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[Positions, etc., as before.]

Strophe I: to the Right.

Who could foresee so well and give her the name Helen—a Hell[3] to men and ships and towers? She came out of bowers of gorgeous curtains, she sailed with breezes soft as Zephyrs yet strong as Titans, and unseen reached the leafy banks of the Simois; but bloodshed was in her train, and on her track followed hosts of hunters that carried shields. {680}

Antistrophe I: back to Altar.

So there is a wrath that works vengeance after long waiting: to the Ilion that received her she was a dear bride: then there was a shout of 'Paris, Paris,' in the Bridal Song: now his city has celebrated a Wedding of Death, and called on Paris' name in other tones. {695}

Strophe II: Altar to Left.

So once a lion's cub,

A mischief in his house,

As foster child one reared,

While still it loved the teats;

In life's preluding dawn

Tame, by the children loved,

And fondled by the old,

Oft in his arms 'twas held,

Like infant newly born,

With eyes that brightened to the hand that stroked,

And fawning at the hest of hunger keen. {704}

Antistrophe II: back to Altar.

But when full-grown, it showed

The nature of its sires;

For it unbidden made

A feast in recompense

Of all their fostering care,

By banquet of slain sheep;

With blood the house was stained,

A curse no slaves could check,

Great mischief murderous:

By God's decree a priest of Ate thus

Was reared, and grew within the man's own house. {715}

Strophe III: Altar to Right.

So I would tell that thus to Ilion came

Mood as of calm when all the air is still,

The gentle pride and joy of kingly state,

A tender glance of eye,

The full-blown blossom of a passionate love,

Thrilling the very soul;

And yet she turned aside,

And wrought a bitter end of marriage feast,

Coming to Priam's race,

Ill sojourner, ill friend,

Sent by great Zeus, the God of host and guest—

Erinnys, for whom wives weep many tears. {726}

Antistrophe III: back to Altar.

The time-honored saying is that Prosperity grown big will not die childless, its offspring will be a Woe insatiable. I say no, it is not the Prosperity, it is an Impious deed that breeds Impious deeds like the parent stock. {737}

Strophe IV: from Altar to Left.

Recklessness begets Recklessness, this begets full-flushed Lust and

Godforgetting Daring, two black curses to a household. {746}

Antistrophe IV: back to Altar.

Justice will dwell in houses blackened with smoke where life is ruled by law, but averts her eyes from gold-decked mansions conjoined with hands denied: and it is this Justice that is directing the course of things to its appointed goal. {755}

At this point, a grand Procession of the returning Warriors from Troy enters Stage and Orchestra by the Left Side-Door (signifying distance): Agamemnon in his chariot, followed in another chariot by Cassandra as captive, but still in the garb of prophetess: then a train of Soldiers laden with trophies and leading a train of Troïan captive women. The Chorus fall into their Episode position to receive them.

Book of illustrations

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