration but does not breed; 1886, first seen, six, on May 10; bulk arrived May 13; last seen, May 19 (Plunkett). Portage la Prairie: Abundant in spring and autumn, some few remaining to breed; at Lake Champique, near Hedingly, I once found young, unable to fly, on the 15th of August; they were on a prairie slough, at least three miles from any trees (Nash). Abundant in ponds in the autumn; not seen in the prairie regions (Macoun). Carberry: Common summer, resident; breeding also at west slope of Duck Mountain, Portage la Prairie (Thompson). Shell River: 1885, first seen, two, on April 27; next seen, May 20; is common all summer and breeds here (Calcutt). Qu’Appelle: Common summer resident; breeds; arrives September 20 (Guernsey). Severn House; Trout Lake Station (Murray).

Birds of Manitoba

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