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KEY: Blast \v.\.

SYN: Blight, shrivel, destroy, wither.

ANT: Restore, expand, swell.


KEY: Blast \n.\.

SYN: Breeze, efflation, explosion, blight, burst, blaze, frustration, destruction, squall, gale, tempest, hurricane, affiliation.

ANT: Zephyr, gentle_breeze, neutralization.


KEY: Blatant.

SYN: Noisy, bellowing, vociferous, clamorous, braying.

ANT: Quiet, low-toned, gentle.


KEY: Blaze, [See BLAST].


KEY: Blazon.

SYN: Notify, signalize, publicate, adventure, circulate, propagate, disseminate.

ANT: Cover, conceal, hide, suppress, hush, palliate, shroud, bury.


KEY: Bleach.

SYN: Whiten, blanch.

ANT: Darken, blacken, soil, [See BLANCH].


KEY: Bleak.

SYN: Blank, bare, open, cold, exposed, stormy, nipping.

ANT: Warm, sheltered, verdant, luxuriant, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic.


KEY: Blemish.

SYN: Spot, blur, blot, flaw, speck, fault, imperfection, stain, daub, tarnish, defacement, discoloration, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, defect.

ANT: Purity, unsulliedness, honor, intactness.


KEY: Blench.

SYN: Start, shy, shudder, recoil, shrink.

ANT: Encounter, dare, venture, face, stand.


KEY: Blend.

SYN: Mix, harmonize, unite, combine, fuse, merge, amalgamate, mingle, commingle, coalesce.

ANT: Run, separate, divide, dissociate, confound.


KEY: Bless.

SYN: Felicitate, endow, enrich, gladden, rejoice, cheer, thank.

ANT: Deprive, sadden, impoverish, ignore, curse, anathematize.


KEY: Blessedness, [See JOY].


KEY: Blessing.

SYN: Felicitation, benediction, endowment, donation, gift, gratitude, thankfulness, thanks, benefit.

ANT: Impoverishment, deprivation, bereavement, malediction, thanklessness, obliviousness, catastrophe, disaster, calamity, detriment, curse, damn.


KEY: Blight, [See BLAST].


KEY: Blind.

SYN: Sightless, unseeing, eyeless, depraved, undiscerning, ignorant, prejudiced, uninformed, unconscious, unaware.

ANT: Farsighted, penetrating, sensitive, keen, discriminating, clearsighted, pure-minded, aware, conscious.


KEY: Blink.

SYN: Wink, ignore, connive, overlook.

ANT: Notice, visit, note, mark.


KEY: Bliss.

SYN: Blessedness, joy, ecstasy, rapture.

ANT: Condemnation, accursedness, suffering, misery, woe.


KEY: Blithe.

SYN: Light, merry, joyous, happy, bright, elastic, gladsome, bonny, vivacious, lively, cheerful, blithesome, gay.

ANT: Heavy, dull, dejected, sullen.


KEY: Block.

SYN: Stop, arrest, fill, obstruct.

ANT: Free, liberate, open, pave.


KEY: Blockhead.

SYN: Dolt, dunderhead, jolterhead, dunce, ninny, numskull, dullard, simpleton, booby, loggerhead, ignoramus.

ANT: Sage, adept, luminary, schoolman, philosopher, savant.


KEY: Bloodshed.

SYN: Slaughter, massacre, carnage, butchery.


KEY: Bloodthirsty.

SYN: Gory, bloody, murderous, inhuman, cruel, ruthless, savage.

ANT: Humane, kind, merciful.


KEY: Bloom.

SYN: Blossom, bud, flower, sprout, germinate, beauty, freshness, delicacy.

ANT: Decay, decadence, coarseness, blight, blast, harshness, roughness, toughness, superannuation, cadaverousness, ghastliness.


KEY: Blooming.

SYN: Flourishing, fair, flowering, blossoming, young, beautiful.

ANT: Fading, waning, blighted, old, blasted, paralyzed, superannuated, unsightly, deformed.


KEY: Blot_\v.\.

SYN: Obscure, tarnish, spoil, sully, spot, discolor, pollute, obliterate, erase, blur, stain, blotch, smear, smutch.

ANT: Elucidate, clear, absterge, perpetuate, cleanse, manifest, conserve.


KEY: Blot_out.

SYN: Erase, efface, cancel, expunge, wipe_out, obliterate, destroy.

ANT: Restore, replace.


KEY: Blotch, [See BLOT].


KEY: Blow.

SYN: Puff, blast, breath, stroke, infliction, wound, disappointment, affliction, knock, shock, calamity, misfortune.

ANT: Assuagement, consolation, relief, comfort, blessing, sparing.


KEY: Bluff.

SYN: Bare, open, bold, abrupt, frank, plain-spoken, blunt, surly, rude, blustering, swaggering, brusque, hectoring, coarse, discourteous, rough, bullying.

ANT: Undulating, inclined, inabrupt, courteous, polished, reserved.


KEY: Blunder.

SYN: Error, mistake, misunderstanding, fault, oversight, inaccuracy, delusion, slip.

ANT: Accuracy, truthfulness, exactness, correctness, faultlessness, ratification, atonement, foresight, prevention, hit, success, achievement, correction.


KEY: Blunt \a.\.

SYN: Dull, obtuse, pointless, edgeless, insensitive, bluff, coarse, impolite, plain-mannered, uncivil, rude.

ANT: Sharp, keen, pointed, acute, aculeated, sensitive, polished, bland, eloquent, courteous, reserved.


KEY: Blunt, {[i']?}.

SYN: To_subdue, repress, tranquilize, discourage, ossify, numb, harden.

ANT: Quicken, sharpen, instigate, suscitate, stimulate, animate, excite, vitalize.


KEY: Blur, {[See ~]?}.


KEY: {[Jtluxli]?}.

SYN: Bloom, color, carnation, complexion, aspect, shame, confusion, guiltiness, self-reproach.

ANT: Innocence, purity, guiltlessness, unconsciousness, boldness, effrontery.


KEY: Bluster.

SYN: Storm, rage, puff, insult, blow, swagger, fume, brag.

ANT: [See BRAG].


KEY: Blustering, [See BLUFF].


KEY: See_BOI_{[SJ\r\]?}.

SYN: Vaunt, brag, swagger, swell, bluster, vapor, triumph, glory.

ANT: [See BRAG].


KEY: Boasting, [See OSTENTATION].


KEY: Bode.

SYN: Foretell, betoken, foreshadow, presage, predict, prophesy, promise, forebode, herald, announce, prognosticate, portend, augur.

ANT: Relate, record, narrate, remember.


KEY: Bodily.

SYN: Collectively, wholly, summarily, unitedly, compactedly, together, corporeal, fleshy, material, physical.

ANT: Piecemeal, partially, ghostly, fragmentarily, gradually, spiritual.


KEY: Body.

SYN: Substance, mass, whole, substantiality, collectiveness, assemblage, collection, matter, association, organization.

ANT: Spirit, soul, individual.


KEY: Boggle.

SYN: Halt, hesitate, dubitate, falter, blunder, blotch, botch, spoil, mar.

ANT: Encounter, face, advance, refine, clear, work, perfect, complete, beautify.


KEY: Boll.

SYN: bubble, effervesce, rage, explode, fume.

ANT: Calm, subside, recover, cool.


KEY: Boisterous.

SYN: Loud, violent, unrestrained, tempestuous, stormy, uncontrolled, intemperate.

ANT: Peaceful, calm, serene, selfpossessed.


KEY: Bold.

SYN: Courageous, fearless, adventurous, brave, self-confident, forward, intrepid, dauntless, valiant, daring, [See {[aiv-laric in-}?], lion-hearted, doughty.

ANT: Timid, fearful, inadventurous, shy, bashful, retiring.


KEY: Bolster.

SYN: Support, prop, help, {[id]?}, sustain, subsidize, patch, tinker, buoy.

ANT: Depress, dispirit, relax.


KEY: Bombast.

SYN: Rhodomontade, braggadocio, gasconade, bluster, inflatedness, pomposity, exaggerativeness, fustian.

ANT: Truthfulness, moderation, refrain, veracity, modesty, temperateness, humility.


KEY: Bombastic, [See OSTENTATION].


KEY: Bond.

SYN: Tie, fastening, chain, association, manacle, fetter, compact, obligation, security.

ANT: Freedom, option, discretion, honor, parole.


KEY: Bondage.

SYN: Servitude, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, subjection, serfdom, thraldom, captivity, slavery.

ANT: Freedom, liberty, independence, manumission, liberation.


KEY: Bondsman.

SYN: Slave, serf, prisoner, captive, vassal.

ANT: Freeman, yeoman, gentleman, lord, master.


KEY: Bonny.

SYN: Fair, pretty, pleasant, lively, cheerful, shapely, buxom.

ANT: Dull, unseemly, ill-favored, deformed.


KEY: Bonus.

SYN: Premium, douceur, boon, benefit.

ANT: Fine, penalty, mulct, amercement, discount.


KEY: Booby.

SYN: Idiot, dunce, numskull.

ANT: Wiseacre, solon, oracle.


KEY: booklist.

SYN: Studious, erudite, pedantic, learned.

ANT: Unbookish, unstudious, inerudite, unlearned, ignorant, uneducated.


KEY: Boorish, [See CLOWNISH].


KEY: Bootless.

SYN: Useless, profitless, unavailing, abortive.

ANT: Useful, profitable, availing, effective, effectual.


KEY: Booty.

SYN: Plunder, blackmail, loot, spoils, prey, pillage.

ANT: Restitution, fine, confiscation, forfeiture, amercement, penalty.


KEY: Border.

SYN: Limit, boundary, brink, rim, verge, brim, edge, edging, band, hem, enclosure, confine.

ANT: Land, tract, interior, substance, space, centre.


KEY: Border_on.

SYN: {Be_contiguous_to}, {be_adjacent_to}, {conterminous_with}, adjoin, adjacent to.

ANT: Remote_from, away_from.


KEY: Bore.

SYN: Perforate, pierce, weary, penetrate.

ANT: Please, gratify, delight.


KEY: Bottom.

SYN: Breast, hollow, valley, deep, bed, centre, heart, mind, soul, will.

ANT: Surface, exterior, manner, deportment, demeanor.


KEY: Botch.

SYN: Patch, cobble, blunder, clump, disconcert, spoil, jumble, mess, bungle, mar, blacksmith.

ANT: Fine-draw, trim, harmonize, mend, beautify, embroider, manipulate, handle, manage.


KEY: Both.

SYN: Twain.

ANT: Neither.


KEY: Bother.

SYN: Fuse, worry, pester, excitement, stir, plague, vex, annoy, tease, confusion, vexation, flurry, trouble.

ANT: Calm, composure, orderliness, peace, quiet.


KEY: Bottom.

SYN: Deep, profound, floor, groundwork, depth, ground, foot.

ANT: Top, summit, apex, crown, brow, surface.


KEY: Bound \n.\.

SYN: Limit, boundary, inclosure, confine, border.



KEY: BOUND_\v.\.

SYN: Confine, limit, circumscribe, terminate, restrict, restrain.

ANT: Enlarge, open, extend, spread_out.


KEY: Bound \r.\.

SYN: To_leap, jump, frisk, spring, skip.

ANT: Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, shamble.


KEY: Boundary, [See BOUND].


KEY: Boundless.

SYN: Unbounded, immeasurable, infinite, unlimited, illimitable, unmeasurable.

ANT: Narrow, restricted, limited, confined, circumscribed.


KEY: Bountiful, [See LIBERAL].


KEY: Bounty.

SYN: Liberality, bounteousness, benevolence, munificence, donation, gift, generosity, charity, benignity.

ANT: Illiberality, closeness, hardy, {[ess]?}, churlishness, stinginess, niggardliness.


KEY: Bower.

SYN: Shady_recess, arbor, retreat, alcove.

ANT: Open_place.


KEY: Brae.

SYN: Boast, vaunt, swagger, bully.

ANT: Cringe, whine, whimper.


KEY: Braggart, {[Biuo]?}.


KEY: Braid.

SYN: Bind, tie, weave, plait.

ANT: Unbind, dishevel.


KEY: Branch.

SYN: Member, bifurcation, bough, limb, offspring, shoot, spray, sprig, twig, ramification, offshoot, relative, scion.

ANT: Trunk, stock, stem, race, family, house.


KEY: Brand \v.\.

SYN: denounce, stigmatize, disgrace, mark.

ANT: Distinguish, honor, decorate.


KEY: Brand, {[mlj]?}.

SYN: Disgrace, stigma, infamy, mark.

ANT: Decoration, badge, distinction, honor.


KEY: Brandish.

SYN: Flourish, fence, agitate, wield, whisk, shake, wave.

ANT: Stay, arrest, suspend.


KEY: Bravado.

SYN: Boasting, bragging, vaunting, bluster.



KEY: Brave, [See GALLANT].


KEY: Brawl.

SYN: Wrangle, broil, scold, roar, shout, vociferate.

ANT: Whisper, softness, mellowness, melodiousness, intonation.


KEY: Brawny.

SYN: Muscular, powerful, strong, athletic, sinewy, herculean, robust, stout.

ANT: Lean, weak, fragile, delicate, effeminate, feeble.


KEY: Bray.

SYN: Pound, bruise, beat, pulverize.

ANT: Compact, compound, amalgamate, conglomerate.


KEY: Breach.

SYN: Rupture, divulsion, gap, quarrel, violation, nonperformance.

ANT: Integrity, conservation, healing, reconciliation, inviolateness, fulfillment.


KEY: Break.

SYN: Fracture, rupture, shatter, shiver, destroy, tame, curb, demolish, tear_asunder, rend, burst, sever, smash, split, subdue, violate, infringe.

ANT: Heal, piece, conjoin, protect, conserve, encourage, rally, observe, obey.


KEY: Breast, [See BOSOM].


KEY: Breath.

SYN: [See {[K % {[>—pi rit ion}?], inspiration, expiration, inhalation, exhalation, Met, Life.

ANT: To_latter, Cessation, passing, departure, perishing, dying, death.


KEY: Breathe, [See BREATH].


KEY: Breathless.

SYN: Exhausted, eager, absorbed, fascinated, attentive, bewildered, astounded.

ANT: Cool, calm, collected, unexcited, fresh, indifferent, inattentive, unastonished.


KEY: Dreed_\v.\.

SYN: Generate, procreate, engender, propagate, produce, beget, hatch, nourish, train, instruct, evolve, cause.

ANT: Destroy, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, stifle.


KEY: Dreed \n.\, [See LINEAGE].


KEY: Breeding.

SYN: Nurture, education, training, discipline, instruction, manners, air, demeanor, decorum.

ANT: ill-manners, ill-training, illbehavior, ignorance.


KEY: Brevity.

SYN: Shortness, closeness, conciseness, succinctness, terseness, compendiousness, pointedness, abbreviation, abridgment.

ANT: Length, protraction, elongation, extension, prolixity, diffusiveness, [See IDENTITY], tediousness.


KEY: Drew.

SYN: Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, prepare, season, threaten, impend, increase, collect, form, gather, grow.

ANT: Pass, disperse, break, spoil, miscompound, mar.


KEY: Bridle.

SYN: Curb, restrain, govern, control, master, moderate, compress.

ANT: Loosen, liberate, relax, vent, discharge.


KEY: Brief, [See SHORT].


KEY: Bright.

SYN: Shining, brilliant, burnished, luminous, lucid, sparkling, limpid, clever, happy, witty, joyous, cheerful, radiant.

ANT: Opaque, dull, dead, muddy, stupid, slow, sullen, dejected, cheerless, joyless, imbecile.


KEY: Brilliant.

SYN: Flashing, radiant, shining, lustrous, glorious, luminous, effulgent, beaming, sparkling.



KEY: Bring.

SYN: Fetch, procure, convey, carry, bear, adduce, import, produce, cause, induce.

ANT: Export, remove, abstract, subtract, prevent, exclude, debar, transport.


KEY: {[Mrink]?}.

SYN: Quick, lively, vivacious, active, alert, nimble, sprightly, spirited, animated, prompt, effervescent.

ANT: Slow, heavy, dull, inactive, [See in-^k)lent], sluggish, unenergetic, stagnant.


KEY: Bristling.

SYN: Full, stocked, multitudinous, crowded, swarming, multifarious.

ANT: Bare, nude, scant, devoid, vacant.


KEY: Brittle, [See FRAGILE].


KEY: Broach.

SYN: Moot, start, launch, originate, suggest, exhibit, propound.

ANT: Reserve, secrete, seal, repress, cork, bottle.


KEY: Broad.

SYN: Wide, extensive, expansive, ample, liberal, comprehensive, unreserved, indelicate, coarse, generic.

ANT: Narrow, restricted, confined, limited, bigoted, prejudiced, illiberal, narrow-minded, reserved, veiled, enigmatical, shrouded, shaded, refined, delicate, sketchy, specific, pointed.


KEY: Broadcast.

SYN: Scattered_abroad, dispersed, profusely, unsparingly, indiscriminately, injudiciously, extensively.

ANT: Collectedly, concentratively, sparingly, reservedly, locally, partially, discreetly, charily.


KEY: Droll \n.\, [See {[AFFRAT]?}].


KEY: [See {[Drook % {[i'}?].

SYN: Bear, tolerate, suffer, endure, undergo, submit_to, permit.

ANT: Resist, resent, reject.


KEY: Brotherhood.

SYN: Fraternity, association, fellowship, society, sodality.


KEY: Brotherly.

SYN: Fraternal, kind, affectionate, tender.

ANT: Unkind, hard, harsh, unfraternal.


KEY: Browbeat.

SYN: Intimidate, bully, overbear, cow, overawe, boycott, bulldoze.

ANT: Encourage, rally, countenance, support.


KEY: Bruise \v.\, [See BREAK].


KEY: Brunt.

SYN: Impulse, attack, aggression, onslaught, onset, assault, shock.

ANT: Resistance, endurance, repulsion.


KEY: Brutal.

SYN: Savage, inhuman, rude, unfeeling, merciless, ruthless, brutish, barbarous, sensual, beastly, ignorant, stolid, dense, cruel, violent, vindictive, bloodthirsty, intemperate.

ANT: Humane, civilized, generous, intelligent, polished, chivalrous, conscientious, self-controlled.


KEY: Brutish, [See BRUTAL].


KEY: Bubble.

SYN: Trifle, toy, fancy, conceit, vision, dream, froth, trash.

ANT: Acquisition, prize, treasury_reality, substance, verity, jewel, good, advantage.


KEY: Bud_\r.\.

SYN: Sprout, blossom, bloom, germinate.


KEY: Buffoon.

SYN: Wag, clown, jester.

ANT: Wit, genius, philosopher, pedant, visionary, dissembler, prig, enthusiast, hypocrite.


KEY: Bugbear.

SYN: Hobgoblin, goblin, gorgon, ghoul, spirit, spook, specter, ogre, scarecrow.



KEY: Build, [See CONSTRUCT].


KEY: Building.

SYN: Edifice, architecture, construction, erection, fabric, structure.

ANT: Ruin, dilapidation, dismantlement, demolition.


KEY: Builder, [See BUILDING].


KEY: Bulk.

SYN: Mass, whole, entirety, integrity, majority, size, magnitude, extension, body, volume, bigness, largeness, massiveness, dimension.

ANT: Tenuity, minority, dismemberment, disintegration, diminution, portion, contraction, section, atom, particle.


KEY: Bulk, [See SIZE].


KEY: Bulky.

SYN: Huge, unwieldy, heavy, large, ample, ponderous, burly, cumbrous, gigantic, brawny, massive.

ANT: Small, light, slight, airy, thin, delicate, nimble, attenuated, slender, sylphlike, puny, tiny.


KEY: Bully.

SYN: swashbuckler, swaggerer, braggadocio.



KEY: Bullying, [See BLUSTERING].


KEY: Bulwark.

SYN: Rampart, fortress, fortification, palladium, citadel, intrenchment, stronghold, parapet, bastion.

ANT: Storming, siege, investment, bombardment, cannonade, boarding.


KEY: Bungler.

SYN: Botcher, clown, lubber, fumbler, novice.

ANT: Adept, adroit, master, artist, workman, proficient, professor.


KEY: Buoy.

SYN: Float, support, sustain, elevate, elate, assure, animate, cheer, inspire.

ANT: Sink, drown, depress, swamp, overcome, deject, crush, fail, betray.


KEY: Buoyant.

SYN: Sprightly, spirited, vivacious, lively, light, floating, hopeful, cheerful, elastic, [See JOY].

ANT: Heavy, depressed, cheerless, joyless, dejected, moody, desponding.


KEY: Burdon_\v.\, [See LOAD].


KEY: Burden \n.\.

SYN: Load, weight, Incubus, obstruction, oppression, grief, difficulty, affliction.

ANT: Ease, lightness, airiness, expedition, facility, acceleration, abjugation, liberation, lightheartedness, alleviation, assuagement, mitigation, consolation, disburdenment.




KEY: Burial.

SYN: Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment.

ANT: Exhumation, disinterment.


KEY: Burke.

SYN: Stifle, shelve, strangle, smother.

ANT: Enucleate, propound, promulge, publicate, promote, foster, reanimate, eliminate, ventilate, bruit, suscitate.


KEY: Burlesque.

SYN: Parody, travesty, satire, caricature, grotesque, droll, farcical, comic, ludicrous.

ANT: Classic, pure, severe, tragic, historic, grave, truthful.


KEY: Burly, [See BULKY].


KEY: Burn.

SYN: Ignite, kindle, brand, consume, cauterize, rage, glow, smoulder, blaze, flash, cremate, incinerate.

ANT: Extinguish, stifle, cool, wane, subside, glimmer, lower, pale.


KEY: Burning, [See ARDENT].


KEY: Burnish.

SYN: Brighten, glaze, polish, gloze, gloss.

ANT: Scratch, dull, abrade, bedim, cloud, frost, matt.


KEY: Burst \v.\.

SYN: Extravasate, displode, explode, discharge, shiver, shatter, disrupt, rend, break, split.

ANT: Cohere, hold, stand.


KEY: Bury.

SYN: Inter, inhume, conceal, repress, suppress, obliterate, cancel, entomb, compose, hush.

ANT: Disinter, exhume, bruit, excavate, expose, resuscitate, publicate, aggravate.


KEY: Business.

SYN: Occupation, profession, vocation, transaction, trade, calling, office, employment, interest, duty, affair, matter, concern.

ANT: Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.


KEY: Bustle.

SYN: Business, activity, stir, commotion, energy, excitement, haste, hurry, eagerness, flurry.

ANT: Idleness, vacation, inactivity, Indolence, Indifference, unconcernedness, coolness, calm, stagnation, quiet, desertion.


KEY: Busy.

SYN: Industrious, diligent, assiduous, engaged, occupied.

ANT: Idle, slothful, lazy, indolent, unoccupied.


KEY: But.

SYN: Save, except, barring, yet, beside, excluding, still, excepting, notwithstanding.

ANT: With, including, inclusive, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.


KEY: Butchery, {[See ~]?}.


KEY: Buxom.

SYN: Bonny, blithe, shapely.

ANT: Lean, slender, ill-shaped.


KEY: Buy.

SYN: Purchase, bribe, subsidize, suborn.

ANT: Sell, vend, hawk, retail.


KEY: Buyer, [See BUY].


KEY: Cabal.

SYN: Confederacy, conspiracy, combination, coterie, gang, faction, plot, {political_intrigue}, junto, league.

ANT: Parliament, legislation, council, government, empire, synod.


KEY: Cabalistic.

SYN: Mystic, symbolical, fanciful, occult.

ANT: Patent, practical, instructive, lucid, simple.


KEY: Cabbage.

SYN: Rob, steal, filch, crib, pocket, shirk, pillage, abstract, purloin.



KEY: Cachinnation.

SYN: Grin, chuckle, giggle, snigger, titter, cackle.

ANT: Longfacedness, whine, whimper.




KEY: Cadaverous.

SYN: Pale, exsanguineous, bloodless, hueless, pallid, ghastly, ashy.

ANT: Rosy, incarnadine, sanguine, chubby, brawny.


KEY: Caducity.

SYN: Decline, infirmity, decrepitude, senility, decadence, transience, delicacy.

ANT: Vigor, youth, freshness, vitality, renovation, permanence.


KEY: Cage.

SYN: Imprison, immure, confine, incarcerate, cabin, crib.

ANT: Liberate, free, dismiss, unbar.


KEY: Caitiff.

SYN: Rascal, miscreant, rogue, churl, villain, ruffian.

ANT: Worthy, gentleman, patriot, philanthropist.


KEY: Cajole.

SYN: Tempt, lure, coat, flatter, wheedle, delude, cheat, inveigle, dupe.

ANT: Chide, rate, scold, warn.


KEY: Calamity.

SYN: Disaster, misfortune, mishap, catastrophe, misadventure, trouble, visitation, affliction, reverse, blight.

A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning

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