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P.2 The Climate Dilemma


Figure P.1 illustrates the present warming distribution throughout the earth as published by National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center [1] where the measured global temperature during 2014 – indexed to the average values during the twentieth century – has increased by 0.68 °C. This average temperature increase, driven chiefly by human influence on the global carbon cycle as illustrated in Figure P.2 through deforestation and unrelenting emissions of greenhouse gases, captures our rationale for writing this book.

Figure P.1 Measured temperature anomalies during 2014 referring to the average values during the twentieth century, where the global average temperature in 2014 has increased [1] by 0.68 °C.

Figure P.2 CO2 variation and increase [2] during the past 800 000 years.

A 2008 paper by NASA scientist James Hansen [3] shows that the true gravity of the situation due to human, or anthropogenic, effects on the environment includes impacts on biophysical environments, biodiversity, and other natural resources. Hansen set out to determine what level of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) society should aim for “if humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted.” His climate models show that exceeding 350 parts per million (ppm) CO2 in the atmosphere would likely have catastrophic effects. We have already surpassed that limit because environmental monitoring showed concentrations of around 400 ppm in 2014. This is particularly problematic because CO2 and other greenhouse [4] gases (see Table P.1) remain in the atmosphere for a long time. Even if we shut down every fossil‐fueled power plant today, existing greenhouse gases will continue to warm the planet.

Table P.1 Greenhouse gases and their chemical formula, anthropogenic sources, atmospheric lifetime, and global warming potential (GWP) [4].

Greenhouse gas Chemical formula Anthropogenic sources Atmospheric lifetime [1](years) GWP [2] (100‐year time horizon)
Carbon dioxide CO2 Fossil fuel combustion, land‐use conversion, cement production ~100 [1] 1
Methane CH4 Fossil fuels, rice paddies, waste dumps 12 [1] 25
Nitrous oxide N2O Fertilizer, industrial processes, combustion 114 [1] 298
Tropospheric ozone O3 Fossil fuel combustion, industrial emissions, chemical solvents Hours‐days NA
CFC‐12 CCL2F2 Liquid coolants, foams 100 10 900
HCFC‐22 CCl2F2 Refrigerants 12 1 810
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 Dielectric fluid 3 200 22 800

The climate conundrum [5] is best illustrated in Figure P.3, which shows two sharply divergent pathways for CO2 emissions: “business as usual” and the “best‐case scenario” of CO2 emissions in billions of metric tons. Figure P.4 depicts the CO2 accumulations in the atmosphere for “business as usual,” “best‐case scenario,” “Hansen model,” and “safety threshold” scenarios. Achieving the deep cuts in carbon emissions required to step down from the business‐as‐usual trajectory to one with increased probability of climate stability is a monumental task. Fossil fuels and extractive industries are currently deeply interconnected with Western lifestyles, infrastructure, and typical economic development pathways. Making the leap will require political commitment to pricing carbon, continued innovation in low‐carbon energy and storage, and the imagination and flexibility to envision – and bring about – a more resilient future.

Figure P.3 Possible emissions pathways [5], billions of metric tons of CO2.

Figure P.4 Divergent scenarios [5] for atmospheric CO2 in parts per million (ppm).

Introduction to Energy, Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering

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