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2.2.5 Power


According to Newton’s theorem, it is possible to expand the nth power (with n integer) of a sum of (real) terms, x and y, via a sum of a finite number of products of integer powers of x and y, with exponents adding up to n in every case; more specifically,


Equation (2.236) is also known as binomial formula, or binomial identity – and x and y may represent numbers, or instead functions. The first description of the above formula in its entirety, for nonnegative integer n, was due to Blaise Pascal – a French physicist, mathematician, and philosopher who lived in the seventeenth century; while Greek mathematician Euclid referred to its second order form in the fourth century BCE, and Indian mathematician Pingala mentioned higher orders one century later. However, it was Isaac Newton – who extended it to every real exponent in 1665, that has received credit for such a relationship thereafter.

The simplest case pertains indeed to n = 2, and accordingly reads


– being also known as another notable case of multiplication; for positive values of x and y, this can be graphically illustrated as in Fig. 2.9. The area (x + y)2 of the larger square of side x + y may indeed be obtained via addition of the area of two smaller squares of sides x and y, i.e. x2 and y2, respectively, to the area xy of each of two rectangles of sides x and y.

Figure 2.9 Geometric demonstration of Newton’s binomial formula at two dimensions – resorting to squares of side x and area x2, side y and area y2, and side x + y and area (x + y)2, complemented with two rectangles of sides x and y and area xy.

If y is replaced by −y, then Eq. (2.237) gives rise to


– also known as another notable case of multiplication; however, a simple geometrical interpretation is no longer possible (due to the negative term). A similar proof may be constructed in three dimensions, corresponding to the volume (x + y)3 of a cube of side x + y; it may indeed be decomposed as


i.e. the sum of volume x2 y of each of three parallelipipeds of sides x, x, and y, to the volume xy2 of each of three parallelipipeds of sides x, y, and y, and finally to the volume y3 of a cube of side y – besides being directly obtainable from Eq. (2.236) after setting n = 3.

The binomial coefficients in Eq. (2.236), of the form , count in how many ways one can pick up a subset with k elements out from a set of n elements in total; in mathematical terms, this is equivalent to writing


and supports the entries of Pascal’s triangle – denoted as Table 2.1. Careful inspection of this table indicates that the outermost values are always unity, whereas every two consecutive numbers in a given row add up to the value placed in between at the next row. In fact, Eq. (2.240) allows one to write


where factoring n! coupled with elimination of inner parenthesis give rise to


the factorials in denominator may, in turn, be rewritten as


based on their definition, thus allowing further factoring out of (k − 1)! and (nk)! as


Upon lumping the two factors still in parenthesis, Eq. (2.244) becomes


that degenerates to


the outstanding factors may, in turn, be lumped with the existing factorials to yield


– equivalent, in view of Eq. (2.240), to


thus confirming the initial suggestion and being frequently known as Pascal’s rule.

Table 2.1 Pascal’s triangle encompassing coefficients of power of binomial, , for the first values of n – and, in each case, for k = 0, 1, …, n − 1, n.

0 1
1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 3 1
4 1 4 6 4 1
5 1 5 10 10 5 1
6 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
7 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
8 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
9 1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
10 1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1

In order to exactly prove Eq. (2.236), one should start by realizing that


arises when one sets n = 0; definition of power of nil exponent and summation, as well as lead to


that entails a universal condition. Suppose now that Eq. (2.236) is valid for a given n; its left‐hand side would then read


for n + 1, where power splitting and application of the distributive property meanwhile took place; insertion of Eq. (2.236) leads to


since it applies to (x + y)n by hypothesis. After factoring x and y, Eq. (2.252) becomes


where the last term of the first summation and the first term of the second summation may to advantage be made explicit as


Equation (2.254) may take the simpler form


because y0 = x0 = 1 and . Replacement of the counting variable k + 1 in the first summation of Eq. (2.255) by k permits transformation to


in view of the similarity of lower and upper limits for the two summations, one may lump them to get


– where xk yn+1−k may, in turn, be factored out as


Equation (2.248) may now be invoked to reformulate Eq. (2.258) to


while the first and last terms may be rewritten to get


association of such terms to the outstanding summation is then fully justified, viz.


If Eq. (2.261) is rephrased as


then it becomes clear that Eq. (2.236) will be valid for n + 1 if it is already valid for n; further validity of Eq. (2.236), for the trivial case of n = 0 as per Eqs. (2.249) and (2.250), then suffices to support validity of Eq. (2.236) in general, as per finite induction.

Equation (2.236) obviously applies when a difference rather than a sum is at stake – as already perceived with Eq. (2.238); just replace y by −y, and then apply Newton’s binomial formula to x and −y, according to


– where the minus sign is often taken out to yield


at the expense of (1)k = (1)−k .

As mentioned previously, Newton generalized the binomial theorem so as to encompass real exponents other than nonnegative integers – and eventually came forward with


where the generalized (binomial) coefficient should then read


en lieu of Eq. (2.240); Pochhammer’s symbol, ((r))k, stands here for a falling factorial, i.e.


with ((r))0 set equal to unity by convention – which, if r > k − 1 is an integer, may be reformulated to


following multiplication and division by (r−k)(r − (k + 1))⋯1. For instance, Eqs. (2.265)(2.267) give rise to


where k → ∞∞ because r = 1/2; Eq. (2.269) degenerates to


or else


following straightforward algebraic manipulation and condensation afterward. If r is instead set equal to 1 and y set equal to 1, then Eq. (2.265) gives rise to


– where algebraic rearrangement supports dramatic simplification to


the right‐hand side is but a geometric series of first term equal to 1 and ratio between consecutive terms equal to −x, so one may retrieve Eq. (2.93) to write


since when ∣x ∣ < 1 – also consistent with (x + 1)−1 representing the reciprocal of x + 1 in the first place, as obtained by long division of 1 by 1 + x following the algorithm depicted in Fig. 2.8. One also finds that


after replacement of x in Eq. (2.265) by its negative, y by 1, and exponent r by a general negative number −z; Eq. (2.275) eventually yields


If a rising factorial, (z)k, is defined as


with evolution opposite to that entailed by Eq. (2.267), one may condense Eq. (2.276) to


In the case of a trinomial, its square may be calculated via


in agreement with Eq. (2.237) applied to x1 + x2 and x3, rather than x and y; a second application of said formula to (x1 + x2)2 generates


that may be rearranged to read


upon elimination of parenthesis. The above reasoning may be applied to any (integer) exponent n, and to any number m of terms of polynomial x1 + x2 ++ xm; the generalized formula looks indeed like


where the summation in the right‐hand side is taken over all sequences of (nonnegative) integer indices k1 through km, such that the sum of all ki ’s is n. The multinomial coefficients are given by


– and count the number of different ways an n‐element set can be partitioned into disjoint subsets of sizes k1, k2, , km . For the example above, one would have been led to


after setting m = 3 and n = 2 in Eq. (2.282), while Eq. (2.283) would yield


the possibilities of integer values for (k1,k2,k3) satisfying the condition placed at the bottom of the summation in Eq. (2.284) encompass (2,0,0), (0,2,0), (0,0,2), (1,1,0), (1,0,1), and (0,1,1) – so Eq. (2.284) becomes


with the aid of Eq. (2.285). After realizing that 0! = 1, 2!/2! = 1, and 2!/1! = 2 – besides – one eventually retrieves Eq. (2.281), using Eq. (2.286) as departure point.

Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance

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