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ANT: Close, near.


KEY: Awe.

SYN: Fear, dread, veneration, reverence.

ANT: Fearlessness, contempt, disrespect, familiarity, irreverence.


KEY: Awful.

SYN: Fearful, direful, appalling, terrible, alarming, dreadful, horrible, solemn, portentous, horrific.

ANT: Inocuous, informidable, unimposing, unastonishing, commonplace, unnoticeable, unalarming, alluring.


KEY: Awhile.

SYN: Briefly, little.

ANT: Ever, always, forever, ever, more.


KEY: Awkward.

SYN: Ungainly, clownish, clumsy, maladroit, unhandy, uncouth, rough, boorish, bungling, gawky.

ANT: Neat, clever, dexterous, skilful, adroit, handy.


KEY: Awry.

SYN: Crooked, aslant, askew, atwist, bent, carved, distorted, twisted, wrong.

ANT: Right, straight, true, direct.


KEY: Axiom.

SYN: {Self-evident_truth}, aphorism, truism, apophthegm, maxim.

ANT: Nonsense, absurdity, soliloquy, absurdness.


KEY: Azure_\a.\.

SYN: Blue, cerulean, sky blue, bluish, blue-colored.

ANT: Orange, ochreous, orange-colored, orange-flame.


KEY: [See BABBLE]. \v.\.

SYN: Prate, prattle, dribble, chatter, gabble, twaddle, blab, cackle.

ANT: Enunciate, vociferate, hush, suppress.


KEY: Babbler.

SYN: Blab, chatterbox, gossip, tattler, telltale.

ANT: Confident, confessor.


KEY: Babbling.

SYN: Prating, blabbing, talkativeness, tattling, cackling, gossip, loquacity, garrulity.

ANT: Reticence, reserve, secretiveness, closeness, refrain, incommunicativeness, taciturnity.


KEY: Babel.

SYN: Hubbub, confusion, clamor, jargon, din, discord, clang.

ANT: Elocution, articulation, monotony, distinctness, consecutiveness, intonation, enunciation, unisonousness.


KEY: Backbiter.

SYN: Detractor, traducer, calumniator, slanderer, cynic, maligner, defamer.

ANT: Vindicator, upholder, palliator, advocate, mitigator, defender, befriender.


KEY: Backslider.

SYN: Renegade, abjurer, recreant, apostate.

ANT: Professor, confessor, adherent, zealot, bigot.


KEY: Backsliding, [See BACKSLIDER].


KEY: Backwardness.

SYN: Reluctance, slowness, shyness, hesitation, unwillingness, repugnance.

ANT: Forwardness, readiness, willingness, promptitude, alacrity.


KEY: Backward, [See BACKWARDNESS].


KEY: Bad, [See GOOD].


KEY: Bailie.

SYN: Frustrate, counteract, {[eBtop]?}, disconcert, elude, mock, thwart, confound, defeat, perplex, restrain, upset, foil, mar, balk, neutralize, dodge, counterfoil.

ANT: Point, aid, abet, enforce, promote, assist, advance, encourage.


KEY: Bait.

SYN: Morsel, snare, decoy, enticement, allurement, inducement.

ANT: Warning, scarecrow, dissuasive, deterrent, prohibition, intimidation, threat.


KEY: Balance.

SYN: Weigh, poise, pit, et, counterpoise, counteract, neutralize, equalize, estimate, redress, adjust.

ANT: Upset, tilt, cant, subvert, mispoise, overbalance.


KEY: Balderdash.

SYN: Gasconade, flummery, rhodomontade, bombast, fustian, froth.

ANT: Sense, wisdom, logic, reason, sobriety, truthfulness.


KEY: Balk.

SYN: Estop, bar, thwart, frustrate, foil, stop, prevent, hinder, neutralize, nullify, mar, counteract, disappoint, defeat, baffle.

ANT: Aid, abet, promote, advance, encourage, instigate.


KEY: Balmy, [See AROMATIC].


KEY: Bandy.

SYN: Interchange, exchange, reciprocate, cross, pass.

ANT: Quash, silence, drop, burke, close, stifle, extinguish.


KEY: Baneful, [See PERNICIOUS].


KEY: Banish.

SYN: Expel, abandon, dispel, eject, extrude, exclude, relegate, expatriate, repudiate, disclaim.

ANT: Cherish, foster, protect, consider, encourage, locate, retain, entertain, domiciliate, domesticate, harbor.


KEY: Banishment.

SYN: Outlawry, ostracism, expatriation, expulsion, persecution.

ANT: Remaining, cherishing, fostering, retaining.


KEY: Banquet.

SYN: Feast, festivity, treat, entertainment, festival, carousal, carouse, regalement, cheer.

ANT: Fast, abstinence, starvation.


KEY: Banter.

SYN: Badinage, chaff, mockery, derision, ridicule, irony, jeering, raillery.

ANT: Discussion, discourse, argument.


KEY: Barbarous.

SYN: Rude, strange, uncivilized, brutal, cruel, ferocious, inhuman, merciless, outlandish, savage, uncouth, atrocious, flagitious, unfettered, nefarious, gross.

ANT: Polite, civilized, refined, humane, urbane.


KEY: Barely, [See HARDLY].


KEY: Bargain.

SYN: Transaction, negotiation, business, profit, speculation, higgling, gain, hawking, chaffer, haggling.

ANT: Loss, misprofit.


KEY: Barren, [See STERILE].


KEY: Base \adj.\.

SYN: Vile, dishonorable, low, sordid, ignoble, worthiest, mean, infamous, shameful, grovelling, disingenuous, disesteemed, cheap, corrupt, deep.

ANT: Lofty, exalted, refined, noble, esteemed, honored, valued, pure, correct, shrill.


KEY: Baseless, [See GROUNDLESS].


KEY: Bashful.

SYN: Modest, diffident, shy, retiring, reserved.

ANT: Bold, impudent, forward, unreserved, pert, conceited, ostentatious, egotistic.


KEY: Bask.

SYN: Luxuriate, repose, lounge, dally.

ANT: Stir, work, toil, slave, drudge, labor.


KEY: Baste.

SYN: Buffet, cudgel, pound, beat.

ANT: Soothe, tickle, caress, stroke.


KEY: Battle.

SYN: Fight, conflict, contest, combat, engagement, encounter, action.

ANT: Peace, truce, pacification, arbitrament, council, mediation.


KEY: Bauble.

SYN: Toy, trifle, plaything, knicknack, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaw.

ANT: Valuable, possession, acquisition, gera, ornament, decoration, jewel.




KEY: Bawl.

SYN: Shout, vociferate, halloo, roar, bellow.

ANT: Whisper, mutter, babble, mumble.


KEY: Bays.

SYN: Laurels, trophy, success, prize, premium, achievement, victory, triumph.

ANT: Failure, defeat, disgrace, stigma, brand.


KEY: Beach.

SYN: Shore, coast, strand, seacoast, seaboard, seashore.

ANT: Sea, ocean, deep, main.


KEY: Beaming.

SYN: Shining, gleaming, bright, radiant, beautiful, transparent, translucid.

ANT: Dull, opaque, dingy, beamless, {[wan]?}, matt.


KEY: Bear.

SYN: Carry, lift, transport, convey, maintain, uphold, suffer, undergo, support, tolerate, waft, yield, sustain, hold, harbor, entertain, fill, enact, endure, admit, produce, generate.

ANT: Drop, refuse, decline, resign, expel, eject, resist, repel, protest, resent, reject.


KEY: Bearing.

SYN: Behavior, deportment, manner, aspect, carriage, mien, demeanour, port, conduct, inclination, position, appearance, direction, course.

ANT: Misbehaviour, jurisdirection, misobservation.


KEY: Beastly, [See BRUTAL].


KEY: Beat.

SYN: Strike, pound, batter, surpass, thrash, cudgel, overcome, defeat, conquer, worst, whack, belabor, vanquish.

ANT: Defend, protect, shield, fall, shelter, surrender, stroke, caress, pat.


KEY: Beatitude.

SYN: Blessedness, bliss, beatification.

ANT: Misery, pain, suffering, punishment.


KEY: Beautiful, [See [BEAUTY_and_HANDSOME].


KEY: Beautify.

SYN: Decorate, adorn, ornament, deck.

ANT: Deform, spoil, mar, stain, deface, disfigure, befoul, soil, denude, bare, strip.


KEY: Beauty.

SYN: Loveliness, grace, fairness, seemliness, comeliness, picturesqueness, exquisiteness, adornment, embellishment.

ANT: Foulness, ugliness, deformity, hideousness, bareness, unattractiveness.


KEY: Because.

SYN: Owing, consequently, accordingly.

ANT: Irrespectively, independently, inconsequently, unconnectedly.


KEY: Beck.

SYN: Nod, sign, signal, symbol, token, indication, authority, orders, instruction, subserviency, influence, call, command, control, mandate.

ANT: Independence, insubservience.


KEY: Become.

SYN: Befit, grace, beseem, behove.

ANT: Misbeseem, misfit, misbecome, disgrace.


KEY: Becoming.

SYN: Beseeming, neat, fit, proper, decorous, comely, seemly, befitting, graceful, decent, suitable, improving.

ANT: Unbeseeming, unseemly, uncomely, unbecoming, unbefitting, ungraceful, indecent, unsuitable, {[miinoproving]?}, derogatory.


KEY: Bedaub.

SYN: Bespatter, befoul, discolor, mar, disfigure, deface, besmear, spoil, soil, stain.

ANT: Cleanse, absterge, purify, embellish, whiten, decorate, beautify.


KEY: Bedeck, [See {[DBCH&}?].


KEY: Bedizen.

SYN: Tawdry, {[betinselled]?}, gaudy, flashy, bespangled.

ANT: Adorned, robed, decorated, beautified.


KEY: Befall.

SYN: Happen, occur, betide, fall, supervene, bechance.

ANT: Miss, pass, spare, pretermit.


KEY: Befitting.

SYN: Fitting, decent, becoming, suitable, appropriate, proper, consistent, expedient, desirable.

ANT: Obligatory, compulsory, unbefitting, indecent, unbecoming, unsuitable, inappropriate, incompatible, inexpedient, improper.


KEY: Befool.

SYN: Deceive, cheat, mystify, bamboozle, ensnare, hoodwink, mislead.

ANT: Guide, enlighten, advise, undeceive, lead.


KEY: Before.

SYN: Precedently, anteriorly, antecedently.

ANT: After, afterwards, subsequently, posteriorly, later, behind.


KEY: Befriend.

SYN: Assist, countenance, support, advocate, promote, protect, defend.

ANT: Oppose, di?countenanced, withstand, thwart, decry, defame, oppress, annoy.


KEY: Beg.

SYN: Ask, request, entreat, supplicate, beseech, implore, pray, petition, crave.

ANT: Insist, exact, extort, require, demand.


KEY: Beggar.

SYN: Mendicant, petitioner, suitor, suppliant, applicant.

ANT: Exactor, extortioner.


KEY: Beggarly, Miserable, poor, stinted, wretched, niggardly, stingy, scant, illiberal.

ANT: Noble, princely, stately, prodigal, sumptuous, liberal, profuse, gorgeous, magnificent.


KEY: Beggary.

SYN: Want, penury, destitution, indigence, mendicancy.

ANT: Affluence, riches, abundance, plenty.


KEY: Begin.

SYN: Initiate, commence, prepare, start, originate, arise, inaugurate.

ANT: Achieve, complete, terminate, conclude, consummate, finish, close, end.


KEY: Beginner.

SYN: Tyro, novice, neophyte, learner, pupil.

ANT: Adept, expert, master, authority.


KEY: Beginning.

SYN: Commencement, start, origin, rise, initiation, preparation, preface, prelude, inauguration, inception, threshold, opening, source, outset, foundation.

ANT: End, close, termination, conclusion, consummation, completion.


KEY: Beguile, [See BEFOOL].


KEY: Behalf.

SYN: Side, interest, advantage, aid, bestead.



KEY: Behavior.

SYN: Conduct, bearing, demeanor, proceeding, comportment, action, manner, deportment.

ANT: Misdemeanor, misbehavior, misconduct.


KEY: Behest.

SYN: Injunction, command, instruction, mandate, commission, requirement, trust.

ANT: Option, liberty, non-interference, discretion.


KEY: Behind, [See BEFORE].


KEY: Behold.

SYN: Look, discern, regard, view, descry, look_upon, gaze, contemplate, observe, see, scan, survey.

ANT: Overlook, disregard, ignore, miss, blink, wink, connive.


KEY: Beholden.

SYN: Bound, obliged, indebted, thankful, grateful.

ANT: Unindebted, unobliged, unbound, unthankful, ungrateful.


KEY: Beholder.

SYN: Spectator, observer, bystander, witness, looker-on.



KEY: Belief.

SYN: Assent, faith, trust, credence, avowal, assurance, admission, conviction, opinion, permission, creed, reliance, concession, confidence.

ANT: Dissent, unbelief, distrust, denial, misgiving, disavowal, rejection, disbelief.


KEY: Bellicose.

SYN: Quarrelsome, pugnacious, belligerent, irascible, contentious.

ANT: Peaceful, peaceable, unquarrelsome, pacific, unwarlike, unexcitable, good-tempered, genial.


KEY: Belligerent.

SYN: Contending, engaging, fighting, opposed, adverse, rival, conflicting, antagonist, assailant, hostile.

ANT: Neutral, pacific, peaceful, nonbelligerent, appeased, reconciled.


KEY: Bellow, [See BAWL].


KEY: Belonging.

SYN: Related, connected, appertaining, cognate, congenial, obligatory, accompanying.

ANT: Unrelated, unconnected, Irrelevant, impertinent, alien, uncongenial, discretional, optional, uninvolved, unimplied, independent.


KEY: Belong_to.

SYN: Pertain_to, {appertain to}, regard, relate_to.

ANT: Not_to_belong_to, {not_to_appertain_to}, not_to_relate_to.


KEY: Beloved.

SYN: Cared_for, cherished, loved.

ANT: Hated, loathed.


KEY: Below.

SYN: Under, beneath, adown, underneath.

ANT: Above, over, aloft.


KEY: Bend.

SYN: Curve, deviate, incline, tend, swerve, diverge, mold, persuade, influence, bias, dispose, direct, lower, subordinate_to, lean, deflect, bow, condescend, yield, stoop, submit.

ANT: Proceed, continue, extend, advance, stand, stiffen, break, crush, resist.


KEY: Beneath.

SYN: Below, underneath, under, adown.

ANT: Above, over, overhead, aloft.


KEY: Benediction.

SYN: Blessing, commendation, approval, benison, gratitude, thankfulness, thanksgiving.

ANT: Curse, malediction, disapproval, censure, obloquy, execration, ingratitude.


KEY: Benefaction.

SYN: Grant, gratuity, boon, donation, aims, present, gift, endowment, bequest, favor, presentation.

ANT: Deprivation, reservation, disfavor, presumption, confiscation, disendowment.


KEY: Benefactor.

SYN: Friend, supporter, contributor, upholder, well-wisher, favorer, well-doer, patron.

ANT: Foe, opponent, disfavorer, antagonist, rival, backfriend, oppressor.


KEY: Beneficial.

SYN: Profitable, salutary, advantageous, wholesome, salubrious.

ANT: Prejudicial, noxious, hurtful, unprofitable, detrimental.


KEY: Beneficent.

SYN: Bountiful, benevolent, benignant.

ANT: Hard, uncommiserating, griping, unbeneficent, illiberal, oppressive, cruel.


KEY: Benefit.

SYN: Boon, behoof, service, utility, avail, use, good, advantage, profit, favor, blessing.

ANT: Evil, loss, disadvantage, detriment, damage, calamity, bereavement, injury, privation.


KEY: Benevolence.

SYN: Kindness, goodwill, charity, philanthropy, kindliness, kind-heartedness, benignity, beneficence, liberality.

ANT: Unkindness, harshness, barbarity, niggardliness, maleficence, malignity, illiberality, ill-will, churlishness.


KEY: Benevolent, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: Benignant, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: Benison, [See BENEDICTION].


KEY: Bent.

SYN: Inclination, angle, direction, bias, determination, disposition, intention, prepossession, propensity, predilection, turn, leaning.

ANT: Indisposition, aversion.


KEY: Bequeath.

SYN: Give, grant, leave_by_will, devise, will, bestow, impart, demise, leave_\n.\, Legacy, inheritance.

ANT: Withhold, alienate_\n.\, Disinheritance, transference, abalienation, dispossession.


KEY: Bereave.

SYN: Rob, deprive, divest, dispossess, impoverish, reduce, spoil, strip.

ANT: Replenish, compensate, reinstate, satisfy, enrich, benefit.


KEY: Bereavement.

SYN: Destitution, affliction, deprivation, loss.

ANT: Gift, blessing, donation, benefaction, compensation, reparation, restoration, reinstatement, substitution, restitution, consolation.



KEY: Bereft.

SYN: Robbed, deprived, destitute, denied, spoiled.

ANT: Endowed, enriched, compensated, consoled, possessed.


KEY: Beseech.

SYN: Entreat, pray, solicit, ask, implore, crave, request, supplicate, petition, beg.

ANT: Insist, demand, exact, intimidate, command, coerce.


KEY: Beseem.

SYN: Befit, suit, belong, appertain.

ANT: Unbeseem, disgrace.


KEY: Beseeming.

SYN: Befitting, belonging, suitable, appertaining, consistent, compatible, requisite, decent, graceful.

ANT: Unbefitting, unseemly, unsuitable, improper, indecent, ungraceful.


KEY: Bound.

SYN: Hem, surround, environ, encircle, besiege, beleaguer, embarrass.

ANT: Liberate, abandon.


KEY: Beside.

SYN: Close, near, alongside, additionally, over_and_above, together, moreover.

ANT: Separate, apart, inclusively.


KEY: Besiege.

SYN: Beset, beleaguer, sit, invest.

ANT: Abandon, {(Phrase}, {Raise_the_siege)}, Besmear, [See BEDAUB].


KEY: Besotted.

SYN: Intoxicated, steeped, stupefied, drunk, drenched, doltish, gross, prejudiced.

ANT: Sober, temperate, clear, unbiased, unprejudiced, enlightened, refined.


KEY: Bespatter.

SYN: Besprinkle, befoul, bedaub, revile, vilify, asperse.

ANT: Absterge, sponge, cleanse, purify, vindicate, defend, clear.


KEY: Bespeak.

SYN: Betoken, foreorder, forestall, provide, prearrange, indicate, evidence.

ANT: Belie, resign, countermand.


KEY: Bestead \r.\.

SYN: Convenience, serve, uphold, assist, accommodate, benefit.

ANT: Thwart, damage, incommode, oppose, injure.


KEY: Bestead \n.\.

SYN: Interest, behalf, advantage, benefit, part, side.

ANT: Injury, disadvantage, opposition, detriment, damage, Bestir, {Commonly_used_reflexively_for}, {to_stir_one's_self}, [See STIR].


KEY: Bestir \n.\, [See STIR].


KEY: Bestow.

SYN: Confer, give, present, award, accord, grant.

ANT: Withhold, withdraw, reserve, alienate, transfer, appropriate, usurp, seize.


KEY: Better, {[t>]?}.

SYN: Meliorate, improve, amend, emend, ameliorate, rectify, reform.

ANT: Make_worse.


KEY: Betide.

SYN: Befall, occur, happen.



KEY: Betimes.

SYN: Early, beforehand, preparedly, readily.

ANT: Behindhand, slowly, sluggishly, belatedly.


KEY: Betoken.

SYN: Teach, indicate, proclaim, presage, augur, portend, foreshow, signify, forebode, evidence, declare, manifest, involve, imply.

ANT: Misindicate, mislead, misdeclare, misteach, belie, mask, hide.


KEY: Betray.

SYN: Deceive, delude, dupe, circumvent, ensnare, dishonor, manifest, indicate, reveal.

ANT: Protect, preserve, guard, conserve, foster, cherish, fence, conceal, cover, suppress.


KEY: Between, Betwixt, [See AMIDST].


KEY: Bevy_\n.\.

SYN: Assembly, parterre, galaxy, constellation, nock.

ANT: Gang, crew, herd, mob.


KEY: Bewail.

SYN: Lament, deplore, rue, bemoan, sorrow, grieve, mourn_for.

ANT: Exult, hail, rejoice, welcome, greet.


KEY: Beware.

SYN: Care, refrain, consider, heed, look, fear, avoid.

ANT: Ignore, overlook, neglect, incur, brave, dare.


KEY: Bewilder.

SYN: Daze, dazzle, confound, mystify, puzzle, embarrass, astonish, perplex, confuse, mislead.

ANT: Guide, inform, lead, instruct, enlighten, edify.


KEY: Bewildered, [See CONFUSED].


KEY: Bewitch.

SYN: Enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate, entrance.

ANT: Exorcise, disillusionize, disenchant.


KEY: Beyond.

SYN: Over, further, past, more.

ANT: Here, close, near, hither, less, short.


KEY: Bias, [See BENT].


KEY: Bicker.

SYN: Wrangle, quarrel, jar, dispute, contend.

ANT: Chat, gossip, converse, agree.


KEY: Bickering.

SYN: Wrangling, disputing, contention, strife, altercation, dispute.

ANT: Conversing, chatting, agreeing.


KEY: Bid.

SYN: Tell, request, instruct, direct, order, proffer, charge, command, propose, offer.

ANT: Forbid, deter, prohibit, restrain.


KEY: Bide.

SYN: Wait, remain, tarry, stay, await, expect, anticipate, continue, bear, abide, endure.

ANT: Quit, depart, migrate, move, resist, resent, repel, abjure, protest, rebel.


KEY: Big.

SYN: Large, great, wide, huge, bulky, proud, arrogant, pompous, fat, massive, gross.

ANT: Little, small, narrow, minute, slight, lean, affable, easy, unaffected.


KEY: Bigoted.

SYN: Prejudiced, intolerant, narrow-minded, blindly_devoted, onesided, confined.

ANT: Unprejudiced, open-minded, large-minded, broad, comprehensive, liberal.


KEY: Bigotry.

SYN: Prejudice, Pharisaism, obstinacy, credulity, fanaticism, intolerance, superstition.

ANT: Liberality, charity, enlightenment, toleration, eclecticism, latitudinarianism.


KEY: Bill.

SYN: Account, reckoning, score, charges, jaw, mandible, beak.


KEY: Bind.

SYN: Fetter, engage, tie, fasten, secure, lace, twine, oblige, compel, restrict, restrain, secure.

ANT: Untie, loose, unfasten, acquit, free, liberate.


KEY: Binding.

SYN: Restrictive, obligatory, restraining, stringent, styptic, costive, astringent.

ANT: Loosening, opening, enlarging, distending.


KEY: Birth.

SYN: Parentage, extraction, nativity, family, race, origin, source, rise, lineage, nobility.

ANT: Death, extinction, plebeianism.


KEY: Bit.

SYN: Morsel, piece, fragment, part.

ANT: Mass, whole.


KEY: Biting.

SYN: Pungent, censorious, piercing, gnawing, sarcastic, sardonic, trenchant.

ANT: Pleasant, genial, soothing, complacent, flattering.


KEY: Bitter.

SYN: Harsh, sour, sharp, tart, acrimonious, sarcastic, severe, sad, afflictive, intense, stinging, pungent, acrid, cutting.

ANT: Sweet, mellow, pleasant, affable, kindly, genial, light, mitigated, trivial.


KEY: Bitterness, [See ANTIPATHY].


KEY: Blacken.

SYN: Bespatter, befoul, bedaub, defame, decry, calumniate, dishonor, asperse, traduce, vilify, slander, malign.

ANT: Vindicate, clear, eulogize.


KEY: Blackguard.

SYN: Scoundrel, rascal, rapscallion, blackleg, villain.

ANT: Gentleman.


KEY: Blame.

SYN: Censure, chide, rebuke, reproach, vituperate, dispraise, disapprove, condemn, reprehend, reprobate, reprove.

ANT: Acquit, exculpate, exonerate, encourage, praise, approve.


KEY: Blamable, [See BLAMELESS].


KEY: Blameless.

SYN: Pure, innocent, irresponsible.

ANT: Criminated, implicated, answerable, blameworthy, faulty, guilty, blamable.


KEY: Blanch.

SYN: Bleach, whiten.

ANT: Darken, color, obfuscate.


KEY: Bland.

SYN: Soft, mild, gentle, complaisant, courteous, affable, gracious, tender, benign.

ANT: Harsh, abrupt, rough.


KEY: Blandiloquence.

SYN: Glossiness, blarney, humbug, flattery, speciousness, adulation.

ANT: Bluntness, roughness, abruptness.


KEY: Blandishment.

SYN: Coaxing, flattery, wheedling, fawning, cajolery.

ANT: Roughness, bluntness, unmannerliness.


KEY: Blank.

SYN: Bleak, bare, utter, unmitigated, broad.

ANT: Modified, qualified, mitigated.


KEY: Blasphemy.

SYN: Swearing, profaneness, impiety.

ANT: Reverence, veneration, godliness.


A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning

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