Читать книгу Travels with St. Mark: GPS for the Journey - Eugene E. Lemcio - Страница 4



AV Authorized Version

BCE Before the Common Era

BR Biblical Research

C & D Cartlidge & Dungan

CE Common Era

ET English Translation

HB Hebrew Bible

JB Jerusalem Bible

JTS Journal of Theological Studies

KJV King James Version

LXX Septuagint of the Greek Old Testament (=OG)

MT Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible

NEB New English Bible

NETS New English Translation of the Septuagint

NRSV New Revised Standard Version

NT New Testament

NTS New Testament Studies

OG Old Greek (=LXX)

OGI Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae

OSB Orthodox Study Bible

OT Old Testament

RSV Revised Standard Version

SNTSMS Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

TB Tyndale Bulletin

Travels with St. Mark: GPS for the Journey

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