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41. Histrionicus histrionicus. Harlequin Duck.


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This bird will probably be found in Manitoba, as it has been recorded from near Hudson’s Bay (Hutchins). Breeds in British America; * * * throughout Illinois in winter, and has been taken at St. Louis, Missouri (Cooke). Breeding in the Rocky Mountains, near the boundary (Coues).

Pow is tic on sheep; two specimens, both drakes, etc. * * * These birds are found in small rivulets, seldom in large rivers, about 90 miles inland. They migrate to the southward with the geese; feed on grass and small worms at the bottom of the creeks; have a whistling note; they build their nests in the grass, and lay ten or more eggs, resembling those of a pigeon in size and color. The name in the Algonquin language implies a species of ducks that frequent the waterfalls or cataracts. The young brood are very prettily speckled. (Hutchins MSS. Obs. H. Bay, 1782.)

Birds of Manitoba

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